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Sayo was taken hostage by the so-called owner of Spa Island, Doran who told the crew that if they want the girl back, they had to find out the hidden secret of the gem. "Big sis Sayo!" Lina become completely confused, shocked and panicked while pushing against Franky's face to let her go. Minku was scratching at the spot Sayo had fallen.
"Damn it! This ship is filled with traps." Usopp stated this as the crew was looking around on guard. But there was nothing to so but look for the secret, which was why Lina had the map out in front of her where both Nami and Luna were looking at.
"We really can't understand much from this alone, after all." It had been stated because there wasn't any details about landmarks had such.
"And you said that the ship had already be searched, correct?" Luna was looking to the small girl.
"Yeah." Had been answered with a nod. "What should I do? This memo must be fake after all." Lina could only think of it as that. "Yet, big sis had been..." Luffy had then moved in front of her, smiling. "Luffy!" and the tears that she had been holding back, began to leak. "Save big sis Sayo."
"Sure." Like always, Luffy didn't hesitate in answering.
"Heh? You will?" Which was quite shocking to Lina, as she looked at the boy, eyes wide open. "Really?"
"I really want to see that gem." It had been stated, as the straw had been placed upon his head.
"Huh? Even though this gem could be a fake?" That had been asked by the girl.
"But, what do we do, Luffy?" Usopp repeated the he asked a while back.
"That's right. Shall we destroy this ship?" But there really wasn't a point in asking
"EH!?" The cowards had all screamed in shock.
"Hey, hey, is that alright?" It been asked in a panic
"What about Sayo?" Chopper had been the one to remind the captain of the hostage.
If we destroy it, we will find her, right?" But Luffy's mind didn't work the same as the others.
"And the hind about the gem?" Robin brought this up.
Destroying it would make searching easier, right?" It seemed everything was already decided in the biy's head.
"Let's hurry up and start this." Zoro was all for this plan.
"I mean, just thinking about whether something is or isn't on this island is pointless, right?" It seemed like the swordsman was on the same wavelength as the captain, like always.
"You all are seriously lacking in delicacy." Nami stated to them, arms crossed under chest.
"Nami, more than anything else, I can't stand listening to anything that artichoke mastache fool told us." Sanji was all for destroying everything as well.
"It really doesn't matter if this ship sinks, does it?" Robin asked as it was all just a sham anyway.
"I don't see why it does." Luna stated as truely didn't bother her a single bit.
"Ah, even Robin and Luna are in on it!" Nami felt betrayed by the other female members.
"It's Captain's orders after all." It seemed that the cowards were the only ones against it as Brook said that.
"Oh, so you do understand!" While Franky was restocking his cola supplies.
"Franky!" Until Luffy pulled his attention. "I'll let you take care of the Sunny." That had been said.
"I thought so." Which wasn't a surprise to the shipwright. "Super!" And he took off running in the direction of entrance leading below.
"Ah, we rarely come to such a resort." It seemed Nami was giving up.
"Alright, destroy it!" And it was in that moment that everyone had took off in different parts of the area.
"108 Pound..." Zoro was dashing around, holding his two swords horizontally above the shoulder and the other in his mouth in the same direction. "...Phoenix!" Before performing a circular swing that launches and air compressed projectiles that fused and become a larger and more powerful and headed for the main building.
"Concassé!" (Crush, French) As Sanji had leaped high into the air above a pool and starts flipping over rapidly to gain speed, then was in the water when he brought the heel of his foot down smashing through the bottom.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy had also taken to the sky, with Lina and Minku on his back, his leg stretching far behind him. "...Whip!" Before having it sent through all of the food stalls. But with all the destroying the crew was doing, a large amount to the Ship's security had come running out with guns in hand.
"Tabasco Star!" Which had been why Usopp sent a few of his made stars flying, either breaking in the enemy's face or mouths. Either way, they were burning out screaming.
"Kokutei..." Chopper in Arm Point pulled his arms back together. "...Roseo!" (Carving Hoof Cherry Blossom, Japanese) Before punching the wall to the building with such a force that his hoof leaves an imprint in it that looks like a sakura petal.
"Thunderbolts Tempo!" Nami attacked a few of the guards with her Perfect Clima-Tact. At the same time, Robin had her arms sprouting out from a group of them
"Clutch!" Before she pulled them back to snap them unconscious.
"How useless." Luna stated while a few other guards were being flown all over the place as they covered in a dark red glow, along with the tables, chairs, trees and such, destroying parts of the island.
"Three-Verse Humming..." Brook passes right through some of them. "...Arrow-Notch Slash!" And without them even realising that they had been slashed.
"Everyone is strong!" Lina was shouted from above as she watched the Strawhat's destroying the island and take down the guards with little effort.
"Return Sayo!" Luffy was destroying even more with his stretching leg. The crew were still going at it, blowing things up, smashing them, and defeating all the guards that were coming at them. It wasn't all that hard for them to do, since that was their specialty. "Hey! Hurry up and return Sayo!" Luffy was screaming as the dust was settling.
"You bastards!" But all had changed up heading Doran shouting and behind them, the spa chimney began smoking at the bottom as it began to transform into a massive cannon that was pointing over to the front of the ship.
"WHAT IS THAT!?" That was being screaming due to panic.
"It's a cannon." Luna stated calmly looking at the massive thing.
"Yeah, I can see! It wasn't a chimney?" Usopp had been shouting at her. But the sudden shrieking of a girl had everyone turn to were the cannon was pointing.
"Big sis!" Sayo was tied up on the roof in the cannon's range.
"Damn! A hostage situation?" Sanji made it sound like it hadn't been that what from the beginning. However, either way, everyone had come to as stop.
"You think you can go all out and do as you please? Don't mess around!" At the top of the cannon a cockpit had come emerging out with Doran in it. "How much do you think this Spa Island cost?" And he was extremely pissed off. Not that it was to be unexpected since this type of place would cost billions. The cannon began to move upwards before it had been demonstrated it's firepower, which shock the entire island from the after shock. Needless to say that there were some that had their jaws hit the ground with their weapons.
"That shitty bastard!"
"Sayo!" The girl was completely at the greedy owner's mercy as she appeared to be unconscious from shock.
"Big sis! Big sis Sayo!"
"I am going to send this little girl flying!" The cannon was lowered so that it was now pointing down at Sato.
"Stop it!" Lina was screaming to the man.
"Initially, I wanted to have you solve the mystery of that notebook but, forget that. I'll just take the notebook. Only after that, when I return her." He demands the notebook be handed to him unless Doran executes Sayo.
"I will give you the notebook, so return big sis Sayo!" Lina didn't care about the book or gem, just wanted her sister to be returned to her.
"Don't!" However, Sayo's voice had screamed at her. "You can't hand it over!"
"Big sis Sayo..." which had caused her younger sister to become confused.
"Lina, solve the secret of the notebook, incomplete fathers research."Desperate, she insists on Lina to complete their father's research and make the gem that would save their village.
"No! Why?"
"Believe in our father, Lina! Don't hand over his research to these guys!" She was screaming loudly. "You know that father tried to accomplish his dream, for the sake of us and the villagers."
"I beg of you. Don't lose out father's dream, for my sake."
"Thats a lie. Father was merely a selfish researcher!" But Lina refused to listen to her words. "But... But... Wasn't it always like that?" The girl was breaking into tears again. Lina thought back on how her father hasn't come home from work. "I don't know that person! He doesn't understand anything about us! He isn't thinking about us!"
"Hey, hey. This isn't the time for you siblings to be fighting." Usopp was trying to point that out to them.
"Leave them be." But Luffy stoped him. "It's their problem."
"Lina, you are wrong. Listen. Father was..." Sayo was trying to explain to her how it truly had been. It was then when Nuki began speaking, not that they could understand the sea raccoon dog.
"Nuki is saying that it is all true." All except Chopper who began to translate. "Also, the reason your father left home was to protect you to from villains he would targeting his research." Their father had left because he didn't want greedy men to take his work or to harm his family.
"No way." It still seemed hard for the little girl to believe, until she flicked all the way to the front where something as in the between the back of the front cover. It had been a pressed five-leaf clover which had been turned into a bookmark. Lina and her father once did clover-leaf hunting which had been where it came from. "That's right. I forgot. I believe it will come true." She was in tears looking at the bookmark. "It is father's dream, so it will definitely come true!"
"I decided against it! I won't hand over the notebook!" This time, Lina had completely refused to surrender the notebook to Doran.
"W-What!?" Which shocked the owner. And Luffy was getting more excited.
"Here we go!"

Battling the Demon (One piece)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin