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The next day at Galley-La Company's special suite where the others only began to wake up and before long they were sitting together eating. It was there the newspaper had been read where the Enies Lobby incident was written in. Luna read it only to see that the Franky Family and that weren't mentioned in the paper. "I don't get it. The Franky Family really wreaked up the place." Zoro couldn't quite understand after being informed by Luna about them not being mentioned along with Galley-La.
"Maybe you Grandpa? Like pulled some strings and told the government that they were just innocent bystanders?" Sanji turned to Luffy
"Nah. That's too complicated for him." Who had answered after a few seconds of silence, with his hand moving backwards and forth beside his face.
"Yeah. What Luffy said." Nami and Chopper agreed doing the same. While Robin and Luna did the same thing but remained silent. Meaning there was only one of the person who could done it: Aokiji.
"At any rate, that's a good for them. Obviously we're are criminals, but I would hate to see anyone get wrapped up in this mess." Sanji stated as he had been a bit worried for the group.
"It's a good thing you feel that way, since all they been doing is mentioning us." Luna informed him, flicking through the newspaper. "'A Declaration of War on the World Government'. They're blaming us for the island's destruction."
"I guarantee are bounties I've gotta go through the roof after this one." Zoro seemed completely excited at that fact.
"Oh! Oh my gosh, does that mean I'll finally get a bounty?" Chopper was getting all excited over the thought of that.
"Maybe. You'll probably get something. But mines gonna be the big one this time." Sanji began grinning at the thought of it. "'A bright star appears', right?" But there was someone entirely happy about this.
"What're you excited about?! This is terrible news!" Nami had the face of a demon as she snapped. Which and fighten Chopper like normal. Not long after, since he was asleep Luffy learns that Franky was building a ship for them.
"Franky's Bring us a ship and we don't even have to pay for it?" He was completely excited after hearing about it.
"Oh, right. You were asleep when he said that." Sanji had just remembered after having told Zoro about it.
"Awesome, I guess Franky's is not a joke after all! Franky's a nice guy!" Luffy was going on about.
"I can't wait to see how it turns out!" Chopper was saying.
"Good. Now we can use the real A lot of money to buy supplies for the voyage." Nami informed everyone. However, when the safe the money was in was open, she finds only a small stack of money in the safe.
"Do you think the ships gonna be big or super big?" Luffy asked the others.
"I hope this one's equipped with a weight room." Zoro said.
"As long as it has cannons, I'm happy." But the captain didn't seem all that interested saying the bigger the better. It was then when everyone notice Nami with her head stuck in the safe, trying to get out. "Wow, that's some dance." Luffy had thought looking at her shaking around.
"Huh... so that's what it is." Chopper believed to be the case.
What happened to our 100 million berries?" Nami turned around smiling with a single stake in hand.
"Oh, that? Already spent it all." Luffy had admitted straight away and Zoro slowly moved away from him. "We needed to buy lots of meats and booze for the party." Nami had a smile over her face looming at him
"Spent it?" She repeated allowing it to progress into hey brain. "You spent all of my money!?"
"Well, everyone was really hungry..." she have began screaming in frustration and hitting a self against the safe.
"How could you spend so much on food? There's hardly anything left!" She was asking hitting the money in hand.
"Of course there isn't! The whole town was partying with us and they didn't go home until morning, remember? Sure was fun, huh?" Luffy should have shut his mouth because next thing he was completely beaten up. "Since The ships free, will be fine! So no worries, right?"
"I just wanted nice furniture for the ship!" Nami what is on the ground crying asking if that was wrong.
"We can still check out the resale shops. Right, Luna?" Robin had gone over to Comfort the poor navigator.
"Whatever." Luna didn't seem all that interested but did end up agreeing in a way.
"Hey, can I have some of that money to go play with?" It appears that he had not yet learnt his lesson.
"I'd sooner take it to the grave! Your allowance is revoked!" She hit him once again.
"Yes, ma'am!" It really was hard to tell who was the captain at times like this. However, soon after the crew broke off either by themselves or in groups. Nami, Robin and Luna were walking around near the clothing stores and that. While Sanji had gone for supplies. Zoro got lost. As Luffy and Chopper were riding on a Yagara Bull around. But they were peacefully doing their own things. The girls were walking down the street looking in through the windows as they did.
"Robin! Luna! What do you think of this one?" Nami and turned to both woman looking into a clothing store window.
"It's nice! Try it on!" Robin had encouraged her to do.
"Just hurry up." While Luna didn't seem to care, which was to be expected.
"Hey! Nami! Robin! Luna!" A familiar voice had caused out to the girls, but Nami hadn't heard it. "Over here!" But both Robin and Luna had, chain for them to see who it was shouting at them loudly. Of course they already knew that it had been Luffy, and saw him on a Yagara Bull with Chopper and a young girl with a red vest and plaid yellow shorts with brown loafers. She had short brown hair with two white barrettes on her bangs.
"Hey!" Robin was happy to see them.
"Hold on. Maybe Robin can help." Luffy and that had gotten on the land and gave Robin a picture of a family and a old blue Yagara with a small bushy beard and a pair of bushy eyebrows. Both of these had gone white through aging. His most distinguishable feature was his blue dorsal fin. He also wore a blue scarf. Luffy had explained that they were looking for him and wondered she could help.
"A Yagara with a blue fin on his head, right?" She asked to make sure she got it right then said she'll see what she could do. "Ojos Fleur!" (Eye Flower, Spanish) she had use and her arm start sprouting out from the buildings all over the sea with eyes on them. Everyone that saw them was screaming in pure fear and horror.
"So, find him?" Luffy asked, not phased at all since he was used to it.
"I'm afraid not." She had informed him slightly down about it.
"It's okay. Thanks for looking. Come on, Abi. Let's go." He told her before heading back to his Yagara. But the girl was in complete shock and frozen in place, so Luffy had to grab ahold of her. "See you later, Robin! Luna!" They were about to leave but
"You know..." Luna had spoke up, causing them to stop. "Due to Nico Robin's ability, you should now know that this Yagara isn't anywhere on the streets." He and stated which was true. "So Look somewhere off the streets. Like the train station, the shipyard, scrap island, the Franky Family house, the backstreets or even under." She told them.
"Thanks!" And then they were off once again. Leaving the women to head back to Nami that was, who had brough the clothes she was looking at. And they once again continued there shopping till late in the evening.

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