The Thousand Sunny!

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With Usopp finally reconciled with the Straw Hat Pirates and had been pulled on-board their new ship. It only left with one thing and that was the attack from Vice Admiral Garp. Zoro was up top on the mast unfurl the sails as had been ordered by Franky. "Hurry up! Get down from there." He was telling the swordsman.
"That is right, get down from there!" Luffy had joined in.
"Oi, is this really alright, Franky?" Zoro had asked as it was strange to be unfurl the sails in a situation like this.
"Huh? 'Is this really already' you ask?" He repeated up to him. "You dumbass, believe in this ship!" Franky was shouting up to him.
"Yeah, believe in it, dumbass." Luffy was shouting while his arm was around Usopp shoulder
"Dumbass, Dumbass." Who had his other arm around Chopper as they were dancing together.
"Weren't you idiots crying a second ago?" Luna couldn't believe how quickly they go over that. But idiots must be blessed.
"Help out, you guys!" Zoro had gotten down only to shout at the three of them. But now all members of the crew were together on the observation deck.
"Darn, what are you guys doing at such a busy time?" Sanji sent a cannonball flying off.
"Oi, Franky. I did what you told me." Zoro stated to the shipwright. Tell him to quickly do his magic or the Marines would catch them.
"Not yet..." Franky said looking up to the main mast. "We still haven't given this ship a name." That had been stated, which was true.
"Nami? Right now?" But Sanji didn't think it was the time for that.
"Yeah. A ship without a name isn't fully complete." That was explained to the others, but the cook still didn't understand, kicking away a cannonball
"Won't any old name do?" He had asked but
"Alright, I thought of a perfect name!" Luffy's hand went up shouting. "The Black Bear Polar Bard Lion Tiger!"
"That's a horrible name for a ship!" Usopp told him slapping his head.
"Then how about the Super Wolf Lion Bear!" Which wasn't anything better the the last one.
"You're just naming off animals. Can you pick one and work from there?." And he was once again slammed.
"The Squid Octopus Chimpanzee!"
"What happened to the lion!?" Usopp had reminded him that the fact.
Uh-huh. Well, I did have a lion in mind for the design...... Though the guys at Galley-La didn't seem to get it that." Franky had started that they thought it was a sunflower. Iceburg and Franky agreed that it was suitable for the future ship of the Pirate King. Iceburg is inspired, envisioning a ship that can brightly cross a thousand seas like the Sun. He therefore suggested the name Thousand Sunny.
"Ooh, I like it!" Luffy liked the name.
"Me too! It's supper cool!" As did Chopper.
"I was thi of 'Dandelion Lion Dandy Unbearable Bear,' but this is way better!" The captain had suggested a ridiculous name again.
"Just Stop!" Which was why Usopp slapped him again.
"I kind of wanted 'Big Boss Lionel', but Thousand Sunny is pretty good, too." Zoro stated with a terrible name
"I was going to suggest 'Creature of Darkness'." And Robin's seemed to be a bit depressing.
"I was think 'Bloodstained Beast'." While Luna had suggested a gruesome one.
"I like 'Monsieur Sunflower,' personally." It appeared that the strongest fighter on the ship had terrible taste in names.
"Have all of you lost your mind?" Which Usopp was asking them in shock.
"The ship to sail 1000 and sees with a sunny smile. It's perfect, don't you think?" Robin had asked the others.
"Don't get too excited, you guys. That was just a warmup!" Franky's hand had raised up saying. "I've got a name that's gonna knock your socks off! This ship will now be known as- The New Battle Franky Lion Gang Champion!"
"I like Ice Pop's idea just fine. Let's go with that and get this ship sailing." Luffy shouted to the crew while Franky had been talking this entire time.
"Sounds good." Sanji was in agreement. "The Thousand Sunny it is!"
"Come on, guys! Lion Gang Champion, right?"
"I agree!" Nami and Usopp cheered.
"Nice to meet you, Sunny!" Chopper greeted the ship.
I thought we would have a heart time with green on this, but I guess it worked out fine." The crew ignores Franky's lion-based name idea and go with Iceburg's idea instead.
"So it did."
"Well, you guys all have bad taste in names to begin with." Luna was making it sound like her name suggest was normal. But as he had been completely ignored,Franky was away pouting.
"Hey, Franky, stop pouting and get moving!" Sanji had told the guy. "Use this secret weapon of yours so we can get out of here!"
"Better make a fast, too." Zoro added since the navy was gonna catch up with them any second.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Take one last look at Water 7, because it's gonna be out of sight before you know it." He stood up informing them. Before he left warning them once they start moving they won't be stopping.
Okay, got it. One sec." Luffy took a stand onto of the rails. "Grandpa! Oh, and if you're there, Coby and... Uh... the other guy - it was nice to see you again!"
"You forgot my name again, didn't you?" Helmeppo was completely offended by that.
"What're you yapping about, Luffy? I got plenty more cannonballs!" Garp was shouting at him. "Meteor... Fist!" He throw another cannonball at the ship, Thousand Sunny. However, Luffy just punched it to the side before it exploded.
"Give it up! I don't know what's gonna happen, but we're gonna get away!" He was shouting over to them. "Well, I hope to see you guys again someday!"
"You little turd!" Hearing that had anger Garp a lot. "You should show your grandpa some respect, you hear me? Luffy?" Helmeppo was trying to calm him down before he did anything.
"Thanks for helping us name the ship, Ice Pops! You're awesome! And thanks to everyone else, too! Bye, Monster Granny! Bye, Galley-La! We had a great time!" Luffy was shouting back to the island as they were sailing away and Franky gone below deck. But it seemed that a giant ball had been pulled out of nowhere on the Marines' ship.
"Luffy..." Garp had a hold of it by a chain.
"Hm? What the heck is that thing?" Luffy could only asked seeing it.
"We can't dodge that!" Usopp freaked out seeing it.
"I'll pound some manners into you!" He was getting ready to throw it.
"Luffy, Run away! His serious this time!" Coby was shouting all panicked.
"Franky! Go!"
"Here it comes!" The ball had been throw above and was slowly falling down over them.
"We're all gonna die!" Usopp, Chopper and even Sanji was all screaming as the shadow covered over them.
"Coup de..." it appeared that the rear of the ship was glowing. "...Burst!" (Wind Blast, French) And it fired a giant cannon downward and rocket the ship into the air, thus making a great escape. Leaving all shock as seeing. Everyone on board were just as shock as they were flying in the air.
"I can't believe it- I never thought I'd feel this again, but here I am!" Usopp was speaking about the Knock-Up Stream and Skypiea where they had taken to the sky. "Merry..."
"It eats up three barrels of cola, but you can fly for a whole kilometre." Franky had come up to join the crew once again. I'm not trying to break here, but simply put, anything the Going Merry could do, this ship can do better. And it's got tricks of its own. But even if it's all new, I hope the brave spirit of the Merry can live on in the Sunny. If anything breaks, I'll fix it up as good as new! From weapons to furniture, I know this shit up and down! It may be my masterpiece, but it's all yours now!" He was shouting to the others with his arms open wide.
"Yeah!" They had come landing without any problems, or Marie is chasing after them. And it was due to that fact that Sanji cooked up a feast, with booze brought out onto the deck where they sat together.
"All right, guys!" Luffy had stretched up his arm to the pirate flame above with mug in hand before it came back down. "Are yiu ready?" The mug dropped right back into his hand.
"Yeah!" They all had a mug each in hand.
"Then everyone raise a glass for the return of our old friends Robin, Luna and Usopp, and as well as our new crew member Franky, and the best ship ever, the Thousand Sunny!" Luffy was shouting to them all for their crew.
"Next Stop, Fishman Island!" They began to enjoy themselves. However, Zoro caught someone that was looking into her mug with an extremely serious extra that almost seemed to be sad.

Around the same time, with their wanted posters travelling throughout the world. The crew members hometown had gotten their hands on them. On the Baratie, Zeff immediately recognizes the terrible composite sketch made of Sanji. His former fellow chefs all laugh at it. Regardless, his poster replaces Luffy's at the center of the restaurant, and they use it as a selling point, that the restaurant is Sanji's home. Back at Foosha Village, the villagers once more rejoice at Luffy's growing infamy. Woop Slap is again annoyed by the raucous partying. Makino likes his crew, especially his "cute pet". Woop Slap is annoyed that an enemy of the World Government came from Foosha, and wonders what Garp is doing about it. He also wonders if Dadan knows about Luffy's recent actions. At Syrup Village, the Usopp Pirates and Kaya instantly recognize Sogeking as Usopp. The rest of the village doesn't believe it, however. Kaya goes back to her medical studies so she can be ready if Usopp needs to be healed if/when he returns. The boys say they'll beat Usopp up if he ever hurts Kaya. At Shimotsuki Village, Koushirou admits to his pupils that he taught Zoro how to fight, but swears he didn't teach Zoro how to be a pirate. Now all the kids want to be pirates in addition to great fighters. He doesn't mind too much, as long as Zoro keeps kendo at his heart. At Cocoyashi Village, Genzo is irate at Nami's wanted poster, yet has it blown up behind his desk. Nojiko sates him by pointing out Nami's expression, saying it's proof that Luffy has indeed not taken away her smile. At the Sakura Kingdom, Dalton calls Dr. Kureha down from her castle, and shows her the latest wanted posters for the Straw Hats. Dalton is certain the Marines are mistaken about Chopper's measly Beli.png50 bounty. Dr. Kureha is just happy that she gets to see him again. At Alabasta, Igaram, Chaka, Pell and King Cobra are shocked that Nico Robin, "Miss All Sunday" of Baroque Works, is now affiliated with the Straw Hats. They are concerned that Vivi will not take this news well, but she already knows, and doesn't care. She trusts Luffy's decisions even if nobody ever understands his motives. Yet again, they are surprised by the princess' maturity. At Baltigo, a yet-unseen island on the Grand Line, the Revolutionary Army discusses a successful coup at Centaurea in South Blue. Their leader, "Revolutionary" Dragon, sees the stack of wanted posters for the Straw Hats. It's noted that the Marines made the entire crew wanted due to the events at Enies Lobby. Then, there was an island located not far from Water 7. "Oh my, it seems our prey had appear once again." A woman was saying all amused.
"Yes, it would appear." A man silhouette was moving in the darkness as he is picking up something. "I'll come for you..." A dart had been thrown at the wall where a single wanted posters hanged.


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"...Morozov Luna."

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