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The crew had made it to the mansion and were completely going wild. They were defeating zombies flash the right throwing salt to their mouth without hesitation or stoping. They were even destroying part of the mansion while they were at it. "Where is Moria!?" Luffy was at the front of the pack, screaming. 
"Stay away!" While some of the zombies were shouting at him, but the were all knocked away as the others had run off scared.
"Get outta my way!" The captain wasn't slowing down. "Give my food back!" He attacked his stretching his foot out knocking more zombies out and sending them flying.
"Who's the bastard that peeped on Nami and Luna when they were bathing!?" Sanji was still on fire as he was close behind Luffy.
"He!s rottin' dangerous!" And the zombies were even more fighten by him.
"Show yourself!" He was called for the invisible man while kicking a group of zombies in his path..
"They don't need salt. The hearts are burning with anger." Usopp was stating as he, Chopper and Robin were running up the stairs a fair amount away.
"Aren't they worried about their shadows?" The Doctor was asking since all the two ahead were shouting about were food and Nami. While Robin chuckled amusing by it all. However, at the very same time it seemed that Zoro, Luna and Franky had broken off from the others and were heading across tow the floor below. The three were taking out the zombies that were running out in seconds, cutting, shooting or just sending them flying with their mind.
"It ticks me off when I think about how these weaklings managed to catch me!" And the further they went the more Zoro and gotten annoyed.
"If you're willing to adore me for setting ya free, I'll let you call me 'bro.'" Franky and told the swordsman as they were running.
"You didn't free them." Luna had stated to him, since they were taken and left on the Sunny after having their shadows taken. However, as they were running a large shadow had began to crumble from above. This and caused Luna to look up only to see that that the building from above had came crashing down.
"Crap! Run!" Franky was freaking out at the sight of it, about to run. However, Luna had gripped into him and Zoro pulling them to her feet.
"Oi! Are you trying to kill us!?" The moss head was shouting at her panicked, however,
"Krovavyy..." Blood had began to spin around the trio from the palm of Luna's right hand that was above her head. "...Kupol!" (Blood Dome, Russian) Which had created dome of blood around to shield them from the falling rubble that had been coming from the stair case above. But it wasn't just rubble but zombies as well, and two others that had ended having half their bodies stuck in the stone brick floors. "Are they alive?" Luna had asked as the dome came down.
"Forget about those two who came hurtling down." Zoro had stated looking around asking what the hell the thing before them was.
"It came out of nowhere and it's blocking our path!" Franky was combining his hair back.
"That's true." Luna looked up ahead of them. "I feel like I've seen something similar to it. Maybe a wall?" Luna had asked as it was just a big red something in their way. It had completely appeared out of nowhere.
"Dammit! What just happened?" It seemed that Sanji was alive standing up coughing. He seemed a little confused at what had happened
"Ow, ow, ow... what was that...?" Usopp was also alive somehow as Zoro had stabbed his sword into the wall,
"This isn't made out of stone..." however, it was too soft.
"Weapon Left!" Franky had fired have a super blast at it, however, there was no effect. But Luna's sight went up even further.
"No! What the heck are you two doing!?" Usopp was freaking out from some reason.
"See, this will suddenly appeared in front of us." Zoro turned around answering the question to the shaking lone nose.
"It doesn't appear to be a wall. Isn't this supposed to be Luffy's zombie?" Luna had told them as she found herself look an extremely large, red-skinned, skull-faced zombie who was more than four times the size of an average giant. It was no wonder that his sheer size caused Zoro and Franky to mistake his body for a large wall upon encountering it up close. The zombie has two large horns and long yellow hair that flows from his head to his back. His upper jaw consists mostly of straight-edged molars, while his lower jaw consists of several sharp fangs and two large tusks. He is missing his right eye while the left one was red, and his left arm has 'SZ-900' tattooed on it.
"What!?" The others turned around panicked looking up to see what she had meant and saw exactly what she saw. It's head right before them. "This is..."
"...z-zombie!?" the others were beyond surprised. "What's with this hugeness?! Is this some sort of arch demon!?" Franky could only ask since it really was huge.
"It's not an archdemon, but it does belong to the demon race." Luna had been the one to inform him of that, because who else would it be. "This much be Luffy's."
"No use? It's all over! It came to kill us!" Usopp was bawling his eyes out while finding. It was in that moment when the giant zombie had turned noticing the small group of pirates. Which had been while the others, excluding Usopp, were on guard. It's large arms had lifted up and stretched towards the group as it was about to slam down on them... at least that was what they had thought until it grabbed a large piece of rubble. Usopp was screaming while running around as the others were protecting themselves from the fall debris that was coming off the large piece of building that Zombie-Luffy had in hand.
"What is he planning to do?!" Usopp cried from either the pain of being struck by debris or fear looking at the monster that lifted his arms over his head with rubble which meant it was planning on throwing it down at the group. Who had all were ready to attack, once again not including Usopp that was crying. However, all had come surprised at what the zombie had done, which was place the rubble on head like some sort of hat.
"This Looks good." Oars' voice was similar to Luffy's but it was a lot more gravelly. "Yosh! Now I'm all set! I'll definitely be the Pirate King! I was kinda surprised when the building collapsed." Not to mention acted just like him while walking away.
"W-What?" Usopp had ran to the front of the group watching the giant monster walking away. "He didn't even notice us!?"
"That things speech sure resembles Luffy's... Luffy's power certainly is dangerous when embedded in a body like that." Zoro had been the one to say that
"That is true. I highly doubt I could defeat that thing even if Luffy's shadow wasn't in it." Luna stated to the group since she's only met two others like that before, but the thing was that they weren't anything like this one. The other had noticed Usopp collapse to his knees.
"Let's Just... Forget your shadows..." The long nose had gotten so fighten.
"Of course not!" Zoro had snapped at him.
"Even if we give up on our shadows, we haven't saved Nami yet!" While Sanji reminded him of that fact. "Pull it together!" However, despite that being said the group had a problem. Well at least the males of the group did. "In any case, getting past here is the problem... It seems this Usopp and I fell along with the stairs, but...Even if we try to change our route... this bridge has collapsed and we can no longer go to that mast-like mansion." Sanji had stated as the giant monster, Oars, had completely destroyed both ways of getting into the mansion that didn't involve going around to the front.
"Jumping isn't an option either..." Zoro then spotted Luna standing off to the side looking at the building. "At least for most us us."
A shortcut has turned into a detour infested with zombies..." Usopp didn't want to go through all that again.
"I don't think there's a need to worry." Upon Luna's words the three of them had turned around.
I'm not sure about this ornament." They saw Franky standing on a bridge that had completely appeared out of nowhere.
"He built a bridge!" The other three were shocked at the sight of it.
"All this rubble and wood is more than enough to build a bridge or two." The shipwright stood proudly looking at his creation before them.
"You put a lot of detail into this despite the circumstances." Luna stated since it did look like bridge used in rich cities and such.
"You expect me to make a shoddy job?!" The man and asked back as if that was the point.
"No, this is just fine. Anyway, you save us. Let's go!" With Sanji shouting that, the group had taken off running over the bridge into the building before them and it hadn't been long before they came running into a room that was large and decorated in a similar fashion to that of a princess. "What's wrong with this room?" The cook could only ask as they were looking around at the flashy room.
"Quite the eye-catching type of room." Zoro hadn't been wrong about that. But then strange laugher had pulled them to a short young woman with unusually big, round eyes, and she has long, light pink hair that she keeps tied into two pigtails with black and white flower hairpins sitting down a fair away from them. She wore a red crown with a black cross on her head, as well as red lipstick and a thick layer of black eyeliner. Her white long-sleeved three different black heart shapes shirt was short enough to expose her belly.  She wore a red mini cape with a pink ribbon on front. Her black and white striped tights completely cover her legs, and she had a mini-skirt and a red and gold belt with a heart belt buckle, as well as red buckled boots. It was clear that she wasn't a zombie.
"She's not a demon so she must be Perona." Luna had come to know how her name due to the zombies interrogation
"I plan on having the zombies on the stairs and bridge make you their pray. I didn't think Oars would fall down." The woman, Perona was saying and the guys seemed a bit panicked. "What a nosy nuisance." She had turned to them saying. 
"Aren't those ghosts similar to the one that had been on the Sunny before?" Luna, this had been the first time she had seen them beside the time from before entering Thriller Bark. Her eyes had then fallen back onto the woman before her. "Maybe they'll created by her?" It was a hunch that was a hunch she was getting.
"What the hell is she?" Zoro didn't even question Luna's reason for saying that. Which was when the pink hair stood up laughing once again.
"By now, you must be aware of how terrifying these ghosts are!" She had spoken but Luna really didn't understand but it seemed that the other did. And then while balls began popping out from her palms. "Thanks to the Hollow-Hollow Fruit I'm a ghost woman, capable of creating ghosts that will!" As she said that, the balls had turned into ghost as she said. "These ghosts are branches of myself. They empty people's hearts." Luna seemed a bit confused as what she means by 'empty people's hearts.' "This is it for you all!" The five ghost that she had created had all looked at them five pirates.
"I can't believe those troublesome ghosts are being created by that cutie!" Sanji was making it sound like that was the only thing wrong with this.
"No time for that! If we get hit by those things, will be done for sure!" Usopp was telling him off.
"I'm still lost current lost at what they do." Luna had honestly told them.
"There's no choice but to run!" Franky was completely freaking out as well.
"They're certainly dangerous!" Even Zoro wasn't his normal calm self.
"What?" The woman on their side was still confused at what was going on as the other three had began to run.
"Negative Hollow!" The ghosts had come flying right at them all despite if they were running or not and had completely passed through them.
Why existence is worth less than a maggot's..." Sanji had suddenly said almost about to cry.
"You're right... I wanna  be a stray dog..." For some reason Franky had collapsed to his knees in tears.
"I don't deserve to walk on the same ground as all of you..." Zoro was all all fours his head lower.
"Why have I continued this long pointless life...?" Even Luna seemed to be completely depressed!
"It's all... over..." Usopp had fallen onto his back saying, but that was completely normal. But the fact that the other four were in such a state was completely shocking.
"Seize them." Perona had ordered the strange animal zombies, who had then began to charging for the depressed group. "How simple. Only the ones above remain." She was about to take her lead.
"Gattling Salt Star!" Some salt balls had been fired into the mouths of some of the zombies and in an instant their had been purified.
"Who is it!?" Perona shouted in shock upon watching and there
"I won't let you... lay a hand on my crew!" Stood Usopp completely fine.
"Damn! So we just pretended he was hit?" That was the only reason for why the boy was standing. "I won't miss this time." Perona held up her hand at Usopp who stood without moving as she fired an Negative Hollow that had passed right through him. "What?!" And yet Usopp was still standing even after being hit.
"My name is... Captain Usopp." In fact, he didn't seem effected in the slightest.
"Why!? Why isn't it affecting you!?" Perona had asked him since it didn't make sense since the ghost had hit him. "What kind of trick did you use!?"
It's no trick... I've always been...! NEGATIVE!!" Usopp shouted at the top of his lungs as if it had been something to be proud of. But someone was in completely shock upon hearing that as her eyes were about to pop out of her skull.
"He's immune to the ghosts negative power!" A koala zombie shouted in shock.
"What an incredible man!" This time it was a panda zombie shouting.
"Mistress Perona!" She had be called out to as she seemed to have been falling backwards. Perona fallen onto her butt. "Mistress Perona!" Her head had been lifted as tears were streaming down her face.
"Huh?" Usopp was confused as the woman cried.
"Do your best." The wild zombies jaws looked at their mistress who had said that.
"Do you best!" They had then cheered.
"Do you best!" Perona cheered loudly this time.
"Do your best! Do your best! Do your best! Do your best! Do your best! Do your best!" The enemies were cheering Usopp on in support.
"Don't cheer me now!" Usopp was in completely shock at the fact that they were cheering him on. "Come on, snap out of it already!" He had looked over his shoulders to the four crewmates on the ground, three of them in tears. "Let's hurry and go rescue Nami and Brook!" That seemed to have caused them to look over to him. "You can't... You can't expect to be her with your inferior abilities. I'll take care of her!"
"You...!" They were almost completely speechless.
"What's this reliant sensation...?" Sanji was asking as something was taking over.
"He wasn't affected...?" Zoro still couldn't believe it.
"I guess it makes sense..." Luna on the other hand didn't seem shock at all.
"Curse you!" Perona had snapped out of the support trance that she had been in.
"But... take care of the zombies around her! God knows I can't beat them! I'd certainly die—" However, as Usopp was saying
"We'll leave it all to you!" The others had taken off already.
"What? Ah! No-! Not th-! Wait a-! I didn't-! I was-! Wait a minute! Wait!" He was crying out to them, until hearing the sounds of foot steps behind him with the wild zombies standing behind him with Perona.
"No more mercy for you."

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