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After separating from the others and heading out on her own, Luna was walking down a dark path way with Government officials scattered all across the ground. They were that way due to trying to attack Luna, who had completely knocked them out one after another. They weren't a match for her even with weapons that were also scattered across the floor completely broken in pieces. But for some odd reason, Luna was going deeper and deeper down the Tower of Law instead of up. One would thing that she had no idea where she was going, but she did. After a long time of walking down level after level, Luna stood before a large pair of iron doors. "This is where it was?" And her hands traced over the door before she pulled it back into a fist. "But don't think an iron doors going to stop me." The moment her fist made contact with it the door blow off their hinges in the matter of seconds, allowing Luna to enter the large room where a single glass case stood. It seemed extremely over kill for just that. Luna began moving towards it but the moment she did, something came flying at her from the side. "That was a cheat trick." Luna stated, as she was holding the wrist of someone how had their index finger extended out.
"Says the one that used the World Government." And the one it belonged to was the second strongest member of CP9, Magnis. He had tried to use the use the Finger Pistol on her.
"Well, you wouldn't have been used if you didn't follow such an incompetent leader." She had stayed and listening to the loudspeakers projecting Spardam's voice the entire time.
"Oi! Oi!" Even now, deep under ground his voice still reached due to the Baby Transponder Snail Magnis had out.
"Yes, chief."
"Shit, Damn it! This one's the Baby Transponder Snail. What the hell am I doing?" Luna had to wonder the same thing, listening. "Of all things, I pushed the Golden Transponder Snail! Of all things to do... I HAVE INVOKED THE BUSTER CALL!!"
"It seems I have to agree with you on that fact." Magnis The incompetence of a chief. Everyone in CP9 already knew that he was an idiot and a weakling. If it hadn't been for the fact that the Government viewed him as a chief of CP9, they weren't follow his orders at all.
"How could you do such a foolish thing!" Robin's voice had shouted at him to cancel it right now as it was going to be disastrous.which she wasn't wrong about.
"What? Cancel it!? Oi, Oi! Just who the hell do you think you're talking to?" It appeared that Spardam had no idea that he was still being heard. "So what? It's the Buster Call... what's wrong with that? That's right. So what? I am the chief of Cipher Pole 9. In ordered to safely hand you over to the Government, I have invoked the Buster Call. That's good! In case something were to go wrong here, we can make sure to kill all of those damn pirates."
"How could you do this!? I told you! That will not be the only consequence! There's no human emotion involved in that attacked!" Robin was screaming at him as he didn't understand anything about the Buster Call. "I will destroy and burn everything here on Enies Lobby! The buildings, the people! The whole island itself! Sacrificing everything until its goals are reached. It's an attack of nightmares! That's what the Buster Call is! Just like 20 years ago at Ohara! You have no idea what happened there!" It was a complete and at a massacre with the a single survivor that barely escaped.
"Yeah, that's fine. Even to the Government, it was a hurdle worth all that. Because that idiot, Cutty Flam and traitorous bitch, Miss Athena or whatever her name, destroyed the blueprints of Pluton. Your existence is the only lead to the ancient weapons. That's why this is worse such extreme military force. For the falls that are trying to take you back, this is just a precise way to stop them. Even if it means that thousands of soldiers have to die!" He really was completely unaware that he was being heard by all on the island. " it's just a sacrifice that can't be prevented in order to protect the future. And above everything else, might of motion depends on this."
"He really doesn't understand anything, does he." Luna had at asked a question but stated a fact.
"That's for sure." Both her and Magnis had separated slightly for a while now as they listened to the idiot.
"What the hell do you think a persons life is worth?!" Robin bursted out at him.
"You mustn't forget... CP9 are the government secret weapon. If a hundred lives are needed in order to save thousands of lives... then we won't hesitate to a hundred on the spot." This was CP9 in all black and white. " for true justice, extreme circumstances are needed as well. Besides, those useless soldiers couldn't stop the pirates that infiltrated us! They're better off dead, you morons!"
"That baby transponder snail is still on..." Robin had realised before Spardam.
"OH, SHIT!! Was that conversation had by everyone?!" It had been, the entire island had heard every single thing. "A-Anyway, my name is Straw Hat Luffy." Like anyone was going to believe that.
"Everyone leave the island! The Buster Call has been invoked on Enies Lobby! No one will be saved if they're on this island!" Robin had warned the entire island.
"Don't tell them anything they don't need to know!" The line had then gone dead after that being yelled.
"Truly an incompetent man." Luna sighed before turning to look at Magnis. "I take it that you won't hand me the key and leave, will you."
"Sorry, even though you're cold and extremely sexy, totally my tpye, I can't do so." Was his response to her.
"I'm not even the slightest bit happy upon hearing just a revolting thing." And she wasn't just saying that out of embarrassment, since she really looked disgusted at the man. "But you know what bothers me the most about you?"
"What's that?" Magnis walked over to her after that question had been asked. He had gotten up close to her, so that he was looking down at her due to being a head taller then him.
"Our eyes don't meet." She spoke, not look up at him but slightly down.
"Huh? What are you taking about?" He had asked but suddenly he was unable to move as Luna's eyes began to glow. "Kneel...!" She had commanded.
"What the...?! And before Magnis knew it, he was on his hands and knees on the ground. He was completely confused and looked up.
" where you're allowed to meet my eyes." This time it was Luna who was looking down at him in all forms of the word.
"How are you doing this...?" Magnis was pressured on the floor by Luna somehow. He was asking her if it was a Devil Fruit.
"Please, I don't need just such a useless thing." She stated back to him. "I was born with all my abilities. That includes mind control."
"Mind... control..." he couldn't believe what he had heard. "What are you...?"
"I don't need to tell an insect like you."
"You piece of..." Magnis tried to stand up but was pressurized to fall to the ground one again again and began to realise why it was that they were warned to never go against her. He began to feel scared, however, he began to transform.
"So you ate a Zoan type Devil Fruit?" Luna was unaffected as she looked up at him in his new large humanoid lion form, with a full orange mane and tail, five-digit hands had sharp claws and padded four-toed feet.
"You've pushed you luck... I'm the top of the food chain." He was saying, doing a completely 180. He was boasting about his power and states that he is the only one to have evolved to next stage out of all CP9. Saying it was something no one else could do.
"You sure talk a lot, Don't you?" Luna stated completely ignoring what he said.
"You still don't seem to understand your situation." Magnis had though he had the upper hand.And had brought his claws down towards her.
"I told you to kneel." But he was forced down again by Luna's mind control.
"Don't get ahead of yourself!" His arm had been pulled back. "Tempus Slash!" And came down towards but it had been stopped without Luna lifting a finger. "What the...?!" He was unable to move it forwards.
"I'm tired of you." She said moving her hand across and in response pulled Magnis arm with her, until it was ripped off causing blood to pour out. "You..." However, some of the blood came towards Luna, but no splatting over her but gathering on the tip of her fingers.
"What the hell...?!" Soon blood starts to float in the air and increase spinning around rapidly, forming a vortex.
"... have annoyed me long enough." There is a large field of blood surrounding Magnis. "Begone!"
"Help...!" And it had completely enveloped him before tuning into a whirlpool of blood. And when it had stopped, showering blood rain, there was nothing left of Magnis' body. Not even a single trace but the blood used the destroy him and the key that had been picked up.
"You shouldn't have gotten in my way." Luna only said before walking off without looking back as she headed for the glass stand that was completely undamaged,until Luna smashed her hand into it, breaking the glass as it grabbed ahold of what was inside, where her hand opened to show

" Luna only said before walking off without looking back as she headed for the glass stand that was completely undamaged,until Luna smashed her hand into it, breaking the glass as it grabbed ahold of what was inside, where her hand opened to show

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A locket attached to a chain was. "Looks like after 5 decades it's finally mine again." With that being said, Luna placed the necklace into her pocket before leaving the room that was covered in blood.

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