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After leaving Luffy and the others hours had passed and inside the castle screams echoed loudly thought out the halls of it, getting louder the deeper underground leading all the way to the ceils. It was where laugher was also coming from side with the sound of whipping. "How does it feel being a weak loser." Inside one of the ceils had been Tatiana, with whip in hand as she swung it around.
"I don't know, you tell me." Luna had said lifting up her head as the wounds slowly healed. The reason for her being in this state hadn't anything to do with her escaping but for trying to blow up the entire castle only an hour after returning. Vladimir would have killed her, if she had been someone that wasn't Luna, since even the marines wanted her alive to use her for the genius she was.
"Huh? What are you on about?"
"These chains are made of pure silver, in other words their preventing me from killing you."
"Hah! We both know your incredible even if you didn't have the chains on you! Or did you forget that your not even 300 yet!?" She flinch hearing Tatiana say that, glaring at her. "Yeah, I know about the traits about vampires. You guys don't fully develop your ability till you reach 300. But it's worse for you since this pendent seals your emotions along with it." She had the pendent around Luna's neck in hand. "Even if it's not on you, it still works."
"Let me guess, you had Radomir threatened, didn't you?"
"Not at all. In fact, it seemed that he was quite loyal to you for some reason. We had to search his memories and found out." However, it was then when the sound of explosions echoed in the cell as the ceiling above shock. "What was that?" Tatiana looked above them.
"Looks like they're here." Luna had spoken, lifting up her head towards the ceiling. She knew that sound all too well.
"You.... what did you do?" She looked back down to the woman before her.
"She told us exactly what to do." A voice had spoken caused Tatiana to them around only to find a woman with black should length hair. "Were we late?" Robin asked looking right at Luna.
"No, you're just on time." The sound of cuffs opening up had caused Tatiana to turn around, where she looked down to find Luna right before her, with fist draw back before it had been slammed right into Tatiana's stomach with all the strength she had sending the woman flying off into a stone wall breaking though it and several others. "That was me being nice, you bitch." But she lost the strength in her feet.
"Woah. I got you." Robin had caught her in time, pulling Luna's arm over her shoulder.
"Thanks." That was saying through her deep breath. "We need to head to the control room." Her eyes had closed before opening as they glowed.
"I know." Having that been said both woman had began climbing the stairs. Where they began heading the was that Luna directed. However, as they were moving it wasn't long before the enemy had found them and surrendered. And just as Robin was about to use her ability ...
"Thunderbolt Tempo!" Suddenly lightning began to raining down from above where clouds had circled around both woman. "You two alright?" Nami stood over the unconscious bodies of the enemy.
"Yeah, thanks for the assist, Nami!" Robin was happy to seeing her.
"Yeah, but Luna..." the orange hair girl turned to the one that was barely standing. "...don't ever talk into my mind again! It was excruciating!"
"Yeah, that happens when your not use to it." She had said like it wasn't a big deal.
"It might hurt, but it's useful." A new voice had pulled the women's attention and the swordsman, along with
"Luna! Let me treat you!" the Doctor that came running over to her, and
"Jeez, you're pretty beaten up, aren't you?" The sniper were all there standing above on the stair case leading to down to the first floor they were on.
"Luna! My love has given me the ability to hear your voice~!" Of course the cook was as the one who seemed all excited about it
"I heard it too." The shipwright was right beside him.
"The only one that isn't here is Luffy." Robin had noted as the rubber head captain was nowhere in sight.
"Yeah, the only one I didn't speak to was Strawhat." Luna had explained as Chopper was treating the injuries that were completely healing as fast as the others. But it was then when Luna stood up, pulling her hair back up into the side ponytail it had been in before. "We need to move or this is all for nothing." With that being said, Luna took to lead heading to the so call control room that she spoke of, and the enemy was waiting, however, with this crew as back up they were defeated quite easily, which lead to the doors been pushed up. It definitely want to complete and other control room, as they were all types of equipment all around, however, when they had entered the room the most noticeable thing had been a large, round metal cannon held together by many metal rods and bolts. The barrel of the cannon was extended out of the castle wall that was opened up. The muzzle of the cannon was completely metallic, and obtusely shaped.
"What is this thing?"
"Suzhdeniye." Luna answered walking through the doors threshold.
"Yeah, but what is it?"
"It's a giant cannon that I designed around 40 years ago." She explained to them looking up at the giant cannon.
"Why did you design it?" Chopper had asked looking up to Luna for answering.
"I designed it to blow things up." She plainly stated to them, which was oddly childish thinking about it.
"Nah! We would have never guess!" All, but Robin, had snapped at her, since it was a giant cannon.
"Well, when fired, the cannon releases a compressed beam of energy that wreaks destruction wherever it passes. One blast from the cannon could wipe an entire island off the face of the earth."
"THAT'S DANGEROUS!!" They were shouting at her, Robin excluded of course but she did have a worried look.
"I never said was safe." And that was quite true, but she was completely nonchalant about it. "Anyway, I gave the blueprints to Radomir. But, well, his dead so..." there was an awkward silence. "Point being, this needs to be destroyed."
"And how do you suggest we do that?" Zoro asked that since it was huge and made up very strong metal that even his blades can't slice.
"It's simple really." But it appeared that Luna already knew how. "I designs it with a single week point. You know, if something like this ever happens."
"You really do you think far ahead, don't you?" Robin and Franky were both extremely impressed at that fact.
"I'm not naive. After all, I've been around for almost 300 years and going to be around for at least 700 more."

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