The Buster Call has Begun!

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The Bridge of Hesitation, a large, two-sectioned draw-bridge. The first section leads from an underground passage to the Gates of Justice, while the second goes through the gates. It was the last stop for a criminal before the Gates of Justice. This was called the Bridge of Hesitation because once the prisoner is led there they are so fearful of what will happen to them that they hesitate and run the opposite direction but are stopped by the Marine guards. Once the criminal leaves this point, there is no going back for them and their fate is sealed. They are then taken by ship to either Marine headquarters or Impel Down. These places give no chance of escape and the prisoner usually dies at the location. It was also where current, Robin and Franky were, after the man had blocked the bullets with his steel body that had been fired at Robin. It was after that he had spoke with Sniper King who had sent a red cloth with four keys in it. Which was when Franky began to try and uncuff Robin, however... "What's going on? Why aren't any of the keys working!?" Franky had tried all the keys but none of them had worked.
"Hah!" Spardam began to laugh, realising that they only had fix and not six keys. "It seems that you didn't defeat Magnis!" He shouted out about the key being in the hands of the second strongest member of CP9. "You won't win!" And with that all guns were pointed at Franky and Robin once again upon orders of Spardam. "NOW FIRE!!" The marines had fired once again, and Franky had stood in front of Robin to protect her. But the bullets had all come to a stop just before they reach him. "Wha...?!" Both Robin and Franky were speakless as they looked at the bullets falling to the ground.
"You know..." a voice had pulled all to behind Robin. " have annoyed me enough today." And Luna was standing with ther hand placed over the back of her neck, which then had been pulled and flick her black red hair. "This is the key you want, right?" She had then held up key number six.
"No!" Spandam screams in horror that all of his agents have been defeated. Luna throw to key Franky
"It worked!" The cuffs fell off Robin's wrists to the ground.
"How can that be? T-The real key?!" Spardam was in complete shock as seeing the cuff on the ground. Robin had lost the feelings in her legs, and began to fall.
"Oi Oi, hang in there." But Franky had caught her.
"But... that means... you guys beat all of CP9 who were in the Tower of Law!?" He really couldn't believe it.
"Thank you, Miss Luna." Robin told her, but the woman held up the Baby Transport Snail that she stole from some unconscious officials on her way to the bridge.
"Shouldn't you be thanking the others. I just happened to have the key you needed." She didn't take the credit for any of it. "Hello, this is Luna speaking. You there coward?" She spoke into the snail asking. "I'm on the bridge and Nico Robin's cuffs are off." She was informing the others back in the tower.
"Long Nose, thank you." Robin said into the snail after it was held up to her.
"You should wait to give your thanks to the ones who got the keys when all this over." He had pretty much said the same thing as Luna. "You are, without a doubt, Luffy's friend! Remember that, and go!"
"Yeah." She wiped away the tears in her eyes before turning to the marines behind them. "Seis Fleu!" Six of Robin's arms had sprouted out from Spardam's torso. "Slap!" It was then when she slapped his face repeatedly. Franky was slightly surprised watching as the slapping of the face continued over and over again even when Spardam was on the ground. Until it was all a bloody pulp.
"Chief!" The soldiers shouted to him as he had collapsed.
"Yosh, you guys hurry and get over here!" Franky was talking into the snail that Nami had given him. "I'll get everything ready to leave!"
"Got it!"
"No! The criminal's Sea Prism Stone handcuffs are removed!" The soldiers were being to panic, all guns pointed at the three pirates. "Recapture her!" But, Luna seemed to have heard something else entirely.
"What was that?" She asked as it was something she's never heard before. However, all had changed when something had exploded from the fence that surrounded the waters of Enies Lobby. All had stopped to turn and look towards the explosion.
"Don't tell me..."
"The battleships are attacking? The fence was..." from the smoke caused by the explosion emerged a ship, however. It had then fired all their cannons and the top of the Tower of Law, which had been were Sniper King had been standing, had exploded
"Long Nose!" Both Robin and Franky shouted as the large piece of building began to fall.
"There goes the Tower." Luna didn't seem all that worried saying that.
"Are you veins filled with ice?" Franky asked looking to the woman in disbelief.
"Franky, Luna, Robin, we're alright. We're going there now!" Sanji's voice came from the snails informing them.
"Thank goodness." Robin had signed in relief.
"It seems so." Luna's eyes had closed and of course she didn't have a single expression showing up on her face.
"So you knew Long Nose would be fine." Franky had come to that conclusion to explain the woman's lack of panic.
"No, it was ashamed that such a great tower had been destroyed." But she and said that.
"Forget your blood your heart is made of ice!" He snapped at her.
"Let's move on to more important things." She ignored his words, turning to the soldier ahead. "You two should be fine to fight, correct?"
"Of course." Both had told her.
"Hurry, men! Before the attack really gets started!" Spardam was shouting after regaining consciousness.
"Yessir!" A groups of soldiers began to charge for them.
"On the other side of this bridge there's a convoy ship... you think that's our ticket out of here?" Franky asked the woman, pulling off the skin over his left hand that was iron underneath.
"Stealing The boat seems to be the only way to escape." Robin stated
"And we are already wanted criminals." As well as Luna, making it clear that they were going to steal the ship.
"Get them!" The marines had guns pointing once again at the three standing before them. Just as Robin was bout to go in for the attack, Luna began walking towards the armed men without hesitation. "Fire!" And the bullets were flying right at her, however, they stopped short before Luna.
"What the..."
"Take them back." She throw her right arm out, which had sent the bullets right back where they had come from. Hitting the hands of the marines.
"Amazing! Was that a Devil Fruit!" Franky was completely amazing but it all.
"No, Miss Luna can swim." Robin stated, remembering before Jaya where Luna had dived into the water without a suit. It meant that she didn't have Devil Fruit abilities.
"Second group, go!" Spardam shouted for another group of Marines to go in for the attack.
"Treinta Fleur!" (Thirty Flowers, Spanish) this time Robin sprouted thirty arms from the ground, that gripped onto the ankles belonging to the marines that were charging. They had all tripped one after another.
"Master..." Franky took a deep breath in. "...Nail!" And when breathing out he had shoot out nails instead of flames. The nails had caused the Marines on the ground to stay down, pinning them by their clothes.
"T-Third group, go!" Spardam was beginning to panic at the sight of the second group also being defeated. "Fourth group, fifth group, all of you go get them!" And now all the marines were charging at the three.
"Damn, they're pretty annoying just coming one after the other..." Franky sighed at the annoyance of it all.
"Stand back." Luna told the two of them, and neither of them stopped her. "Krovavoye..." Red liquid began to gather in her right palm that was held out."...Kop'ye." (Blood Lance, Russian) And from that palm multiple lances made of what appeared to be blood, had direct headed towards their target, one group of marines, and used to impale them. "Krovavoye..." She swung her arm, that had... "...Rezak." (Blood Slicers, Russian) scythe-like blades of blood towards another lot of marines sending them off the bridge.
"What powerful attacks!"
"We're no match for her..." it left the remaining Marines on able to see them to defeating her and caused them to become scared.
"Still not enough? Then..." Franky had been the one to ask, taking the stage. "Franky..." All had become nervous watching him. "...Transform!" It was then when his legs spited vertically and sliding his front set forward. "Franky Centaur!"
"A horse!?"
"No... it's a horse, but it's not a horse..."
"It's backwards." Luna stated plainly. But either way, it scared the marines into running away.
"Wait!" But Franky just chased after them in his creepy form all over the bridge.
"Oi oi, stop! Go fight!" Spardam snapped at that soldier running away, however, they still continued to run, and not long later had arms slamming their fist down like drums on the soldiers head. One by one they began jumping off the bridge unable to take the madness. "Oi, convoy ship!" Spardam pulled out his Baby Transponder Snail. "Give us more men, now!" He demanded.
"Yessir! How many do you need?"
"'How many'!? Idiot! Listen, we have three criminals loose and attacking us right now! No matter where they are, no matter what the job, everyone come here!"
"Understood! We will all be there to assist with the criminals-"
"Protect me!" Spardam could careless as long as he was safe. However, it didn't matter how many men were sent, they were taken down by either bullets, arms or blood.
"Man, they're persistent..." Franky was beginning to run out of breath as more soldiers emerged from the ship.
"From the numbers, it seems to be a full unit." Robin had come to that conclusion.
"Which would mean, no one on the ship." Luna stated this, still not even the slightest bit injured unlike the other two.
"Hurry! Capture Nico Robin and get her on that ship! We are running out of time! The battle ships are coming!" Spardam was screaming at them all, however...
"We're too late..." all eyes had looked to where the broken fence was and the silhouette of a fleet belonging ships were insight from the fog. It was upon seeing us that the Marines beginnings flee. But when Robin had seen the fleet, she collapsed to her knees.
"This seems to be quite serious." Even Luna seemed a bit concerned about the fleet.
"Look at that! They're here! They're finally here!" Spardam didn't seem to understand the seriousness of this. The fleet belonging to the Buster Call was quickly approaching as cannon balls were raining onto the island of Enies Lobby. It was destroying everything in sight besides the bridge Luna and that were located on. It was truly devastating the amount of destruction that they were causing. "A fleet of Battleships... the Buster Call has begun!"

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