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Eyes had opened up, where light filled Luna's eyes along with a large field of of large beautiful crimson red flowers blooming greatly, they were called Bloody Crimson. They had completely scattered across the land before her. But why was she here? It didn't make sense as she had been... had been doing what? Luna had become confused as she looked around but something felt off about her body as well. Which had been why she looked down only to see her feet, nothing else but the ground that seemed. But closer then before. Closer? And why wouldn't she see her feet? "Is something the matter, Luna?" Someone had asked which made Luna turn around to find a woman that appeared to be in her 40s standing before here. The middle age woman had long, flowing golden hair scattered over her shoulders. She had an extremely well developed figure that was somewhat inconsistent with her age. If not seeing her face, very likely one would believe she is a young lady, especially the imposing bosom, even more could attract all men's attention. Her facial expression is very indifferent giving off a kind of chill rising from the heart, pure cold, a pair of crimson eyes that did not hold even a trace of vitality.
"Mother...?" Luna felt shocked but then again,she didn't understand why her mother was here... "... why are you here?"
"Why?" Which seemed to have confused the woman a bit. "Because you wanted to go on a picnic in the Bloody Crimson Field." ...That's right... Luna wanted to go on a picnic so she asked her mother to take her.
"Then shall we eat?"
"'Shall'? Since when have you spoken so proper?"
"Since when?" Luna looked over at her confused. "Since..." But that confused looked turned downward as she couldn't seem to remember when, and that was odd.
"Anyway, we already ate so it's time we head home." Her hand had been grabbed by the woman, which had caused Luna to look up to her mother who was smiling sweetly down to her. Luna felt strange about all this, it felt familiar but something felt off about it. They looked ahead of them where a middle aged man, appearing around fifty years old, with his body tall and sturdy stood waving in the door entrance of a large mansion. His black hair that was red at the end had pulled as his crimson red eyes looked at the two walking towards him with his goofy smile.
"My angels!" He ran over o them with delight before Embracing both Luna and mother.
"You know it's kind of ironic since we're Demons." Had come out of the small girl's mother.
"Ironic? Where did you learn a word like that." Her father had pulled back asking a bit confused.
"I heard father and mother use it a few times." She answered back, but it had been a lie. The truth was that she really didn't know where she got it from but it seemed odd so she must of picked it up somewhere.
"I see. My baby's growing up!" Luna had been lifted up in the air above her father's head as he was overjoyed. It's just a day like any other. Every day is the same. But... somehow, today felt very nostalgic. It was weird. Luna wondered why... but for some reason, as she was in the garden of the estate, she wished that these days wouldn't end. Hoping they went on forever. The next day was no different. However, she still couldn't shake off the feeling of something being wrong while sitting in the library with a pile of books surrounding her. All written in ancient  languages but the little girl didn't have the slightest problem reading them. And when she came to an interesting section in the book words had come flying out of her mouth.
"Robin might find this interesting." That had been said while looking at the book in hand but... "Robin? Who's that?" She had one again said something that doesn't make sense. Her eyes had then fallen on the door as she could hear the door knob turning. 
"Miss, I brought some tea." The door to the library but instead of a woman, which the voice had belonged to, Luna found herself looking at a man with blond hair but unable to see his face. "Is something the matter, Miss." However, he had  completely disappeared and in his place was the owner of the voice a maid with a pair of red eyes.
"No... it's nothing." Luna turned back to her book confused at herself. The maid on the other hand had continued into the library with a tray that had a tea pot, cup, and a plated cake.
"Today's tea is rooibos & pear tea with molten chocolate cake for dessert." It had been placed upon the free space beside a pile of books closest to Luna.
"You may go." The maid bowed towards her before turning back towards the door, only if it hadn't been for a carpet had a a dent in it. This had been why suddenly, the maid's door found herself on the floor with a chair under her. Luna glanced over to the maid on the ground.
"I apologise, Miss!" She had stood up all panicked, showing this pathetic site to a master brought terrible shame to a maid.
"It is fine. You okay?" But Luna didn't seem to care all that much.
"Yes, however..." the maid looked to the chair she had fallen over with. The chair's legs had been completely destroyed and it was causing the maid to panic as it would be taken out of her pair. This had been why Luna gotten up off her chair to walk towards broken piece, where she had began looking over it to have said...
"Franky should be able to fix it." But the maid looked at her all confused.
"Franky? Young Miss, who are you speaking of?" That had been asked.
"Huh?" And it appeared that Luna came to realise that as well and became confused with herself. She knew for a fact that there was no one in the mansion by that name. "No, I must have been thinking of something else." With that being said the maid had removed the chair while leaving, which had left Luna, once again,  alone in the library with piles of books around her. The day was nearing its end when the entrance of the mansion had opened up and Luna's father had come walking I'm
"I'm home!"
"Welcome home, father." Luna's voice had pulled him towards the stair case where she was standing at the bottom of.
"Luna!" The moment he saw her at the bottom of the stairs he dashed over to her. He had pulled his hands out from behind his back and when they came into view... "I got this for my little princess!" Her father was holding out a toddler-sized human/reindeer hybrid plushy in hand. Luna's arms had stretched out to grab and take it from the man's hands.
"What are you going to name it." This had been asked by her mother
"...Chopper..." Had been what was said out loud.
"Chopper? That's an odd name." She had stated down to her daughter, but it wasn't like Luna even knew what she said.
"I guess." The name just came out on impulse.
"Master, mistress, young Miss." All three had turned towards a Butler which had spoke up. "Dinner has been prepared." They had been informed and had them moved to the dinning room which had been set up for three.
"I'll be taking this." The man had stabbed his
"Eat your own food, Luffy." She had turned to her father.
"Luffy?" Who had looked at her, eyes widen from surprise and confusion. With everything that was going on with Luna a doctor had been called, however, nothing seemed to be wrong with her physical. Which had been why the doctor suggested that it might be something mentally,caused by stress or something. It been the reason to why Luna was standing in the middle of the Bloody Crimson field, a place that she only got to visit once every fortnight due to her parents being busy. Only those of nobility had permission to be in the field because of the overwhelming Magic energy flowing out from the earth. It had been why there were so many Bloody Crimsons due to the fact they grow where Magic was. This had also been a reason why children aren't meant to be in this place so offer. Although, it was clear from an early age that Luna was different and is allowed to stand in the field for long periods of time. It was why she found herself looking off to the distance at the clear blue sky with her mother sitting down, although...
"There's going to be a storm! It's approaching from 10 o'clock!" The voice of a woman was echoing through out her head.
"There's going to be a storm." Luna had spoken up looking off to the direction that she spoke of.
"Storm? But it's so clear." But when her mother had spoken it had caused the little girl to realise what she had been said. However,the daughter didn't say anything as she was continuing to look in the direction she spoke of. She didn't know why, but she felt that this voice was right... no, she knew that it was right. Which was strange since Luna had no memories of anyone's voice sounding like this. Not to mention all the things that she's being saying. Something felt off about this all. It didn't seem real, which was something that Luna didn't understand. It all felt very nostalgic. It was weird. Luna wondered why... but for some reason, she wished that these days wouldn't end. Hoping they went on forever. It never felt this way before...
"Oi, Luna. Wake up!" Someone had shouted which caused Luna to turn around at speed where she spotted a tanned young man with moss coloured hair standing there. It seemed that when seeing this man had caused her to finally realise it.
"You've been acting strange, Luna." Her mother was looking down all worried.
"This is not real..."
"What was that?"
"This isn't real." With that having been said, Luna's entire body lite you in a burning crimson red light and all eyes had widen by not just the light but what came after it disappeared.
"What happened to you, Luna?! Why do you look like an adult!?" With that being asked by as she looked at her daughter that had completely changed

"What happened to you, Luna?! Why do you look like an adult!?" With that being asked by as she looked at her daughter that had completely changed

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At least to them she looked different, however, this was how Luna looked now. "I have to go." This wasn't the time to be dreaming, she was in the middle of a battle with the crew which she needed to get back to. It had been the reason she took off running in the direction of the forest. She had a feeling that she must go that way to break free. However...
"Luna! Don't leave!" She had to shut her eyes tightly due to the voice of her mother was shouting out to her. Luna had the urge to stop and run but into her mother's arms, but her family were dead and nothing could change that. Even though it hurts to leave them once again, this world was nothing but a dream. An illustration. She had people waiting for her, along with an enemy they needed to defeat. Running with her full force, which meant that she was pretty much leaping of the ground. Or more like she was since even though this was an illusion or dream it appeared that Luna still had her abilities in take.
"How to I get out of here?" This had been the main question that came to mind as she found herself standing at the cliff. Although, she didn't know why it was that she had been lead here. Strong emotions had began to surface that caused Luna's body begin to tremble with her eyes closed as the memories of that night couldn't help but flash before her eye lids as they had tightened closed. Everything burning along with the screams of her people... But she had a feeling that she already knew the answer to this question... "Let's jump."

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