Can't Escape!?

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After everything that had happened between Cerberus, the zombies and now the invisible man, Nami was reacting her breaking point, especially after being assaulted by the invisible man. "There's no such thing as an invisible man!" And Usopp was in complete denial about it.
"But I'm sure he was back there!" She was telling him as they were heading back to dinning room.
"Not if he doesn't exist! It was a hallucination or illusion! You scared yourself into thinking you saw the impossible!" He shouted back at her
"She wouldn't have seen him though." Luna stated since the man was invisible.
"That's not the point!"
"What are you talking about, Usopp!? Didn't you see how someone was paying me down!?" Nami was shouting while asking him.
"Uh, er, well... Nope, I didn't see that!" He was still denying it.
"Yes, you did!"
"Gah, you're leading the witness! You're trying to make me admit that I saw you naked so you can charge me for it!" That was the real reason Usopp was denying it all.
"Didn't you thank her?" This and been asked by Luna, since that was exactly what had happened.
"What!? How greedy so you think I am!?" Nami ended up snapping at him while asking, but they all knew she was extremely greedy. "Although I'm still charging." Because she had said that after.
"As expected." Luna had been all that surprised
"You are!?" As for Usopp, the opposite could be said. "Anyway, I refuse to believe anything I see on this island! Including you naked! You just imagine the invisible man! The ghost are just weird birds! The zombies are just a unique tribe: The Hollow Earth Demons!"
"There are no such things." The demon woman had said right away.
"Sure, we met a skeleton that had died and came back because of a Devil Fruit! We did, but that was truly the exception to the rule! Two people can't possess the same power! And there is no stinkin' way the dead can come back to life!" He did have a point in that matter. "Right, Chopper?" He turned to the reindeer that had been deep in thought the entire time as they walked, which was as why he didn't hear much of what Usopp had said. "Don't you agree with me? Isn't it natural to assume they were nothing along those lines?"
"Well, from a medical perspective, all of this has been impossible. I think your logic makes more sense." He had agreed on that fact. "But Dr. Hogback has abandon his life of glory to devel into his research. Just maybe, miracles of the scale have been happening on this island!"
"Hey, a-are you serious...?" Usopp was getting the chills hearing that.
"Aren you putting a bit too much faith in that man?" Nami asked as she couldn't help but hind the Doctor suspicious.
"Dr. Hogback is a truly wonderful man! I respect him!" But it only upset Chopper. "You're the one being rude! Do you want to choose a doctor of his fine with zombies if you can't back up your claim!"
"Well, isn't he working with a demon?" She had brought up looking towards Luna.
"That's true. If I concentrate enough I can feel the pressure of a demon on this island." The demon explained to them.
"Ah!" Usopp had suddenly shouted realising something. "Is there magic to bring back the dead?" He asked her then, which and the others turn to her, curious.
"No. And if it did, the chanced of it being forbidden are high." Luna had stated simply.
"Why's that?" Nami could only ask, since it sounded like a good thing.
"Because messing with the laws of nature is completely taboo." That had had the answer given
"Taboo? What does that mean?" Chopper didn't know it's meaning.
"It's something that is not acceptable to talk about or do." Which had been explained. "Anyway, so you guys don't go against nature."
"It's hard to explain, but I know for a fact that their are many dangerous and forbidden magic out there. A lot of them are called death curses, which obviously kill people in a single second." The three had grown pale. "My point is that messing with the laws of life and death can have serious consequences. That is what humans don't understand. And it is why I can't help up suspect that man of doing something shady."
"Yeah! Even if I can't, everything is pointing at him! His the zombie king!" Nami was stating as both her and Luna felt the same way.
"Knock it off, you three! You're freaking me out!" Usopp didn't even want to hear anymore.
"Anyway, let me talk to the doctor. Is that acceptable, Nami? Luna?" Chopper asked both females but they felt that he refusing to see the true for what it is.
"I hope Luffy and the guys save us soon..." Usopp had taken off walking after Chopper which left Nami and Luna standing alone.
"It's true that I'm only basing this on my intuition, but everything about this place is creepy..." the navigator was saying, which she wasn't wrong, especially with all these paintings up all over the place. It was the painting that Luna didn't like since they were all the same with scars and numbers in them, it was too suspicious. However, she walked after the others that were already walking once again. "Usopp? Chopper? Luna?" Nami had called their names in a questionable tone.
"What is it, Nami?"
"Isn't that the room we were in earlier?" She asked as they were walking down the stairs about the reach the bottom where the dinning room was,
"Yeah... whoa! Why is it pitch black!?" however, for some reason it was dark.
"This is quite odd." The group had entered the room that was now pitch black, and had no one in it.
"C-Cindry..." Usopp called out the woman that had been hostel to him from the beginning
"Doctor, where did you go?" Chopper called out to the suspicious doctor
"We enjoyed the bath!" Nami had said their voices were echoing. However, despite the room being empty Luna could feel half people all around her. The half people were like felt Brook, who didn't have a shadow, and the zombies, that should be dead. It made her begin to wonder if they were somehow connected. But all of a sudden, the ceiling above had litten up, lighting the room in a instant and scaring Nami, Usopp and Chopper, while Luna looked up.
"Those two have already turned in for the night." It was where a bat like person was hanging upside down. Usopp began to scream upon hearing the voice and seeing the person hanging.
"Hildon."Until Luna had caused him to realise it was the bat man from before. The same bat man that lift them stranded. The same fat man that left them in a graveyard that was filled zombies. "Where exactly have you been this entire time? And why did you leave us in the middle of a graveyard?" She and asked him, since ever she hadn't like this from the beginning.
"My humblest apologies. I left to attend some errands with the horses. The moment I took my eyes off them—."
"You're a bag of lies!" Nami had interrupted him, shouting. "Everyone on this island is in cahoots with each other, right?!"
"P-Please don't make such vile accusations." Hildon had taken off flying to the stop of the stair cases that was located and used as the fireplace. "Come right this way. I'll show you to your rooms."
"You're at it again, trying to 'show us' somewhere!" Usopp shouted up to him pretty much against it.
"I wonder that's the real entrance to the underworld. Thanks for the offer, but we must be off now!" Nami had stated to him
"What!? Wait a sec! Let me talk to the doctor a bit more!" Chopper was the only one that wasn't in agreement.
"Enough, Chopper." Luna had looked down at him, her eyes quite cold which was a shock to him. "You said that the fact that everyone was in cahoots here was a vile accusations, didn't you?" She had then looked up to Hildon, taking a step forwards. "However, they are not accusations because I think I'm beginning to understand." She looked to the paintings on each side. "That Cerberus, those zombies, and everything in this mansion, excluding Hogback and that invisible man, are all zombies. That includes you as well, doesn't it?"
"She has got you, Hildon." A woman's voice had spoke saying
"Wh- Who's there!? I don't see anyone..." which had caused the others beginning to look around.
"Keep out of this! I'll be sure to take them to their rooms." Hildon seemed to be sweating quite a bit glancing to a paint a woman that would be beautiful if she didn't have a lot of scars over her face.
"Why don't we drop this charade?" The painting's lips began to move. "They are already had guess what has happening." She spoke about Luna that had guess everything up till now. "Before we slip up and give them a chance to escape..."
"Wh-Why..." Chopper was trying to find the words as he was beginning the feel terror.
" the picture..." as was Nami
"...t-t-ta...?!" And Usopp was unable to even finish.
"It's because their zombies." Luna had realised after some time in the mansion. However, she didn't expect that the paintings had the ability to come out of the portrait, which seemed to shock the other three even more.
"You're trembling. How adorable! You!re so cute... I won't let you leave, children!" The woman had come stretching out of the picture frame towards the three out of four that was screaming in terror. She had grabbed ahold of Chopper.
"Ch-Chopper!" Nami screaming out to him.
"A zombie popped outta the picture!" Usopp was freaking out as Luna ran towards the zombies that had ahold of Chopper, who was screaming for someone to save him.
"Let go of him." She grabbed onto him.
"W-What?!" The zombies seemed completely shocked at how Luna was able to prevent her from moving back.
"That's right! You get him, Luna!" Usopp was cheering just standing there.
"Help her out!" Nami shouted while now running over to help Luna.
"You can do it, Luna! Nami!" But he was still just cheering. It was then when Luna felt something and turned around seeing the pig headpiece moving and swords in it's trotters.
"Usopp, look out." She warned the long nose who had turned and saw a sword coming right at him, which was why he dodged it.
"I'm Oinkchuck, the head hog of the zombies in this room!" The pig head had spoken introducing himself. "You'll be dead before you get so much as a single foot out of the door!"
"Th-The wall mount... talked!" Usopp was completely shocked at that. "L-Luna, Nami, did you see that!? The wall mount was talking!"
"I was the one that warned you." Luna had reminded him of that fact. However, it was the growling of a beast
"Ow, ow, ow... Who was the jerk that start me in the back!?" The large Polar bear rug that Usopp was stepping on began to move on its own.
"It's just like Luna said! The mansion is teaming with zombies!" It was then the rug began to attack Usopp, thinking that he was the one who stabbed him, and ended up throwing him, but Usopp had grabbed ahold of the chandelier. He had grabbed ahold of one of the candles on the chandelier and throw it down.
"Punk! Take this, you darn bear rug!" The candle had hit the rug where a small patch of flames appeared on its fur.
"Crap! It's a candle!" Which had completely freaked it out. "It's hot! It's rottin' hot!" The bear was trying to put it out, only to have its paws catch on fire as well.
"Fire! It's terrifying!" The other Portrait zombies began freaking out at the side of the fire.
"Crap! He climbs up the chandelier!"
"Someone knock him back down!" If was then when they began stretching out the portraits try to attack Usopp.
"I know what you're weak against! I've got enough for everyone! Take this!" But he retaliates by throwing all the candles at them.
"Let go." Luna had kicked the zombies woman in the face releasing Chopper and she was unable to attention began of the fire that had set up on frame.
"Chopper! Nami! Luna! Head for the door! We're leaving the mansion!" Usopp screamed down at them.
"Yeah!" Nami had taken off.
"I'm leaving! I've had it!" Chopper as well, crying. However, Luna had fell to her knees. "Luna!?" The two had noticed her on the ground. Which was why they ran back to her, she was pale and covered in sweat, not to mention was breathing quite heavily.
"Right, the heat!" They had come to remembered that Luna was wreak against it. With no other chose, Chopper changed into heavy point and  was holding her in his arm as they once again were heading for the door.
"Hurry and open the door! I don't want to spend another minute here!" Usopp was shouting as Nami grabbed ahold of the held belonging to the door. However,
"What's keeping you, Nami!?" Chopper was crying while asking her, since the door wasn't opening no matter how much she pulled or pushed.
"No!" She began banging on the door crying.
"D-Don't tell me..."
"It won't open! We're trapped in here!" Nami screaming at him as the door was locked, trapping them inside the mansion while the zombies start to recover.
"Now you've made me mad!" The bear rug was no longer in fire and appeared in the archway.
"Now come on back!

Battling the Demon (One piece)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora