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With Franky finally agreeing to join the crew, the Franky Family calling their farewells to him, while the Straw Hats were setting sail on their new ship. But some of the crew are concerned, because one person is missing. "Hey! Luffy!" Nami called out to him in anger,
"Luffy!" While Chopper was in tears.
"Are you really sore of this, Strawhat?" Franky asked him, since it didn't seem that way. "We're still waiting for one more person."
I've waited... Ever since I heard everything about it from Sanji in that Galley-La room." Despite saying that he was winning a lot. But what he was referring to had happened a few days before at Galley-La Company's headquarters, where Sanji had told Luffy about Usopp's plan for asking to rejoin the crew again. At first Luffy is eager to take Usopp back, but Zoro speaks up with an objection. He says it is not right for Usopp to return without at least an apology after the way he quit originally, especially with the duel he fought with Luffy over the Going Merry. Zoro says it is not right for Usopp to be accepted back so easily after the duel, and they must respect its result. He insists that allowing Usopp back without such would be an insult to Luffy's authority as captain, and that he will quit if Luffy allows himself to be walked all over like that. He says it's time for them to stop treating being pirates as a game, and that Usopp needs to learn to a lesson on not quitting so easily. Luffy understands Zoro's point, and agrees. "We waited for him the entire time in that place, but he didn't come. This is the answer."
"I think he also will be pleased with this. It's not like he quit being a pirate, so we might run into him on the coming seas." While Luffy was saying that, both Robin and Luna had turned to the man that had suggested doing all this. He seemed frustrated.
"Usopp." Chopper was still looking to the island, waiting for the long nose.
"Luffy, let's wait a little long." Nami was saying that they we're in any rush to depart. But he didn't respond as he was sitting on the huge mast. But then the ship rocked as a cannonball splashing in the water signals their time is up.
"Damn it! The marines already found us!" Franky shouted after running to the side seeing a navy ship with a dog figurehead heading right of them.
"Grandpa?!" Everybody, especially Luffy, is surprised that it's Garp attacking them.
"Oi Luffy! Can you hear me!? Grandpa here! Grandpa here! Answer if you can hear me!" Garp uses a megaphone to hail his grandson.
"Oi, Grandpa! What's wrong with you!?" Luffy was shouting back over to him. "Didn't you say you weren't going to capture us here!?"
"Well, a lot of things happen! I'm sorry but you're gonna die in this sea!" He was apologising with the whole change in situation. But the family says he's gonna kill them doesn't really change anything. "There's no apology I can give you but, I'll take care of you by myself!"
"What's he trying to do?" Sanji was asking since he could see the old man taking a cannon ball in hand.
"Meteor Fist!" Garp throws a cannonball at the ship as if it were a baseball. The impact was more powerful than when being fired from an actual cannon. And it just missed the new ship but the shockwaves forces it away from the island.
"H-He just shot a cannonball at us with his bare hands!" Sanji was sweating at the side of it.
"That flew much faster than with a normal Cannon! As if it were a baseball pitch!" Zoro had his swords out and with seeing that.
"We have no choice! Will have to escape!" Nami was shouting to the others because at this rate the new ship was going to blow up.
"This could be quite bad." Luna stated seeing the Marines bring out more cannonballs. "It appears there is 1000 cannonballs waiting to be thought at us." She even counted the amount there was.
"Full Speed ahead! Will smash those cannonballs!" Luffy was shouting to the others as they began moving around deck and the Marines were following. Plus, there was still no sign of Usopp.
"He's here!" Chopper had suddenly shouted before running to the port side. "Usopp came! Oi, everyone! Usopp came!" He was chatting with excitement to the others.
"Really?" Robin had been the only one that stopped moving, as the guys and Luna had ran to the observation deck at the back. They didn't have time worry about Usopp as Grap began using his superhuman strength to hurl cannonballs at the ship. They needed to protect the ship.
"Oi, guys! Bec, I'm coming back right away!" They could hear Usopp shouting from Scrap Island. But none of them responded taking down Cannonballs left and right. Zoro had sliced throw a pair of them.
"Gum Gum..." Luffy leaped up, inhaling. "...Balloon!" Where his had inflated, having five cannonball hit his stomach as he was heading to the main mass, where Robin's arm sprout it out to support him. Sanji had kicked a trio of them that were heading for her and Franky was firing off his weapon Left bullets.
"Krovavyy..." Blood began gathering in Luna's hands. "...Vystrel!" (Blood Shoot, Russian) And a stream of big bubbles came foyijfnout her hands, which hits the cannonballs that were heading right for them, at great force multiple times. However, the attack just wouldn't stop.
"Usopp came Luffy!" Chopper had shouted to the captain.
"Protect the ship!" Who present he didn't hear anything using Gum Gum Ballon again.
"Oi! Be happy, it's me! Chopper, we are having nice weather today. Let's go fishing!" Usopp was shouting running for the edge of Scrap Island. "I guess that's out of the question." He was trying to joke around. "By the way, I have some good news! When I get back I'm willing to take the position of vice captain! How was it? Oi! Oi! Luffy! Everyone! I understand! You're so happy that you can't stop crying, right?!" But nothing he said reached the ears of the crew as they pretended not to hear anything. He is in denial that they could've taken his resignation from the crew seriously, and that is why they are leaving without him. He reaches the shore of Scrap Island, and calls for them to stop fooling around.
"Luffy, Usopp is calling for us!" Chopper tried once again to get him to listen to Usopp.
"I don't hear him." Luffy had claimed.
"Zoro!' He then tried with the swordsman.
"I can't hear anything." Who had also claimed the same thing. But he didn't understand why they were acting this way. The ship continued to say away leaving further away under Garp's attack. Luna then noticed that he fell to his knees, as she sent blood flying at some more cannonballs.
"I'M SORRY!" With tears streaming, Usopp screams to the ship. Luffy finally stops, hearing his mea culpa. "I'm sorry for my stubbornness! I was wrong!" It seemed to have had the others stop as well since that was all that needed to be said. "Even though I was stubborn until now...! Even though I said I was leaving the crew....! I want to change all that, but I can't! I can't, so I beg of you!" Besides Luffy and Chopper, the others had continued to fight off the cannonballs. Please take me back with you guys! Just one more time.. For spot! Let me be your crew mate!" Usopp begged to be allowed back in the crew. With that, Luffy stretches his arm out to the shore. "Luffy..."
"YOU IDIOT! Hurry up and grab on!" He screamed now also crying. He pulls Usopp back onto the boat, tears streaming, as the rest of the crew splits time between rejoicing at the heartfelt reunion and continuing the defense of their ship. With their crew finally complete. "We are finally complete! Let's hurry up and get out of this bombardment to go for more adventures, guys!" Luffy orders still crying.

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