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With Duval's face revealed, the Straw Hats were in awe as it looks like Sanji's wanted poster. It was hard to believe that a human with a face like that actually exist. The reason why even Luna was surprised is that she never meet anyone like that until now. "Black Leg Sanji... Dis is all her fault!" Duval was stating through his tears, and it had then been when Sanji had ran off to the opposite side of the Sunny where he drove into the water. "Do ya realise... how frightenin' it was, suddenly bein' targeted by bounty hunters!? Why! Why'd I suddenly have to be chased by the Navy!? Why'd all those big name bounty hunters suddenly started huntin' me!? Why!?"
"Sanji?" It was then when Sanji resurfaced from the water and made his way with where Luffy was.
"S'all because ya decided to become a pirate, and become famous... dat I had to go into hidin'... Fearijg the bounty hunters ev'ry single day!" The Flying Fish leader tells his enemy about his life till now. Luna came to notice Sanji beginning to pick up his speed as she could careless about Duval's story. "What'd I do?! Give me my life back!" As he demands his life back,
"LIKE I CARE!" Sanji kicks him squarely in the face.
"Whaddaya mean, 'Like I care'!?" This seemed to have sparked an argument. "If ya ain't gonna take responsibility for dis, then who will?!" It was a pointless one.
"Shaddup! I'm more pissed about that want to post on anyone!"
"This is really a pointless agreement." Luna said out loud with a sigh of annoyance. It was hard to tell had it worse off.
"Those two look exactly like each other!" Hatchan had come to say looking at them and in a way he wasn't wrong.
"Like two peas in a pod." Zoro had completely agreed with him and there seemed to be someone unable to control themselves. Brook came collapsing to his hands in knees laughing with tears flowing from his empty sockets. He seemed completely amused by this.
"Brook! I'm so gonna kick the crap out of you afterwards!" Which only caused Sanji to snap at him.
"Well then, Sanji... we'll just be going on ahead." Then Luffy had pushed it all into the cook.
"Are you saying this is my fault!?" Who had asked him this pointing at Duval. "If you don't want to look like that wanted poster... then how about trying to change your hairstyle or beard!? There are plenty of things you could just changed, right!?" Sanji shouted out a good question, which could have solved everything. A long intense silence had lingered as Duval was glaring down at Sanji after hearing his words.
"So, I could have done that?" It seemed it was due to him progressing what was said.
"Like I say, pointless." And Luna hadn't been more true with her words.
"Are you all morons!?" Nor had Sanji's.
"I ain't no moron!" Many would argue with him on that. "You know, Black Leg, we... You know, Black Leg, we... We were running a small, unknown gang in some distance corner of this sea..." in other words they were only petty bandits that were no different then pirates. "We spent every single day by threatening the villagers for money... that was the kind of happy life we had." More like worthless. "But that tranquil way of life suddenly received a huge shock." As their reign carried on, the Marines put out a bounty for Sanji forcing the town to clear out. "At that time, I was convinced that the entire village had learned to fear me. But then, what happened" The Marines reached him, thinking the bandit to be Black Leg Sanji. Surprised, Duval tried to tell the Marines otherwise. Ruined, he had traveled with his gang and got his back severely injured. "Black Leg... Do you understand? I, who had never caused any kind of April... Suddenly found myself with a bouncy of 77 million... And was chased around by those powerful marines... I got this nasty scar on my back, and was forced to wear this ironmaster hide my face from the world!" His story had been told to all before. "It's yer fault day my life was ruined! I'm prepared to chase ya to da ends of Hell! If dat's a problem for ya... Then how about you just kill me right now!?" And upon that being said Sanji grips the Flying Fish leader around the throat. "I'm bein' killed!"
Those stupid accusations of yours... Why's your even have to put Nami, Robin and Luna in danger!?" That was the main reason behind his anger right now.
"S'dat ship and dat crew dat made ya a famous pirate! Of course I'd want revenge on'em!" His logic was quite flawed. "Ya guys should all die!" And then Duval then tried to shoot his Scorpion Harpoons, but the cook dodged them. "Get in formation!" That had been ordered into the Transponder Snail on the large cow.
"This is the end of you... Black Leg!" and the Flying Fish Riders closed in.
"Cut it out already, you guys!" But Sanji was reaching his breaking point and leaped towards a rider which he had sent a kick at.
"Ya came at'em, huh, Black Leg?" However, it seemed that things weren't as they seem. This was due to a pair of fish riders coming down at him from above with steel net that Sanji got caught up in. "Now, suffer and drown!" The cook was pulled underneath the water
"Dammit! I'll save you right now!" Which was why Luffy was about to leap into the water after him.
"And where do you think you're going, Hammer?" If it hadn't been for Luna grabbing him by the back of his vest. The boy had Devil Fruit abilities, so even if he wanted to help the crew would need to save two people.
"Wait! You humans are too slow, you can't catch him!" Which had been why Hatchan had to race to the rescue. "Leave this to me!"
"Fool! You Fishman don't stand a chance of catching up!" Duval had shouted at him that the speed of the Flying Fish was the fastest of all the sea creatures and then there were the riders that can use oxygen tanks ensuring that Sanji will drown. "The next time that guy, Black Leg surfaces... He'll already have drowned and died!"
"WHAT'S RHAT!?" Hearing that remarked had angered Luffy but it only had Duval burst into laugher.
"It's OK!" Camie had come to the shore after throwing off her backpack where she dived into the water after Sanji.
"Hey, cowboy! It seems that you forgot someone here!" Pappag spoken up to pull all attention to him. "The Flying Fish almost certainly faster than fishmen. There in the top class among sea creatures. They really are something!" That had been said by the little star. "However....The creatures at the very top of that top class are the mermaids! In this great sea... there are no creatures that can out run a mermaid underwater!"
"Is she really that incredible?" Luffy looked to him asking.
"Actually... If she hadn't been spacing out all the time, no one would be able to catch up!" It had been explained.
"I see! Camie! Take care of Sanji!" Luffy then wishes the mermaid luck. But there were more pressing matters at appeared, that had been the Flying Fish Riders shouting up from the water pulling something along with them. It was huge and was only able to see it when the water had calmed down.
"That doesn't look good." Luna was right since she found herself looking up at a large anchor being held up by the Flying Fish riders and it was being held over the Thousand Sunny.
"The Sunny's in trouble!" Luffy had gone completely pale.
"That thing is dangerous!" While Brook was completely understating it.
"Drop it!" The Flying Fish Riders drop the anchor.
"SINK!" however, just as the anchor hits, the Thousand Sunny's mane began to spin like a propeller to push the entire ship backwards.
"What's that?" Luna had come to ask as she noticed the mouth of Sunny opening up.
"Awesome!" Luffy's eyes began to sparkle in excitement upon seeing a cannon
"What is it now!?" Duval seemed almost panicked as something was happening. That something was the tip of the cannon beginning to glow and then the cannon itself fires a blast of air that resembles an energy beam. It was so strong that the blast was blowing everything around and as if protecting her from it, Zoro stood in front of Luna to block most of the wind pressure and the light that had appeared. When everything had calmed down, one was able to see that it had take out most of the Flying Fish Riders in one shot, obliterating nearly half of Duval's base as a bonus.
"Aren't you a little too impressed?" Luna had asked this of Luffy who was literally glowing with excitement.
"Sunny!" But it appeared he didn't hear her.
"Miss Lion is incredible!" Brook seemed to be completely impressed with it as well. "It seems as if my eyes were going to pop out! Though I have no eyes to pop out..."
"Camie!" Everyone had come to spot the mermaid resurfacing with Sanji.
"Everyone, it's terrible!Sanji-chin is losing a lot of blood!" She began screaming all panicked. 0Just when I thought I'd saves him, a lot of blood suddenly start flowing out of his nose!" But it was all because of the Pervy mind the cook had as his face was being pressed in her breasts while rescuing him. "Hang in there, Sanji-chin!"
"Damn... He survived, huh?!"
"Well, it looks like your subordinates are useless now, doesn't it?" Luffy had come to say as they all had been taken out by the attack.
"Why, you...! Then, I guess you should learn how terrifying Motobaro is! Until today, I've lost count of how many floors have been impacted by his giant horns! They say his horns have even managed to destroy village dams... Put him in a cage, and he'll break straight out! The only reason I've been able to escape from the Navy all this time... It's because of this guys horns! They cool them the heart smashing horns!" That was being shouted in a fit of rage.
"OK! I'll stop you!" But it seemed that Luffy was ready for him.
"Go, Motobaro" Duval charges at him using the large cow.
"Watch out Luffy!" However, despite Chopper's cry of panic, Luffy stopped Motobaro with his bare hands which was quite shocking as the horns were completely useless.
"There's no point inviting us!" Luffy shouted and in that moment a chill ran right down Luna's spin as she felt that force.
"That was..." She knew this feeling. The feeling that she could only get from something that only a few people possessed and something that demons weren't able to use. And she hadn't been the only one to feel it. Motobaro began to shake in pure fear, while backing away.
"Hey, what's wrong, Motobaro?" But Duval couldn't seem to understand why.
"The cow'a acting strangely, isn't he?" Zoro was saying as he hadn't felt the same thing as the demon and animal. It had then been when Motobaro had completely freaked out and bucked his owner off to slightly run away affaires, however, after a few stepped it had completely passed out.
"Luffy! What did you do?" Nami was shouting on over to him, since it had only reacted like that after it tried to attack him.
"I didn't do anything!" But he didn't understand what happened himself. Everyone was confused at what just happened, all by Luna who know exactly what had caused it. She could still feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing up.
"Motobaro! Damn, how can this be!?" Duval was in tears that soon turned into anger. "Why, you... Damn Straw Hat kid...!" And with that, Luffy got ready to fight.
"Hey, wait a minute, Luffy!" Until Sanji's voice had stopped him.
"Sanji!" The cook seemed to have recovered as he was now walking on land once again. "Glad you're alright!"
"I'll end this stupid incident... filled with pointless accusations myself!" That had been said.
"Finish it!? Black Leg? As long as you keep on living as a pirate... I'll never find peace!" But he would if he just changed his appearance. "I am the one who sick of the accusations!"
"Shut up!" But Sanji had finally snapped. "I don't want to see that stupid post to face any more than you do. It shouldn't even exist in real life!" He had then steps up claiming Duval is a freak.
"Well then... you should just die!" The poison harpoons had been fired by Sanji was dodging them like they were nothing,
"Ceil!" (And landed a kick to his eye. "Nez!" Then another to his nose. "Joue! Bouche! Dents! Menton!" (Eyes, Nose, Cheek, Mouth, Chin, Teeth, French) He was bombard Duval's face with a series of kicks that was pushing him backwards.
"Please, stop it..." and Duval was already calling for it to stop.
"Parage..." However, it wasn't going to. "...Shot!" (Cosmetic Surgery Shot, French) as the cook delivered a barrage of kicks to every single section of the opponent's face. Then it sent the Flying Fish leader into another building. "Taste of classiness of my finishing attack, and end your misery. You shitty Bastard."

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