The Jolly Roger!?

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After escaping, those that were still on the Thousand Sunny had come to noticed that not just their Jolly Roger was missing but also one of there crew mates, besides Luffy and Chopper who had been separated. Although, Zoro going missing wasn't exactly a new thing. But the Jolly Roger had completely disappeared. "Our Jolly Roger..."
"It's gone missing?" Some of them were still trying to progress the missing flag as they all were now on the grass looking up the mast.
"When's that happened?" That was the only thing that didn't make sense, since they all saw it before.
"Wh-Where'd it go? It's gone! Gone! Gone! Gone! Gone! Gone! Gone! Gone! Gone! Gone!" Usopp was running all around panicked.
"It's over there." Luna was off the port side looking off to above the icebergs.
"What's wrong, Luna?" Seeing her had caused the other to run over and to understand what she meant.
"Is something over there?" It was why Usopp had pulled out his binoculars where he could see what she was looking at. "Found it! Jolly Roger, found!" He couldn't see the strange winged feathered fish flying around with the flag.
"Where?!" But the others couldn't exactly see it due to how far it was.
"A bird-like fish has it!"
"That explains it." Luna seems not all that surprised by that.
"What?!" Nami seemed confused at what she said.
"Those weirdo from before had taken it."
"What!?" Now the others didn't seem to under.
"I watched the smallest child throw something and the fish came out following us." That had been properly explained to them.
"Hey! It's taking our Jolly Roger back in the direction we just came from!" Usopp's eyes had broken the glass of the binoculars as they shot out of them.
"Damn it!" That had Sanji running up the stairs to the helm before steering it completely around.
"Hey, where do you think you're takin' us?" Franky had been the shouting up to him asking.
"Isn't it obvious? We are going back!" That was yelled back as the others were trying to keep their footing due to the suddenness of the sharp turn taken.
"What!? Don't joke! We just escaped." That had been reminded.
"Calm down, Sanji!" Nami was now shouting at him that they stilled had both Luffy and Chopper missing, plus Zoro. "At times like this, you should think before you leap!"
"We can't afford to stay put. Jolly Roger is as important to a pirate as his own life! We can't allow even one to get stolen!" Sanji was saying to them, not looking back.
"We know that, but first we should meet with Luffy-" Usopp was trying to say but got cut off.
"I've got another reason! Guys, do you want our captain to scold us for screwing up!?" With that being asked, both Nami and Usopp had come to realise what he meant by saying that.
"No! Anything but that!" She screamed panicking.
"I couldn't take it!" One would think because of the Captain was the one with high authority, however...
"My pride won't let me endure a lecture from that moron!" But because they couldn't stand the fact that it would be an idiot that does nothing but get in trouble that would be lecturing them.
"They seem oddly motivated." The other three were just watching as they were burning in flames of passion and anger.
"Let's go!" And no one objecting now, the Sunny was heading back the way they were coming. That was of large number of icebergs had t gotten in their way, forcing them to a stop. "Damn. Not again." The others ran to the bow where Sanji stood annoyed.
"How can they move! They're just ice!" Usopp couldn't understand, but none of them could.
"It looks like we can't get any further until we learn the truth behind these icebergs." Nami was right about that. "Franky! I'd like to borrow something." He seemed a bit confused at what she was saying, but then the two of them went below deck to the the channels were located.
"Soldier Dock System, Channel 3!" Sanji had changed the dials on the helm from 0 to 1 and 3 and the hatch was opening up and a blue submarine shaped like a shark came out before diving into the water.
"Sanji, do you copy?" Nami's voice was coming from a transponder Snail that was located in the kitchen, where the four that remained on the ship stood around.
"I read you loud and clear, Nami." Sanji answered before moving on to asking if they learned anything yet.
"It looks like will have to dive a little deeper..." she responded before they heard her giving Franky instructions to go directly under the icebergs. "Huh? What's that?" It didn't take long before Nami was speaking again.
"What is it, Nami?"
"Did you find something?" Franky was asking her on the other end.
"Please slow down a bit.." she had instructed instead of answering. "Stop right there!" She was yelling before she began to what she was seeing was. "They noticed us!" Nami began to panic
"What did?" Franky didn't know what she was taking about.
"I don't know!" But it appeared that she didn't either.
"What!?" Which consumed him.
"They're headed straight for us!" Nami screamed
"What are!?"
"Just get us outta here!" Then the two could be heard screaming over the Snail.
"W-What!s going on, Nami?" Sanji hearing the screaming asked now panicking. The other three were a bit surprised listening to the screaming. They had no idea what was going on, they could on tell that they were running away from something. It was then when the four ran out of the kitchen onto deck were they ran to the starboard side looking into the see. "Nami! Nami!" Sanji was shouting as if she would be able to hear them, however, something had pulled their attention to behind them, which was where a large iceberg was coming towards them. The ship had been hit, pushing it off the water surface into the air which had caused all those still standing on it to be tossed into the air beginning to fly away from the Sunny. However, Luna had gripped onto the side in an instant.
"Nico Robin." She stretched her hand out to Robin upon calling out to her, who had arms sprouting out from her left palm one after another like rope until they gripped onto Luna's right wrist. When Robin had secured a grip, her right palm had arms stretching out towards Usopp and Sanji that were still flying off.
"Crap!" But they weren't able to grab onto either one of them as they were too far. Then the Thousand Sunny came falling back into the sea.
"This is quite the predicament." Luna had looked off to where Usopp and Sanji of flew and disappeared off in.
"That is for such." Robin had to agree as she was dusting herself off. However, both woman had turned at the laugher of a child coming from side of them.
"Let's play, Miss." It had been the little girl that was with the weirdos from before.
"Who are you?" Robin asked since it was obviously didn't stick around for a name.
"I am Lil." The little girl had answered smiling. "So? Will you both play with me?" She was asking both Robin and Luna who were looking at the girl. "You have a cute ship!" Lil had stated before getting up asking for its name.
"It's the Thousand Sunny." Robin had given the name to her.
"Thousand...? No, I meant your two names." But she had been asking for the women's name and not Sunny's.
"Our name?" Robin seemed so what amused. "I am Robin. Nico Robin. And this is Luna. Morozov Luna." She had introduced both herself and Luna to the girl.
"Nico Robin and Morozov Luna?"
"Correct. Are you not the one from earlier?" Luna had then asked her,
"You recognise me?" Which seemed to have been a little surprising to Lil.
"Well, you did show up quite suddenly." She was stating to the girl as Robin and her walked over towards Lil
"Say, Lil, do you know where the rest KF the crew is?" Robin had asked, bending down to be eye level with the girl.
"The thousand's crew? I don't know." Lil turned her head answering which was a little disappointing. "But I know where your flag went!" But both women looked at the child with Robins disappointed looks gone as it turned to surprised. "Aren't you searching for it?"
"That would be correct. Where is the flag?" Luna had asked since they needed to get it back. But Lil turned away humming a bit as if she was debating whether to tell them or not. And the reason that Luna hadn't attacked this girl was because even She had limits and hurting actual children was one of them. The human race were like children compare to her so were more children by other people's standers.
"Could you tell us?" Robin asked her nicely.
"Will you with me?" Lil had asked back to both women which didn't quite go through. "Will you two play with me? I'll tell you if you do."
"All right, we'll play." Robin had been the one to answer since it was going to be the only way to get their flag back.
"Really? Yay!" Lil truly was a child as she was excitement. "My big sister hadn't been playing with me lately. She's always playing with him. She's always with that creepy guy." Luna could only think to that male figure skater looking guy. While Robin felt a little awkward listening. But with nothing to do by play along, Robin sprouted her arms around Lil with the fist closed.
"Now, which hand is the coin in?" She asked the girl
"Hmm, give me a second." Who was sitting down looking around at the nine arms that were circling her. "This one!" She pointed at the hand that she thought had the coin, only to have it open with an eye on it. Which had Lil pouting.
"Hey, Lil." Luna had spoken to her.
"Where is the flag?" She asked but Lil claimed not to know.
"Please! Won't you tell us?" Robin had gone onto asking. But once again she claimed not to know. Which had caused them with no other chose. Arms sprouted from the deck stretching towards Lil who began to laugh do to them tickling her.
"Okay, okay! I'll tell you! I'll tell you where it is!" She had given up in the matter of seconds.
"Really! Honest!" Then the arms had disappeared. "All of our flags are in Papa's room."
"Your papa?"
"Yes! He has a whole bunch!" She explained that his room was covered in Jolly Rogers. "Today is his birthday, so everyone came to pick up a birthday present!"
"Was our flag the present you speak of?" Luna had asked her, since that was the only thing that had been taken and the fact that the man's room was covered in flags had caused her to think that.
"Boo! Bad guess!" Lil stated before pulling out papers from her bag that were then spread across the deck. "These are the presents." They were the wanted posters of the whole crew, which had Robin and Luna looking in down shocked. Well, more Robin then anything. "This person has a 300,000,000 beli bounty." She was pointing to Luffy's. "This one had 120,000,000 beri bounty." To Zoro's. "The one has a 44,000,000 beli bounty." Franky's. "Then..." She was first pointing at both Robin and Luna's poster before up to them both. "You both had an 80,000,000 beli and 400,000,000 beli bounty, right?" And for a child, her eyes were completely dark while smirking which even Luna was surprised at this. But only a little. However, it was then when a Transponder Snail began ringing which Lil had pulled out from her bag. "Huh? What was that?" Lil had answered it asking. "Uh-huh.Uh-huh. Two? Oh, is that right? Uh-huh. Okay. You got it." She seemed annoyed after hanging up and headed to the port side of the Sunny to throw something into the water. "Go, my kites, Uo!" The same bird like fish came flying out from the water but it wasn't just one but an entire school of them that flew over head. Lil then came back to join both Robin and Luna. "Now then, let's resume our game."
"What happened?" Robin asked instead.
My third oldest brother caught two of the bounties. It was her and him." Lil pointed to Nami and Franky. "C'mon! C'mon! Hurry! Let's Play!"
"How about we play at your house." Luna had spoken with something in mind.
"Huh? You'll come to my house to play?" Lil was asking since it was sudden.
"Would you invited us?" She was asking the child

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