The Real One Appears!

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With the order for the crew to split up as they have no chance of victory because of their condition, had come they began to do just that. "Franky!" But Nami had come to notice the cyborg not moving as he was looking up at PX-1.
"I'm gonna use all my cola energy... This'll be my last attack!" But it seemed he had something that he felt that he must do. Franky connected both of his arms together with a T-shaped pipe then aims the remaining end of the pipe at the Pacifista. "Coup de..." He then began to suck massive amounts of air into his abnormally large arms. "...Vent!" Which he had released all at once, firing a blast of compressed air that travels at the speed of sound and blasted away PX-1. "That damned idiot must have felt that! Run!" And with that, he was satisfied and they took off running.
"Pops, thank you!" Chopper and Robin had taken off running as well as Luffy.
"No problem! I'll pray for your safety!" Rayleigh wished them luck.
"Yata..." However, someone wasn't going to allow that as he formed light between his hands. " Kagami." (Eight Span Mirror, Japanese) The light had been fired up to a mangrove tree but reflect towards where
"It's bright!" Usopp and Brook were running while carrying both Zoro and Luna.
"Light! He's going something!" But they didn't know what and just at Kizaru was about to chase after them only to be intercepted by Rayleigh's sword.
"I won't let you pass!" The Dark king was saying as he had made up his mind to prevent the admiral from chasing after Luffy and the others. "It's been a long time since I used my sword."
"Ama no Murakumo." (Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven, Japanese) It was then when Kizaru had formed a long, very sharp and durable sword out of light and solidifies it."I'm in trouble here... I was expecting things to be easy when I came to the silence..."
"Worried are also a part of life, Kizaru." It had then turned into fight between the two of them. Making the light disappear.
"The light ahead of us disappeared." Which had gone unnoticed by Brook.
"Seems like the old man saved us again." Nor Usopp as they didn't even bother stopping to look back.
"T-T-That was scary!" Which was the main reason they didn't do that.
"Seems like he's the real Dark King." Sentomaru who had been watching, had his doubts but seeing him able to handle Rayleigh with ease was proof enough for him. "We're just one step away from catching Miss Athena not to mention Roronoa with his bounty of over 10l million..." He turned his attention to where PX-1 had been sent flying to, and it was getting back already. "PX-1! Roronoa is half-dead! Go take him out and retrieve Miss Athena!" That had been ordered because Sentomaru's ordered were to catch Luna alive and forcefully bring her back to HQ. The Pacifista had taken off after locking into Zoro in the far distance on Usopp's back.
"He's..." Sanji had come to spot it running after Usopp's group. "Franky! Take care if Nami! Please go in without me!" And he began heading in the same direction as the Pacifista.
"Be careful! We'll be alright!" Franky understood what the man was doing.
"Sanji!?" However, Nami didn't quite get it.
"He's going after Luna and the others!" He had shouted back to her while dashing for the ones in danger.
"Put me down..." But suddenly Zoro had spoken up. "I'll let you escape..." The swordsman was insisting on staying behind,
"Don't be ridiculous! You're even more useless than I am right now!" but the former refuses.
"And that's saying a lot." Luna was saying in Brook's boney arms.
"Hey!" Of course Usopp was offended by her words but continued back to Zoro. "We're running together! That's what Luffy wanted us to do!" So they continued to run away, although, Luna had come to notice sounds of stomping following them.
"I think we're being followed." She had come to say to Brook.
"Could it be...?!" Who was turning his head in fear upon finding out what was following them. It had then been when he screamed in terror upon spotting PX-1 closing in,
"He's here!" Both him him and Usopp to panicked at the sight and they tried moving faster then before.
"Usopp!" However, Usopp seemed to be struggling to keep up with Brook that was light even while carrying Luna.
"Don't come here!" The long nose was crying.
"Stop right there, you damn bastard!" Sanji had managed to catch up to PX-1 and was running right behind it. It was then he began spinning with Diable Jambe and had come to kick the back of the Pacifista which had hit and knocked it over.
"Sanji!" The others had come to a stop to look at the cook that saved them.
"My leg...!" However, he suddenly felt intense pain in his leg and came crashing to the ground. That was when the Pacifista had gotten back up and arm it's palm at Sanji.
"Run, Sanji! He's aiming for you!" They were warning him.
"Idiots! Hurry up and go!" However, Sanji was more worried about them as he shouted. The beam had been fired and it had blasted them away. Luffy's group was able to see this and were horrified as they were running. As Rayleigh was beginning to struggle with holding Kizaru back.
"As you can see, my subordinate are more than strong enough." Who speaks of how his subordinates can handle things. No one had dead from the attack but it wasn't like they become unscathed by it either.
"Zoro, I'm sorry! I dropped you! Are you alright?!" Usopp was shouting as the swordsman was laying far ahead of him.
"You too, Luna! Are you unharm!?" Brook was calling out to the demon woman.
"This is why I can't stand Vegapunk." Who had been sent flying far from Brook and was pushing herself up. The bleeding from all her wounds had stopped which was a good thing but the pain was still excruciating. But while that was happening, PX-1 didn't bother wasting time as he was heading over towards them, until something grabbed onto his foot.
"Wait, you damn bastard!" It had been Sanji, who tried to hold it down, but it meant nothing as he continued walking towards Usopp, Zoro, Luna and Brook. "Damn! Stop, already!"
"Zoro..." Luna was crawling back down over to him since she was a few feet ahead of him.
"They're in trouble over there!" Luffy was stilling running as he could see Zoro's party in danger which he was going to run over to help.
"I won't even need my broadaxe, Will I?" If Sentomaru was chasing after him. "I though I told you, you didn't have time to worry about your friends!" And with saying that, Sentomaru pulled back his hand with his palms open. "Ashigara..." Which had used to smash into Luffy. "...Dokkoi!" (Leg-Locked Heave-Ho, Japanese) It didn't even connect but it had send Luffy flying while causing damage.
"Luffy!" Chopper called out to him as the captain was sent scrapping across the ground. "How can that guy's attacks hurt a rubber man like Luffy!?" The doctor knew that Luffy couldn't feel or be hurt by such attacks and yet these ones were having effect, much like with Garp. "Damn!"
"Chopper! Don't stop!" Robin had shouted at him as noticed he had stopped.
"Sanji!" But their attention had been pulled behind them where PX-1 had Sanji in his hand and fired a beam. "Sanji!" Usopp was crying out to him.
"Usopp!" Then Luna had shouted out to him as PX-1 fired a beam at him this time.
"Damn it! They'll all be killed!" Seeing this was pushing Chopper over the edge as the Straw Hats were at the mercy of PX-1 and Sentomaru respectively. He had then taken off running for Luffy.
"Don't do it, Chopper!" Robin tried to stop him but he had changed from Walk point to Heavy Point. "Stop it, you people!" He was shouting in anger. "Rumble!" and then had thrown three Rumble Balls into his mouth. It was then when Chopper began changing into something that wasn't human or reindeer. His height had increase largely, while his fur grow longer. He had gained hands with were unique to all the others; he retains five fingers analogous to a human's, but each digit is replaced by a thick, long, black hoof in the shape of a finger. His eyes were altered in this form, becoming glowing cyan with no visible difference between sclera, iris, and pupil. It had let out a large roar and most of the crew knew what it was coming from.
"Chopper!" Nami had come to a stop and turned around to see him in a monster form.
"That's the thing from back then!" Franky spoke of when they were on Tower of Justice.
"What's this?" Sentomaru could only asked taken back by the form before him as it towered over all.
"I had heard of this..." The crew had informed Robin, Luna and even the reindeer himself of this transformation.
"But seeing it completely different..." But even Luna was stunned as she looked at it from a distance. The monstrous Chopper wildly tries to smash Sentomaru.
"That's an interesting power, but... it seems like you've lost your commonsense,huh?" It didn't take him long to notice this as Chopper was swinging at everything.
"Luffy, watch out!" But Robin had taken this opportunity to grab Luffy and run, especially when some rubble was heading at them. This commotion had obviously drawn PX-1's attention to the monster Chopper going berserk.
"That Chopper... He did that again!?" Usopp was saying but then came to notice PX-1's hesitation and wasn't moving. "Sanji, Brook! Get up!" He then tried to wake the two of them up. "Let's hurry up and get away from here why we have the chance! He's gonna fire another beam!" However, it was too late, as the Pacifista turns back to Usopp's party. "Hey, hurry and wake up, Brook! Sanji!" And it prepared to fire again. "Luna, do something!" However, she was distracted with Zoro in her arms looking up.
"Wait, PX-1." The reason she was looking up had been due to the appearance of another Kuma appears that was speaking and it had stopped its beam upon the order. Hearing this voice, a voice that they knew caused Usopp and Brook to turn around
"ANOTHER ONE SHOWED UP!" where they both screamed in horror. "What's going on!?" Usopp had been to frighten he fell onto his back side looking up in tears. "No way! How many of these guys are there, anyway?!" He had reached his limit.
"I already told you, there's seven." Luna had calmly informed once again. "But this one is the real one." She the said and Zoro looked up from Luna's chest, he was in due to her pulling him close, and looked on in horror. But it was no surprise after what he experienced back on Thriller Bark.
"Som you survived, Roronoa?" Kuma was calm to see Zoro again. "However, it seems it was due to Miss Luna's interference." That had then been added before he shift his attention to the one he spoke of.
"He would have served even if I hadn't." She had come to say as she stood up, letting go of Zoro as she stepped over him and before Kuma.
"H...Hey, Luna... This is no time to be talking..." Usopp was whispering loudly to her since she seemed to calm about all this. "Hurry!"
"If you were to go on a vacation, where would you like to go?" Kuma had began to remove his glove as he asked this question to Luna.
"I don't need to answer."
"Hey, Luna! If you don't hurry up and run...." But before that sentence had been said Kuma's hand had come swing form the side of Luna who was just standing there, not even trying to fight back...
"As you requested."

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