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The scythe made of darkness had began to disappear as the zombie Amman was in two. Luna had walked over to the head which she stood over before grabbing ahold of it. She had picked up her head as if it were nothing. "So, are you done playing your little drama?" Luna had asked such a strange thing
"You know, huh? Since when?" The head began to talk and it seemed that Amman had understood what she spoke about.
"I think it was around the time you used Magic." Luna answered the question that had been asked
"The beginning, huh?" Amman wasn't all that surprised.
"I guess, since I was told that bodies only use the fighting styles of the shadow that possesses their body. It meant that you shouldn't be able to you magic." Luna had explained the reasoning behind her "However, you were dead. I knew that because I could feel only 2 half lived inside you, one didn't belong to you."
"Yes, but I'm not exactly sure how I retains consciousness upon opening my eyes." It had become clear that the zombie was no impossible but the real Demon Lord. "But I knew that I had dies once, every thought I don't remember how."
"Another Demon Lord?" She shook her head at that. "Then who? I though only a Demon Lord could be defeated by another Demon Lord." That was how it always had been.
"That isn't entirely true." That had been said as there was another way. "If a few high-ranking demons were to combined the power then it's possible." Hearing that, Luna's eyes had began to widen.
"Are you... Are you saying that..."
"That at least half of dukes or duchess had betrayed their people." This was something that only crossed Luna's mind once, a very long time ago. However, she never encountered any other vampires besides herself so the thought had been thrown away. But she always had a feeling that she should keep it close to her.
"I don't understand... why?"
"It is because they began thinking that we were superior." With that being said, Luna could kind of picture what happened. The ducks and duchesses must've gone to the Queen claiming that they should rule over humans instead of being in darkness. "Even if my answered had been yes, we still want to be able to do such a thing."
"Because of the Treaty that the Demon Lords have with one another which prevent them from going out certain territory." Territory, an organized division of a country that is not yet admitted to the full rights of a state. However, with the world the way it is the territories were split among the seas. They was a Demon Lord in each of the Blue Seas, three in paradise while the other three were in the New World. But currently there were only two in the New World due to the destruction of the Vampires, at least most of them. The Demon Lord only role of the teams which live in these territories, but there are some who rule over humans as it had been their decision to serve the Demon Lord. However, it seemed to be different in the New World for the past 150 years but those are rumours. "With The treaty in place unless more than half the Demon Lord vote in favour to annihilate the treaty then it'll stay."
"So the plan was to get rid of you and become a Demon Lord themselves." It was beginning to make sense and it seemed to cause Luna's blood to boil. However, it left one thing unanswered. "But what of the World Government?"
"I do not know why they brought the World Government into it. In fact, I don't remember much that day. All I remember is falling asleep and opening my eyes to being in front of Moria." It wasn't all that surprising, she might had been attack in her sleep or something which was why she didn't remember much. "Ever though I had control of my body, when I was given a direct order from Moria, I was unable to do anything. It was most likely due to the shadow inside of me."
"And since you had more will then the others he made you one of his commanders." Luna had come to understand why a zombie was one of the main commanders instead of captain or something. "Especially with your power, even thought I was one fourth of what it once was." By then she had kneeled down beside the body while placing Amman's head back onto her body, which it hadn't reattached itself.
"Yes but I can no long heal without using Magic." That and been explained when the woman saw Luna looking at the neck and head that wouldn't reattaching itself. "It does make sense, I am dead." She was laughing about it but... "Don't feel bad, you were a child back then and right now you had no chose since I had orders to capture you all."
"Still... if I had known..."
"Luna..." Hearing her name being spoken caused her to look into Amman's eyes as she was smiling softly. "When I saw you're wanted poster, I never felt so happy. Not because I could be free from this life, but because you were alive." Her Hand could see move even though her head was detached from her body. "You've grown and the spitting image of my sister, you're just a strong as her. Although, I didn't expect you to be able to use Darkness Magic." Amman had began to chuckle thinking back to how surprised she had been.
"To be honest, I was kind of pulling at straws." Luna had to admit that since she had never been able to use it before.
"It's probably choose the seal weakening." With that Amman had grabbed ahold of the necklace around Luna's neck. "You're Power is beginning to break free and once a certain amount has something will happen." That had been explained but also not.
"What will?" Which had been why Luna asked that.
"I can't say. All I can tell you is that it's important." Nothing had been answered but the ground had began to shake along with the sounds of the masion behind destroyed left and right reached their ears.
"That is..." Luna looked in the direction it was coming from, only to see a large red demon just peering over the mansion in the distance.
"It is Oars. It appears that his fighting seven of your friends." Amman had stated as she was still able to sense things around them from a distance. "Your captain seems to be running away from the mansion while another one seems to be running around inside."
"Even thought your in such a state you're still able to use this much power." Luna stated looking back down to her once again amazed.
"Yes, which is why you must destroy my body." That had been said as Amman looked back to Luna with a serious expression. "Destroy my body so that it can't be used again."
"Luna, I know this is difficult but you much. This is an order from your Queen and Demon Lord." With a commanding voice
"As you wish, your majesty." Luna had kneel before her while bowing her head.
"Thank you." Salt had been placed into Amman's mouth, and the scythe had completely disappeared the moment the salt was swallowed, which had been with the shadow leaving her body. With it now gone all that was left had been the corpse of Amman which then had been set on fire.
"May you rest in pieces, Demon Lord Amman."

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