The Tyrant!?

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All were completely stumped as they were looking at the friends that were burning away. It all seemed completely lost... "Yo!" That was until the six that never had their shades taken were looking speechless at those that had began to disintegrated. "I seem to be alive!" But they Zoro was standing there laughing like nothing had happened
"I thought that I was going to Heaven for a moment there!" And Robin was beside him, smiling away.
"That's fine with me~! If I'm with Robin, i'll gladly go to Heaven~!" And Sanji was pretty much the same as always. 
"Ding just laugh you're asses off, idiot! We thought you guys were dead for sure!" Usopp ended snapped at them, since they were all acting like being disintegrated was nothing. "You hearin' me!?"
"That was scary~!" Nami and Chopper were cry with joy.
"Jeez, you're all annoying." Luna ended up sighing, but it was one out of relief and not annoyance like normal.
"My goodness, you almost scared me to death. Oh right, I'm already dead though." Brook was saying, joking around and turned around to face the sun then. It had been the first time in years that he stood before it. The most dark, creepy Island that was covering in darkness and fog was no longer seen as the sun shined over everything and the sounds of birds singing reached all ears.
"It's sunlight!!"
"We ain't afraid o' the sunlight anymore!"
"We have our shadows!!" Lola and her crew cheered over the return of their shadows. They no longer had to hide in darkness anymore. They were all completely delighted with it all as they were dancing and jumping around.
"Looks like everyone over there is alright, too." Chopper stated a everyone was looking over to the Pirates, while surrounding their unconscious Captain.
"If I were to guess... I would have to say that the shadows had all returned just in time, which recovered her all." Luna had stated her own opinion about how they were all still in one piece.
"Probably the same theory as when Moria changed the shapes of objects using the shadows." Sanji had said, looking down at his own shadow smiling. "The only think I get is that an object and it's shadow are always the same shape, but..." It didn't really explain everything.
"Relax. I'm sure an exciting incident like a shadows being separated from our bodies will never happen again." Zoro said as there was only on Devil Fruit of its kind, but he did look over to Luna for clarification, since there were Demon's with Magic.
"I've never heard of a Demon being able to remove someone's shadow. Although, they can control you through it but that's about it." Which had been good enough for the rest of the crew.
"Anyway, I'm so glad no one disappeared..." Usopp was signing with relief, while hunching over.
"I'm finally feeling drowsy and beat." Franky, hands behind his head was saying. "Anyone got some cola?"
"Everything that's happened since we arrived on this island was all an illusion shown to us by Moria. Now that he's been beaten, there's nothing left on this island." What Sanji said hadn't been far from the truth. "It's almost like we all woke up from a bad nightmare... Man, that was one bad ghost rise we got on." They were all exhausted from this ride. But then...
"Didn't Luffy shrink before?" It seemed that Zoro had brought up the thing that was everyone's mind.
"From what he told me, he shrinks as a side effect from using 'Third Gear'." Luffy had explained this all to Luna, asking her how he could stop it from happening. However, the only thing she could come up with was to strengthen his body so it can adapt to it.
"Don't you think Luffy's new fighting styles are a bit too harmful to his body?" Usopp hadn't been wrong while asking this of the others. "I'm worried... If there's gonna be stronger enemies then this from now on, he's gonna have to keep using these. If we don't pull ourselves together soon..." He was right, Luna should have been able to do more. Ever if she fought against the former Queen of Blood, Amman only possessed one tenth of the power she held when she had been alive and yet Luna had such difficulties fighting her. Then there was Oars, the only thing he had going for him was size, strength, and speed, even if he wasn't a zombie he was unable to use magic unlike her... so why was she so useless?! And she wasn't the only one that felt that way. While they were deep in thought, the sound of someone walking towards them seemed to have all look in the directions.
"A Zombie!" Usopp screamed at the sight of an short old man with gray, wrinkled skin. He had a large jaw, elongated nose, a scar on the right side of his forehead over his eye, and a dark ring around the other eye. His chest has a long scar on it, and he is extremely skinny and has no muscle mass. He had a worn out green trench coat-like jacket that he wears open, tan slacks with a black belt, and a worn out brown hat. He also wore white bandages on his chest due to previously contracted injuries. "Is there one left without its shadow taken!?" Seeing the man had caused Usopp to hold out Kubuto.
"Nah, I'm just an old man with serious injuries!" The man had stated, or more like clarified.
"That's so confusing! Would it be better if you were just a zombie?" But that was yelled back at him by the long nose.
"Aren't you the old man we met at the cemetery?" And it appeared that Sanji knew who he was.
"Unbelievable... To think we'd see a day where can walk under the sun again... Thank you! I don't know how we can repay you..." The old man was smiling at the group of Pirates before him.
"Oi, old man Spoil~!" Someone yelling had everyone turn once again,
"President of the association of victims!" where they saw Lola and her crew running towards them waving.
"Oh, you guys! So you're all safe!?" The old man, Spoil had been pleased to see them all doing well.
"Are you alright, old man?" Lola asked him, which he answered with a yeah.
"Do you guys know each other or something...?" This was being asked by Usopp, looking between the two.
"Oh right, you guys... I think we're long due for some thanks..." The question wasn't answered.
"We're truly grateful to the lot of ya! Sorry for gettin' ya involved in our troubles!"
"You guys really were our one and only hope against those guys!"
"Thank you, guys. Every member of the Thriller Bark victims..." As Lola was saying this, every single one of them began to get down onto their hands and knees. "Will never forget this!" As they were bowing to the Straw Hats.
"Thank you very much!"
"Call me whenever you need anything!" Spoil looked up to them saying that they might not have much, but they were pleased to give them what they liked.
"More importantly than that, one of you may marry me!" Lola had suddenly said out of no where.
"NO!!" All the guys had shouted at her.
"All at once, she was shot down by five people!"
"That marks the 4449th rejection!" The Ricky Brothers were dancing around shouting.
"Even if you thank you..." Zoro was rubbing the back of his head.
"I-In any case..."
"Luffy alright told you, old man..."
"Hey, you even there!"
"We only fight on our own terms."
"Don't you want to marry me!?" Lola still didn't seem to be giving up but...
"You guys were just rescued as a bonus." At the end of saying that, out of nowhere Nami's hand had come and sent the man flying with a slap across the cheeks.
"What the hell are you saying!?" The Orange hair woman was shouting at him asking. "Just as someone FINALLY thanks us...!" Zoro was sent rolling away into some rubble.
"That's right, Bro! Let us thank ya!"
Whether it was a bonus or not, we are still grateful that ya beats Moria!" The brothers didn't pay any mind to him and continued.
"See!? Right~?" Nami's eyes had turned into Beli signs while sparking.
"Hey, your eyes..." But honestly, those on her crew didn't really find that surprising.
"That's right! How about we show ya Moria's treasure!"
"We're gonna give every piece o' it to you guys!" That of course
"Well now, if you insist..." had pleased Nami... "That's right, I...! Forgot something really important...!" At least at first but she suddenly remembered something.
"What's that?" Usopp looked to her confused.
I completely forgot... About his presence..." But she didn't seem to hear him.
"What's wrong?" Robin then asked her, since she almost seemed frightened.
"It's really serious!" Nami turned around shouting about to explain
"I see." But the reason behind her fear become clear as a voice, clearly coming from a Transponder Snail had been hear and everyone looked up to the right from where it was coming from. "So my greatest fears have become reality...?" They were all looking up above the collapsed building.
"So it would seem." Where someone was sitting above, with the Snail in hand.
"Who's that?" Usopp asked while they were looking at an an enormous man carrying a Bible. His resembled that of a bear. His eyes were strangely covered by either a pair of glasses. His hat featured a pair of rounded ears, and, along with the dark blue fabric of his pants, is covered in brown spots. His jacket contains a large white design reminiscent of a target cross-hair or a coda sign. There was also several white paw prints lining the bottom hem of his coat. He also had a long protruding chin.
"He's here." Nami was in fear at the sight of him.
"Well that's unexpected, I didn't expect to see him here." Luna seemed completely nonchalant about this man's presence.
"You know him?" This had been asked by Sanji, looking over at her.
"That's correct, his a member of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the 'Tyrant' Bartholomew Kuma." Luna had been the one to answer.
"Wha—" But upon hearing this, the others weren't able to hide their shock.
"What's your just say?" And some didn't seem to want to believe it. "That's..."
"A Seven Warlords of the Sea!?"
"Th-There's just no way...!"
"Why are there two Warlords on the same island!?" That was never possible, as they all had their own domains.
"Just when we finally chose a successor for Crocodile... It's not good to have lost another Warlord." The person in the other end of the Transponder Snail had stated. "Is he still breathing, even in the faintest?"
"Who knows..." The newly appeared Warlord, Bartholomew Kuma had answered not even caring.
"As long as he is still alive, we will wait for his recovery and hope him to remain in his position as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. We'll follow up after such time. The dignity of the Seven Warlords would be lost if we were to lose them this easily. This news must not reach anyone else. Man, these guys are a problem....."
"Right... That gigantic body, not even inferior to Moria's... The pirates called 'The Tyrant'...! Bartholomew Kuma." Lola knew who he was as well.
"Him!? 'Tyrant' Kuma!"
"The guy who has no limits to his brutality?" The only ones, including Luna, that didn't know who this man was exactly had been the Straw Hats.
"Do you comprehend what I'm saying?" Kuma didn't respond. "We cannot afford to let anyone else know of Moria's defeat. This is a direct order from the World Government... Including the Straw Hat crew, obliterate... Everyone on that island, excluding Morozov Luna!"
"Too easy."

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