The City of Water!

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After everything that happened with encountering Aokiji, Robin being frozen and Luffy fight and also being froze. The Going Merry stayed anchored on the uninhabited island for four days so that both Luffy and Robin would have time to recovered. It was then when they began sailing off towards the next island which had already been three days since then.  It was a beautiful, fine day, partly spring with occasion bouts of summer. Which was why most of them had changed into lighter clothing. "What a beautiful day!" Nami stretched her arms above her head, as she was sitting at the front of them Merry in a beach chair. "Right, Luna?" She turned to her left to where Luna was sitting on the other side of the small table reading. But of course she wasn't all that interested turning to the next page.
"Nami! Luna!" Sanji had come out of the kitchen all love sick like normal, with two blows in hand running up and down the stairs to both woman. "I made potato paille. Mademoiselles, if you like..." Luna had placed the book down to take the potato paille which she ate along side Nami.
"Hmm, this is good!" The orang hair girl started please .
"I guess it it." And Luna had agreed.
"I'm so happy!" Which had Sanji shouting to the sky.
"Shut up, you jerk. You're disturbing my sleep!" Zoro was sitting up against the railing asleep seconds ago before Sanji's yelling.
"Yeah, yeah sorry about that, cactus head." Sanji had placed to cigarettes into his nostrils with a stupid look on his face.
"What'd you say, you dartboard jerk!?" Zoro stood up shouting.
"Dar... What'd you just say, you bastard!?" It once again they two of them were arguing like normal. Meanwhile,
"Luffy! Yeah! Luffy! All right! Luffy! Yeah! Luffy!" Both Usopp and Chopper were down on the middle deck sitting down clapping and cheering in rhythm, with the bodies facing the Storage deck door, which shot up with Luffy standing there. And they were both cheering for him again. That was before he began running with a small sack in hand which had been popped by his other hand. It seemed to have been fill with flour or something as a white cloud had appeared and when it had cleared Luffy was completely covered with it.
"I'm impersonating my frozen self." He had said as he posed the same way he was before being frozen from the battle with Aokiji. He was clearly find as he smashed himself in the walls to the anchor deck. This had both Usopp and Chopper laughing their heads off in the ground.
"Geez... I cant believe he's doing that after he got frozen and almost died." Nami didn't seem all that impressed at the sight.
"I guess being born as an idiot came be a blessing sometimes." Luna stated as she was back to reading the book.
"Did I do a good job?" Luffy gotten up patting the flour off.
"You did! You looked exactly like that, Luffy!" Usopp was telling him while still laughing.
"Clean that up good, Okay, Luffy?!" Nami had shouted down to him
"Hm? What're you eating, Nami?" But it was as if he didn't hear anything as he noticed the blow in her hand.
"It's paille, a potato dish." She answered him while he stretched up to the rails to get a better look.
"Potato, huh? I'm hungry, too. Hey, Sanji!"
"Just how much sleep do you need to be satisfied?!" But Sanji wasn't listening.
"How much sleep I get is my business! I'll take you on if you want to fight!" That was because him and Zoro were at it once again.
"Okay, Stop right there!" That was until Nami had stopped them. "Hey, Sanji, our captain says he wants to eat paille."
"Okay, Nami!" Which He was of course pleased.
"Sanji! Potatoes! Potatoes!" Luffy shouted to him.
"Even when you're recuperating, you're the same old Luffy, aren't you?" Sanji said before he took off to the kitchen again. Not long after he had come back out with not just one but several blows for the rest of the crew that was up. Luffy, Usopp and Chopper were all stuffing their faces as they legs hanged off the side of the Merry.
"They said this is called paille. Yummy!" Luffy was taking with his mouth full.
"What's paille?" Chopper asked, hit mouth also stuffed.
"It's the tail meat of a huge monster Paille." Usopp answered but that wasn't true at all. "I killed it. It was at least 100 meters high."
"100 meters!? That's amazing, Usopp!" Chopper fell for it as always.
"Hmm, a piece of cake. I did it before breakfast." He had said this but
"What? You got up early and killed it?" This was asked by the little guy that seemed to have doubts.
"Chopper, say my name." Usopp told him smiling with overwhelming confidence.
"What? That's, of course, C-Captain..."
"That's right! My name is... Captain... Usopp!"
"You idiot." The three of them looked over their shoulders up at the front of the ship where Luna was still reading. "A Pommes Pailles, or also called Shoe String Potatoes, are a mountain of skinny, crisp fries that adds drama to the plate. Unlike thick-cut fries, which are traditionally fried twice shoestrings are fried only once." She stated
"You know everything Luna!" Luffy and Chopper were extremely impressed with their eyes smirking looking up at the woman who wasn't looking away from the book in hand. But when the sound of a door being open, even when everyone was out on deck caused even her to look up over to the aft deck to the kitchen door that was open.
"Robin!" Nami yelled upon seeing her standing in the doorway.
"Yoo-hoo! Robin!" Sanji was waving over at her in delight.
"Robin! How are you feeling? Do you feel a chill?" Chopper had gotten off the side of the ship to ask these questions.
"I'm feeling a lot better. Thanks you, my excellent doctor!" Robin smiles down at her answering.
"Oh... Being called an excellent doctor won't make me feel happy, your jerk." But obviously he was happy as he was dancing and smiling.
"He sure does look happy." Usopp stated as it was clear as day.
"Yeah." And Luffy had to agree with him as they were watching him spin on his head.
"Take it easy, Robin." Nami spoken across the ship. "You might feel uneasy when you see Lucy being as good as new after having the same experience as you, but you can take your time and rest, you know." She was explaining and it seemed to have given someone the wrong idea as he was looking proud of himself. "That wasn't a compliment!"
"Robin! Shall I make something that can warm you up?" Sanji has asked her is she had an appetite.
"Then... May I have some coffee?" She asked back.
"Okay! It's my pleasure!" He ran off to the kitchen where he began to make the coffee. The females on the crew had also entered the kitchen as they waited for Sanji to finish the coffee. "Sorry to keep you waiting, mademoiselles." And Just as he brought over the cups filled with Coffee, our of nowhere the ship had titled, causing Sanji to lose his footing and Nami shot up from her seat.
"What the...!?" If it wasn't for Robin's arms sprouting out, Sanji would have most likely gone flying and hurt himself badly.
"What!? What happened!?"
"Seems like the ship changed course." Not to mention she saved the coffee which both her
"It would appear so." and Luna were drinking as if nothing was going on with the ship.
"Hey, you guys!" Nami ran out of the door shouting, since there was only one group of people that would do this. "Why'd you change the course without asking me!?" She was shouting while asking this of them.
"Hey, Nami, you've got to hear this!" Luffy was shouting while rowing one of the oars along side Usopp. "We found a huge frog with scars all over its body?"
"What the heck?" She didn't understand what he was on about.
"We're definitely gonna roast it whole and eat it!" That is what one would expect from Luffy.
"You're gonna eat it!" Both Zoro and Chopper, on the other side's oar had come to as stop as it was pretty shocking that that was the reason they were chasing after it.
"Hey, you're right..." Nami saw what he said was true through a pair of binoculars. "Hm? Is that a lighthouse?" She pulled down the binoculars as she wondered to Why a lighthouse was placed there. "I wonder if someone's there..."
"Wh-What's the matter? Do you see an island?" Luffy was asking her as he heard lighthouse.
"No, there's a lighthouse. A Log Pose wouldn't point to that sort of place." She explained to him but
"What about the frog? Tell us the direction the frog went it!" It wasn't like he actually cared if it wasn't an island.
"Not a chance!" She wasn't going to answer
"The frog is heading to the lighthouse." But Robin, appearing out of nowhere, did while sipping her coffee.
"To cook frogs, first remove the slime using white wine, and then dredge them in flour and fry them crisp." While Sanji, also appearing, was making dinner plans.
"Hey, Sanji!"
"If the idiot wants to eat the frog, you can't tell him not to, can you?" Luna didn't seem all that surprised standing beside the man.
"Luna...!" Nami was crying as she been betrayed by the only person she thought would be in agreement with her.
"All right! Full speed ahead!" Luffy shouted that order and the guys all cheered.
"What's with the solidarity?!" Nami snapped at them all.
"Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!..." the guys rowing were repeating as they tried to catch up to the frog, which had then leaped out of the water.
"It flew!" Luffy shouted all surprised. "Don't let it get away! We'll move ahead of it and block its course!" They changed direction to follow after the frog.
"Heave-ho! Heave-ho! Heave-ho!" Which was right beside the lighthouse and small island but then the entire ship had come to a stop upon crashing into something.
"We ran ashore on something!" Usopp stated the obvious as they all found themselves on the floor. At least most of them, since as normal, Luna was just standing up like they hadn't just ran into something.
"Ahh... Nami, Robin, Luna, are you guys okay?" Sanji gotten up asking.
"Yeah, somehow..." Nami been the first to respond as she was a bit shaken up.
"I'm okay." As was Robin.
"You guys are all hopeless." Luna stated this while drinking the coffee that somehow seemed unchanged.
"Good..." He seemed satisfied with that they were all fine. But his attention was pulled away by the sound of chiming.
"What? What's this sound?" Nami asked as this was the first time she heard it.
"What? What's going on?" But she wasn't the only one, but there was someone that seemed to know as she had ran to the left side of the ship. Jumping over Nami and Robin to do so.
"Oh dear. This could be quite the problem." Luna stood at the side looking off the side of it.
"What is?!" Nami run to her side and so the exact same thing she did, causing her face to go pale with sweat. "Go back! Go back! Turn 180 degrees!" A loud whistle had been sounded off. "Just turn around! Now!". Now of them had time waste, the guys had regraded the oars and began rowing backwards as fast as they could.
"What the hell it that!?" Luffy shouted as they got out of the way of a giant metal thing was puffing out steam that passed right by then. The speed it was moving was incredible as wind blow hard as whatever it was wen by.
"Wh-Wh-What the hell is this lump of iron?" Usopp was completely shocked and scared at what was passing.
"A ship?" Chopper questioned.
"No! Something shaped like this can't travel on the sea!" Nami was stating with completely confidence.
"Hey, frog! Run! What're you doing!?" Luffy's shouting had caused the others to look ahead of the moving iron to see the giant frog with yellow-brown skin and black hair worn in a chonmage. He had numerous scars on his belly. He also had fanged teeth and was seemingly a facultative biped, as he stood in a sumo stance. But once it had collided
"Ahhh! It got run over!" It was sent flying off into the water again but before long the iron box left without even stopping.
"The ship was puffing out smoke!" Leaving the crew in shock. But Luna's attention had been pulled at sensing someone watching them. It was from the lighthouse that the Merry was not beside, a young and vibrant girl come out from inside of it. She wore her green hair in pigtails that seemed to stand upward, and was puffy at the end, along with sandals and a short white shirt over a striped dress, of orange and red stripes. Along side her was a rabbit, with long ears and a cotton-tail. It was mostly light blue with a cream-colored face and front. Like it's master, it constantly has a wide grin on it's face.
"Grandma! Grandma! Pirates are here!" She began to shout causing the others to notice.
"What?! Is that true, Chimney!?" A voice belonging to a woman was coming from inside.
"That voice..." Luna knew she heard it before.
"Okay then, bring the Transponder Snail to me!" A woman in her later years had come out, only to fall on her side. Her was smiling and her overweight body shape, along with her strange smile, makes her look like a frog. Her hair was the same as her granddaughter's but tired down wards as it was basically everywhere.
"Okay!" The granddaughter, Chimney, ran off to do as she was told.
"This is a problem. Someone came out of the building." Zoro was  beginning to slightly panic as they couldn't just attack them as they were about to call for help.
"Here it is, Grandma!" The girl brought back the Transponder Snail Which had then began to be used.
"Err... Hello? Let's see... what was it? I forgot." But it was soon hanged up as the old woman was drunk.
"So she's drunk!?" The others seemed to notice that face. That was when Luna had jumped up to the side of the ship.
"Luna?" Sanji was looking at her confused before she leaped off over to the land that the light house was located on.
"What is she doing?" Nami asked completely confused until
"Its been a while, hasn't it, Kokoro?" She spoke as if she knew who the old woman was.
"Hmm?" The woman looked up at her, where her eyes wide at the sight of Luna. "My, I never knew you had a twin sister, Missy!" And it was clear that the woman knew her as well.
"I don't, you drunk."
"Luna knows this drunk lady?" Chopper was asking Zoro as if he was supposed to know. It wasn't long after that when the Merry was rowed up along side the lighthouse, where Luffy, Nami and Usopp disembarked by rope ladder where they
"Oh? Paille, huh? It goes good with alcohol." The woman, Kokoro was stuffing her face with the Paille Sanji made earlier.
"Whoa! This is good!" Along with her granddaughter. "I'm Chimney. This is our cat, Gonbe..." She had then introduced them but no matter how one looks at it, the cat was a rabbit. "And Grandma Kokoro." But they already knew the old lady's name.
"I guess you guys aren't teaching robbers, are you? Since you know Missy here." The drunk lady stated pointing her head at Luna. But Nami looked at her as well since Kokoro has been calling her Missy this entire time for some reason.
"I'm Luffy. I'm the man who'll be King if the Pirates." Luffy introduced himself the same way as always.
"Really?" Chimney asked
"Yeah." And of course he said that and it seemed to have Kokoro laughing.
"What a funny guy." She said taking a mouth full of alcohol.
"Say, Chimney, that thing is a steamship, right?" Nami asked about the steam iron from before but with the shape like that, it couldn't go in a voyage.
"You've never seen slime like that, have you?" Chimney was still chewing away while asking. "Even if you look all over the world, this is the only place you can find it.
"It's a Sea Train That was given the name 'Puffing Tom.'" Luna had been the one to inform them. "It moves on the sea railway using paddle wheels that work by a steam engine." She went into more detail about the sea train.
"Wait, you knew what it was?" Usopp was asking her, which might have explained why she wasn't so panicked about it. "And wait, railway?"
"That's right. It runs a little below the surface of the sea." Chimney stated this fact to him alone with that the train travels the same route everyday, taking passengers from one island to another.
"It can also carry ships and mail."
"How do you know this?" Nami questioned Luna as it was a little weird.
"She's right. There really is a railway." But Luffy seemed to have pulled her attention to the sea below.
"Then we ran ashore in that, huh?" Sanji said as they all began to realise.
"That's right! There's both a signal and partition. It's dangerous to come inside like that!" Chimney was telling them.
"But the signal should face the other way. Otherwise, how do we see it!?" Usopp was pointing up the flashing signal that was off.
"Even if it's dangerous, that guy wouldn't understand, right?" Luffy spoke about the giant frog from before. Only to say it wasn't nice to send him flying and that they were after him.
"What? 'That guy'? Are you talking about Yokozuna?" Chimney realised who he was talking about with out knowing the complete details.
"Yep, that front crawl frog." He clarified it for her.
"Yokozuna wouldn't die from that. He's the source of all our headaches at this shift station." She had then told him sounding slightly annoyed. "He loves strength contest and always tries to defeat the sea train. He'll show up again."
"Strength contests? Oh... that's why he didn't run, huh?" Luffy thought about it and come to that conclusion with saying that Yokozuna had a lot of guts, but hearing that
"Give me a break! We're having problems!" Had set Chimney off on a ramp. "The railing guard was broken many times, too! Every time he shows up, it causes the passengers a lot of trouble!"
"I see... Okay, then! I'm not gonna eat him! I'm not gonna eat a fighter!" But he really didn't see the point of that conversation.
"You shouldn't have thought about eating a frog in the first place!" Nami shouted at him about the frog eating in General.
"So where do you guys wanna go?" Kokoro asked changing to subject. "If you're going to take to sea train from here in...the town of the Spring Queen, St. Poplar... The gourmet town, Pucci... the Carnival town, San Faldo... they're all fun places. If you work for the Government, there's a separate, special train."
"The gourmet town, Pucci?" Usopp knew he heard it somewhere before. "Oh, I see... That's the place the guys we met on the uninhabited island were talking about." He remembered the castaways from the encounter Aokiji.
"Oh... come to think of it..." And it seemed to have caused Luffy to remember as well. "Then we'll pick the gourmet town." He gotten himself hit across the head because obviously that wasn't it.
"Since we've got our own ship, we won't take the train. We'll just follow the log." Nami stated to them.
"Oh...? Where is it pointing?" Chimney asked her.
"East of here." She lifted up her arm with the Log Pose on it.
"It's pointing to Water Seven." Luna stated that.
"That right. The train you saw earlier came from that island's Blue Station." Kokoro explained that to them. "
"Water Seven?"
"Above all, it's a city that made a name for itself with its shipyard." She continued informing them of the place. "Their technology is No. 1 in the world! The ships they build are the World Government's favourites! Isn't that amazing!?"
"I see... Then there's gotta be some amazing shipwrights, right?!" Luffy was getting all excited hearing about it.
"Not just 'some'! It's a hangout for the world's best shipwrights!"
"Usopp!" He turned to the long nose who knew what his captain was about to say. "All right! I've decided! We"re gonna go there and get a shipwright to join our crew for sure!"
"Oh, is that right? Then hold on a sec." The drunk lady stood up from her seat and headed back into the lighthouse.
"What's that about?" Luffy watched in confusion.
"Beats me." While Usopp just as confused.
"Well, then... Here's a simple map of the island and reference letter. Give this to a guy name Iceberg and ask him to fix your ship good." Kokoro came out with a piece of paper she held up to Nami saying that Water Seven was a big place so not to get lost.
"Granny Kokoro! You have a big heart! What a nice person you are!" Usopp was telling her and with that they began to reboard the Going Merry.
"We're gonna go back to Water Seven soon, too." Chimney told the group once they were on their ship.
"Yeah, if I see you guys again, I'll treat you to a drink at my favourite bar." Kokoro was still drinking.
"Okay. I hope we'll see you guys again!" Luffy was yelling down to them.
"It'll take about a week for the log to be stored in Water Seven. Take it easy." That had been explained to them.
"Yeah! Thanks!" Luffy was smiling down at them like the others. Lune not included. "All right guys! Get ready to set sail!"
"Yeah!" The guys shouting through up the arms along with Luffy.
"Well then, we'll get going! Thanks for all your help, Kokoro! Chimney!" Nami told them before the sail was unfurled catching the wind to take them off.
"Be careful!" Chimney was waving at the end of the station.
"Watch out for the Government people!" While Kokoro was giving them a final warning.
"Yahoo! Let's go! To the city of meat! Yahoo!" Luffy sitting on the figure head was shouting.
"You weren't listening, were you?" Luna looked at asking as it was the city of water and not meat. Time passed, properly am hours did and there still was yet any sign of Water Seven but it shouldn't be long as they had a nice wind working for them.
"We may be able to get to the city of water sonnet than expected." Nami was pleased looking up at the sails.
"I hope so." Chopper was slugged over the railing beside her.
"Luffy, Leave The shipwright search to me. I'll find an incredible pretty woman." Sanji was say down to him, sitting on the aft railing above.
"Are you an idiot!? It's a shipwright we're talking about! It's gotten be a big guy like a mountain! Five meters tall!" Luffy stretched out his arms to show what he meant.
"But if he's too big, we don't know if he could live Okay on this ship." Usopp pointed that out to him.
"All that matters is that he's skilled, right?" Zoro seemed to be the only one that didn't care about appearances and actually moved onto bigger problems. "More importantly, the question is if we could find someone crazy enough to want to be on a pirate ship."
"I'm looking forward to it. We're gonna have another new friend!" Chopper throw his arms up in excitement.
"We were lucky to stop at the station first, since they drew a map for us. If we go to the place on the map and visit the Iceburg guy..." Nami opened up the map, only to have it thrown on the ground all pissed off. "Ha! Too simple to figure out!"
"Whoa! This is like Luffy's drawing." Chopper picked it up to look at it.
"Yeah, well to expect anything from a drunk would be asking to much." Both their heads looking up to above the kitchen to where the tangerine sat, and Luna had her legs hanging over the door as she sat above it. And speaking of Luffy's drawing
"So, we're gonna all look for a guy like this." He made a Crappy one of a shipwright that was 5 meters.
"If there was a guy like that, I'd run." Usopp was looking at it completely terrified.
"Yeah, me, too. If I had a boat, I'd escape to the sea." Sanji had the same expression. "But this guy seems to be related to octopuses. He might follow me to the sea."
"What the hell are you guys running on about!?" Zoro shouted over to them climbing up to the front deck.
"Well then, guys, come here! I'll give you some allowance for the week we're gonna stay there." Nami was informing the males on the ship since they were the most irresponsible ones when it comes to money.
"Seriously?! Yay! I'm first!" Chopper shouted since he was closest to her.
"Whoa! That's generous!" The guys all began heading to her all excited. While Luna was looking right down at Robin for some reason. With more time passing, the sea was calm and the seagulls high above the ship. And Usopp hugging onto the mast for some odd reason.
"What's the matter, Usopp?" Luffy had been the one to ask as he watch the other teen rubbing his face against the mast.
"This tinplate patchwork brings back memories of battles and adventure." He had answered him. "I'm filled with deep emotions when I think that she will be repaired soon."
"I do understand that, but..." Sanji speaking had caused Usopp to turn him. "...especially since we entered the Grand Line, our journey has taken quite a toll on the Merry." He was saying that the deck was now squeaking and that there were leaks at the bottom of the ship that were getting bad. If they didn't do anything, both the crew and the ship would be in danger.
"Yeah, but we've got tons of money now." Luffy reminded him, saying that the money will be enough to fix the Merry. "We can have her repaired perfectly. We can power her up, too!"
"All right! Let's get more cannons!" Usopp shouted that upon hearing the power up part.
"Then, let's get a bronze statue on board, too!" And Luffy stilled seemed completely hanged up on the bronze statue.
"Hey, isn't that the one?" Their attention had been pulled by Zoro speaking up in front of the ship. Which had caused Luffy and Usopp to run of the stairs to join him, where they could see the island in the far distance.
"The island! We can see the island!" Luffy was shouting with excitement. "Okay, guys! Paddle!" A little too excited.
"Why waste your energy on something so pointless. The wind is good enough to get us there." Luna

had told them as she made it up to the front deck

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had told them as she made it up to the front deck. And with that being said the wind continued to push the Merry towards the island and upon getting closer the view of it became clearer. The sight that behold them was beautiful and amazing. "How wonderfull..." Robin was saying smiling at the sight. Zoro was impressed looking up.
"What the hell is this!?" Luffy was saying looking up. "What a huge fountain!" It was as if the entire island was one giant fountain which would cause anyone to amaze, if they weren't Luna anyway.
"Amazing ! This is indeed an industrial city!" Usopp's jaw was about to drop at the island.
"It's no surprise that this place would have a sea train." Sanji right to not seem surprised but he still was.
"Wow... this is a lot of water!" Chopper leaning forwards in the railing. "Where is that water springing out from?" He had asked in wonder.
"It comes from the top where the large fountain is. The water sprays the water out from the top, which then travels down the canals all the way to the sea." Luna had been the one to explain this to him.
"Hey, do you wanna race on those water slides?" Luffy was pointing at the canals while asking Chopper.
"Race?" The Reindeer looked to the canals and imagined it. "No! There's no way I'm going that!" Which was the reason he began to cry.
"Dream on, you idiot. You can't even swim." Zoro had reminded the Devil Fruit eating rubber head. "More importantly, what do those numbers mean?" He had moved on.
"Huh... don't know."
"Are they walls? Or..."
"I bet those are the entrances for the five-meter shipwrights." Luffy was holding up His terrible drawing again.
"There's a bunch of them!?" Usopp began to freak out at the thought of it.
"You morons." Luna was leaning on the rails with her eyes rolling.
"The one up front must be the station. Is says Blue Station." Nami was able to read it due to the Going Merry already making it to the island. "I wonder where the harbour is."
"It must be in the town." Usopp suggest not able to see a dock anywhere.
"Hey, you guys!" But the voice belong to a mean had pulled them to the side of the ship. Which was where they found a man in a small boat fishing. "It's nit good for you pirates to be openly sailing in the front! Go around to the backstreet ps over there!" He wasn't even the slightest bit afraid as he had instructed the pirate crew on where to go.
"Okay, thanks!" Which had allowed them to change direction into where the man was pointing. And that's where the saw the streets which were water-ways and canals as the houses looked like they were partly submerged in the water. "Whoa, this is amazing! A city on the water!?"
"Wow! This place it cool! What a beautiful city!" Luffy was shouting looking all over the place. And he wasn't wrong about it, and not matter where they looked, people seemed to be enjoying their lives.
"But the city is flooded. The houses are submerged in the see." Chopper was saying as he didn't quite understand.
"Your wrong." Luna stood beside him. "This entire city was designed so that the bases of the houses would be submerged."
"If you look beneath the buildings you'll understand." She told him and when he did he could see the pillars that were built higher.
"I see... That's why it's called the city of water, huh?" Sanji seemed to understand the name behind it.
"Hey, hurry up and dock the ship!" Luffy was even more excited.
"Hey, hey, you guys! Pirate ships should come in here!" Suddenly a new voice had shouted over to them. He was in front of a cafe called Coffee Lounge with a broom in hand. "What'd you coming here for!? To plunder!?" He was asking as if it was normal to ask that question.
"No! We wanna get our ship repaired!" Luffy responded not fazed by the man's carefree attitude.
"Luke please normally ask if we're here to plunder?" Usopp seemed to be the one to ask that.
"Then, there's a cape ahead of her, so anchor your ship there for now!" The man told them friendly. With a little of a complaint from Usopp the ship changed direction again to followed the man's instructions, as they were pirates and it couldn't be helped.

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