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Paulie could only shout as he was completely confused at what he was seeing. His coworkers. His friends that his known and worked with for five years, had their boss on the ground wounded as they surrounded him. No matter who looked at this situation, it looked like they were the ones to attack the man. "Paulie... Why... didn't you run?" Iceberg was asking laying on the ground.
"What's going on?" Paulie eyes were wide open looking at them. "This looks... as if... they're the culprits who tried to kill you!" It was then when he throw a sort of battle or painful cry. "Why are you guys dressed like that?! Hey! Kalifa...! Blueno...! Kaku...! Lucci...! Stop joking, you bastards!"
"Jeez, he is so loud." Luna spoke, with her ears covered as the man was shouting.
"Are you alright, Miss Athena?" Kalifa had turned to asking, as if she was concerned for some reason. "Shall I take you and leave?"
"No, it's fine. I was just saying that loud animals are just annoying." She stared back quite harshly.
"Oh, yeah! They're some of the shipwrights who were with you! Right!?" It took that long for Luffy to actually realise.
"Come to think of it, I know that square long-nosed guy." Zoro spoken up seeing Kaku.
"Could this mean... that the assassination was an inside job!?" Nami realised this fact, as it would explain a few things.
"What? What do you mean!?" But Chopper didn't quite understand what she meant.
"Paulie, to tell you the truth, we're Government intelligence agents. Well, you'd forgive us if we apologise, right? We were fellow shipwrights who worked together building ships everyday. If you can't believe me because this is too sudden, shall I step on Iceberg's face or something?! It was had to tell if Lucci was mocking him or not, since hit facial expression didn't change from annoyance.
"Stop messing around! That's enough... after all, the ball masked man's voice I had it earlier is the same voice as yours!" Paulie had come to except that fact. "Dammit, you bastards! You can talk just fine! How dare you mock us!?" He took off
"Don't, Paulie!" Iceberg tried to stop him as the young man was heading for Lucci.
"Pipe Hitch Knives!" He throw forwards ropes that had knives on them and it head right for Lucci, however, he had completely disappeared at it was coming for him. He was moving towards Paulie at speeds almost inhumanly possible.
"Finger Pistol!" And stabbed him with just his finger, through the chest as if it was an actual bullet. "You still haven't learned you lesson, Paulie?" The rope knives had come falling to the ground and when Lucci pulled out his finger, Paulie had basically was unable to stand up.
"Hey! Rope guy!" Luffy called out to him worried,
"Why...? You guys..." Paulie began to ask as he fell to his knees.
"Stop this pointless resistance. We've mastered techniques beyond the limits of human abilities. After years of training, these techniques, called the Six Power, allow human bodies to be a match for weapons. Once one masters them, he alone is a strong as 100 people together." Lucci explained this, his index finger covered in blood. There was a long silence as the only thing that could be heard was Paulie's breathing. That why no one seemed to noticed Luna silently walking over to Iceberg, where she bent down to whisper something into his ear. As she whispered, his eyes widen as if something she was saying came as a shock to him.
"You..." He turned to her about to say something but
"Why are you guys...?" Paulie standing up had caused him to look over at the young man, who had the right shoulder of his grabbed.
"Well, never mind. Either way, you're gonna be killed." Lucci had lifted up his left right hand, as his left had been the one to grip Paulie's right shoulder. "This is sad, but my friend..."
"Lucci! You...!" Iceberg tried to say something to stop him.
"Stop it! You jerk!" But someone already beat him to it. Luffy had sent him for stretching out Lucci, only to have to caught without any problems. Seeing this, had shocked the boy since it's never happened before. But he lifted his other foot up, causing his body to head right for Lucci this time. "Gum Gum..." with his right arm pulled back.
"Iron Body." Lucci had said after realised Luffy's foot.
"...Gatling!" And the boy began three multiple punches at incredible speed, sticking Lucci every time. However, something was off, no matter how many times or how had he hit him, the man just wouldn't badge. It wasn't long before Luffy retreat back. "What? It's not working at all!"
"How annoying..." Lucci looked up completely fine. "Shave!" And just like he had done before, he had disappeared before his eyes.
"He disappeared!" But it wasn't long before he appeared right before him
"Finger Pistol!" And had his index finger stab right into Luffy's neck. Zoro, Nami and Chopper all looked at this in shock as their captain he been sent flying beside them.
"Luffy!" The smock began to clear, but it was clear that Luffy was still alive as he was coughing loudly, with his hands around his throat. The pigeon that had taken off landed back onto Lucci's shoulder.
"If you had a flesh-and-blood body, you would've gotten a hole in your neck and died instantly... rubber man." In other words, he knew that it wouldn't do the same thing to Paulie's body to Luffy's. It was when he got up that his arm had stretched pushed Lucci and grabbed ahold of the shipwright that he been injured earlier. Luffy had pulled him over to him to see that he was still breathing. "What're you doing, Straw Hat?" Lucci asked as he didn't under his actions.
"You're planning to kill him, aren't you!? I thought you were all shipwright friends who worked together!" Luffy was shouting at him this time not being the one to understand.
"Up until earlier, yes. But that's no longer the case." Lucci stated to him.
"Then you guys really are traitors?!" It seemed like he was catching him. "Fine, then! At any rate, I promised him that we'd beat the crap out of those who're trying to kill Ice pops together!"
"Why are you siding with Paulie?" Kaku had this.
"Because I have some business with you people, too! Hey, Robin! Luna! Why are you guys with jerks like them?!" Luffy was yelling to the two woman. "If you guys wanna leave us, tell us the reason!"
"He's right! They said they work for the Government! So why?!" Nami didn't seem to understand that fact. Their was a silence that covered over the room
"You're not listening, are you?" Before Robin talked. "We did say goodbye to the Cook and Doctor. You didn't tell them?" She was looking right at Chopper asking this.
"I did! But I can't accept it, either! Why, Robin, Luna!?" He shouted back at her asking.
"To make my wish come true... a wish that can never come true if I'm with you!" Robin had answered him, it seemed quite a shock to them, but Zoro didn't change as he was glaring. "In order to make it happen, I don't care what sacrifices need to be made!"
"That's why... you set you friends up as assassins without hesitation? What's that wish of yours!?" Zoro had gotten to the point and asked.
"I don't need to tell you." She told him but
"This is insane!" Iceberg had shouted pulling her to look down over to him. "That woman is...! Are you out of your mind, Nico Robin!? Do you realise what you're about to do?!" He was barely about shout.
"You no longer have the right to say anything! Keel your mouth shut!" Robin swung her left arm which had five arms to sprout and grab ahold of Iceberg, before they snapped his bones.
"Mr. Iceberg!" Paulie shouted out to him as the members of the crew were stunned by her actions.
"I won't let anyone get in my way!"
"That was over kill, don't you think?" Luna had stepped over the unconscious man, like he wasn't anything but an obstacle. "If you wanted to shut him up, there was an faster and easier way." She held pulled out a gun she found. "Killing him would have been that way." And with that being said, Luna fried the gun down at Iceberg. The shot echoed loudly in the room and all eyes were on her as the gun fell to the ground.
"Ice Pops!" Luffy had been the one to shout this.
"There, now its done." Robin had glanced over at her.
"Hey, Robin! Luna! What're you doing!? Do you really mean it!?" He was shouting at both of them as their actions almost seemed completely different then how they normally were. Although, Luna's personality was a little hard to understand at times, but she never anything to actually kill anyone before.
"Robin! Luna! What happened to you!?"Chopper was once again shouting. But they didn't answer, Robin wasn't looking at any of them, while Luna didn't seem to care. "Are you really our enemies now!? Robin! Luna!" They still didn't answer or speak,
"Sorry, But I need you guys to stop now." Lucci stepped between them and the women. "We have to find an important person now, so we're in a hurry. We no longer have business here. We don't have any business with you guys, either." He was pointing at the crew as the other members of CP9 were all his sides. None of those part of the crew said anything as a strong tension filled the room. "Kalifa, how much time is left?" He looked to the woman asking
"Two minutes." She answered looking down at the pocket watch she ad pulled out.
"I know this is sudden, but this building is to be set aflame in two minutes." Lucci informed them as it it wasn't anything big.
"What!?" And needless to say, they were shocked at hearing that.
"What'd you say!?"
Fire is an effective tool for destroying various types of evidence." This had been explained to them. "If you don't wanna burn to death, you should leave the building immediately. Well, of course..." Kalifa, Blueno and Kaku had moved in front of him. "...that is, if you could." Seeing this, the others were preparing for a fight.
"Looks like their intend to eliminate us. It also seems that Nico Robin and Luna wants to be on their side." Zoro was saying, as he was quite tense as he was ready to grab his swords. "Luffy, were you able to accept them leaving the ship?" He turned to his captain asking. The others looked at him, waiting for his answer.
"How could I!?" Which was a completely refusal.
"We'll you dint have to shout like that." Lucci had told him saying that soon several rooms on the first floor will burst into flames. But since the culprits were pirates it was going to happen.
"You bastards...!"
"To think that you fo as you please while pretending someone else did it... You sure have bad taste!" Nami was saying with her Clima-tact out before her.
"You guys are already criminals. No harm done." Blueno pointed out since it wouldn't be hard for people to believe that they were behind it. There was only a minute left before the fire.
"Well, then..." Robin pulled over her hood. "I'll go on ahead and leave now."
"Yeah, you completed your job. Thanks." Lucci didn't see the problem with that.
"Wait, Robin! I won't allow it!" Luffy shouted over to her.
"Goodbye." But she said that before heading towards a window, but not before Luna had said something to her in a low voice.
"Robin!" Nami and Chopper shouted out to her, hoping she would stop.
"Where're your going this time... when we finally found you guys!?" Luffy began running for her, since Luna didn't seem to be leaving. "Outta my way, you bastard!" He had jumped out as Blueno was getting him his way,
"Iron Body." which was why he kicked him in the face. However, there was no effect at all.
"Why are their bodies so hard?!" He was confused standing back on the ground.
"Our bodies are well trained. We can raise our bodies' solidarity to be as hard as iron crust. However... that's not to say Defense is all we can do." Blueno was explained to him.
"I said outta my way!" But he wasn't going to listen as he pulled back his arms and began to throw punches all over the place at him.
"Paper Art." But somehow, Blueno was able to dodge with very little effort. It didn't matter how fast Luffy sent his fists as they were all dodgy with the man's arms cross.
"Ahh... he's dodging all the punches... when he's that big!" Chopper was so shocked that snort was rolling out from his blue nose.
"He's fluttering like paper!" Nami described it while watching. None of them seemed to notice that Robin was still walking away.
"Robin!" But Luffy noticed and had stopped punching. "Wait!" He tried to move but Blueno got in his way again. "You son of a...!" Which only seemed to anger the boy. "Gum Gum..." His arm was pulled and stretched back. "...Pistol!" Then it was slammed forwards
"Shave!" But Blueno had disappeared.
"He disappeared, too!" Luffy was shocked to see that he did the same thing as Lucci. His arm had retracted itself.
"If your legs are so tremendously strong that it appears as if you disappeared..." but he hadn't disappeared as he stood behind Luffy.
"You bastard!" He had swung at him again upon realising it.
"Moon Walk." That was when Blueno took to the sky. " can even kick the air and float." He had finished saying what he had been before.
"He's flying! What the...?" But He wasn't flying. But why the small group were shocked and distracted by the action both Kaku and Kalifa had began running up from behind Luffy.
"Tempest Kick." They both had used the same move, sending their right and leg leg at him. Luffy had been hit and was sent flying but that wasn't the true attack.
"You two...! Duck!" Zoro shouted at them both as he realised what had sent Luffy flying towards them.
"Why?" Even though she was confused, along with Chopper, they both had ducked, and Nami's hair had been slightly cut as a the wall which had the door on it had been sliced right through. As Luffy was rubber, it didn't have much affect on him but it did send the boy flying down the hallway quite a bit.
"Luffy!" Chopper called out to him, as he was laying on the ground behind them.
"Did they just cut the wall by kicking!?" Nami on the other hand had her complete attention on the wall that was cut.
"That's possible if you can kick fast enough to cause a gust of sharp wind. We call it Tempest Kick." Kalifa had spoken up, explaining this to not just her but the others as well. Meanwhile, Zoro was dashing right for Luna pulling out his swords but Kaku pulled out the sword that was used to cut wood for ship building. The blades had clashed as Kaku seemed to have protected Luna, who didn't seem all that interested in anything that was going on.
"I cant allow you to do that, Roronoa." Sword pulled out another of his swords to try and attack but it didn't matter since Kaku pulled out another ship cutter.
"You aren't a shipwright, then?" Zoro was asking as he was trying to push the man back. "Then, could that assessment on our ship you made be..."
"Unfortunately... I made the assessment of the ship seriously." He had answered the man before he had the chance to finish. That was before he moved back away from him.
"That's indeed unfortunate." Zoro had once again charged, however, his target hadn't been Luna but Kaku who had also dashed for him and before long they blades were clashing over and over again with one another. Wind had began to pick up around them due to how fast they were moving causing the dust to circle around them. Robin, on the other hand was right before the window when Luffy had seemed to recovered as it had opened wide.
"Don't go, Robin!" She had hesitated for a second when he shouted to her. "We're not done talking yet!"
"Yes, we are. I'll never see you guys again." She turned to them saying.
"Robin!" Nami cried out to her and Zoro had sliced Kaku's blades and was about to take him out,
"Luffy! Hurry up and catch Robin!" He shouted at the captain who was dashing for her.
"Roronoa! You're quite confident, aren't you, taking you eyes off of me?" Kaku was saying he was standing on one hand, which pulled Zoro's attention back to him but it didn't matter. Kaku's body began to shift and before Zoro had the chance to, he had holes pierced through his chest.
"Ah! Zoro!" Chopper cried out in shock at seeing the swordsman who coughed up blood as he was beginning to fall.
"Finger Pistol." Zoro had completely collapsed to the ground. "We don't need bullets to shoot through human bodies." While that had been said, Lucci had appeared between Robin and Luffy where he had grabbed the boy's face in his hands.
"You..." Luffy was punching the man's face over and over again in response. "...bastard...! Let me go!" But there was no reaction like with Blueno.
"Luffy got caught so easily!" Nami had been shocked at seeing that.
"Go, Nico Robin." Lucci had ordered her while she was standing in the windowsill, which she had taken a step forwards before falling out.
"Robin!" Nami and Chopper both shouted as Luna glanced at the corner of her eyes to only sigh with her eyes closed. It was as if the actions of Robin annoyed her some how, even though she was doing the same thing. But her attention had been pulled to both Luffy and Zoro that still seemed to have not given up yet but it wasn't long before Lucci throw the boy in his hand. And even with blood pouring out from his nose, mouth and chest, Zoro had stood up.
"How Can they be that strong?!" Nami couldn't understand who both the strongest guys on their crew were being treated like children.
"What are you people?" Paulie had asked the group of CP9 agents.
"We've live in a different environment. Ever since we, CP9 members, can remember, we're been prepared to fish our lives for the Government and trained to surpass the limits of human abilities." Lucci had stated to the small group before them. "As a result, we've mastered the superhuman techniques called the Six Powers. I, sure you've fully learned by now that the four of us, who have been entrusted with the World Government's vital tasks, and Miss Athena are in a while different league from you guys, a mere pirate group." No one could say anything as it was clearly the case, since both Luffy and Zoro were out of breath and bleeding quite a lot. "This is a world-class top secret. It's not a matter that people like you can get involved in." The clock in the room had stricken 10 o'clock.
"Lucci. It's about time for the igniters to go off. We have to hurry, too." Kalifa had informed to lead of the group and with that being said.
"I'll be leaving now then." Luna spoke as she began to turn to the window Robin left out of.
"Find him, Miss Athena." Lucci was talking about Franky, she stopped as he basically ordered her.
"Oi..." It was then when a strange strong chill filled the air, it even seemed to effect CP9's members. "...I'm not damn dog, like you lot. Don't you dare order me around." This chill had been caused by Luna somehow, because when she turned her eyes began glow and her face was quite terrifying to those that looked at her.
"Please forgive me." Lucci had actually bowed to her like she was someone far greater then him. "I merely though that it would be best to remind you, that is all."
"What's going on?" Nami seemed confused at their behaviour.
"I don't believe you, however, it'll be an annoyance to explain the disposal of half of CP9."
"Thank you for your mercy." The rest of the group bowed to her. It didn't make sense, as this was the behaviour that one would suspect from a subordinates or someone of low standing. Nothing was making sense. Luna then turned away from them, heading back towards the window only to have"
"Oi, Luna..." Zoro had called to her, which had forced her to come to a stop and look back to him. "What is it you're trying to gain?"
"Nothing really." Was her response which wouldn't make sense.
"Then why?" The man asked her that.
"'Why?'" She echoed it back. "It's because it was inevitable. This was always going to happen and it was going to happen like this." And with that she began to turn back around but
"Luna!" Nami and Chopper both cried out to her, it was why she turned back to them which was they felt a sense of relief. It was then when she began to mouth something to Nami, as CP9 had their heads down still. The girl's eyes widen as it did.
"If you live long enough, at least enjoy it." Luna had then said before she climbed onto the windowsill and she leaped off into the night. The wind outside had picked up quite a lot as Luna was leaping from roof to roof of building as she was heading in the directions Scarp Island, it was an island made up of the wrecked remains of hundreds of abandoned ships. It was connected to Water 7 by a large stone bridge. Which was where Luna had landed on top of, the large stone bridge. "If I remember correctly, it was here." It was then when her attention was pulled up to the sky that wasn't dark due to it being night but because of the large black storm clouds that had began to gather over the entire island. "Aqua Laguan should be here soon. Those idiots they better..." a little while later, Luna had entered a warehouse that was underwater the bridge which was pretty large but pretty much empty besides a pair of couches that had a table between them, an office building into a boxed wall. But what cause Luna's attention was the Going Merry that was in the water, connected to the outside.
"Luna?" Her attention had been pulled from the ship to find the long nose snipper standing to her left side. "Why are you here?" He had asked her, confused to her presence.
"I could say the same thing to you, Coward." She responded back to him, but her expression didn't change a single bit. "Should you not be somewhere else? Also, this ship is going to sink soon, so it's better to get rid of it." She bluntly said, before turning her back to him.
"How can you say that!? The Merry is our friend!" But when Usopp shouted that, she stopped and looked over her shoulder to him.
"Its a ship. Like everything in this world, it'll come to an end. So get over it." Her words might have been true but they were nothing but cold and sharp.
"Oi, long nose! Who are you talking to?" A powerfully built man with a height of at least seven feet had come out to the wide area. His forearms were relatively enormous while his biceps are comparably small. His chest was well-toned with large abs and pectoral muscles. He had brightly-colored blue hair and blue star tattoos on his forearms. His eyebrows were rather long and stern, and he had three prominent lower Matsuge on each eye. His chin was very angular and tapers off in three pointed clefts. The man had an equally angular prosthetic nose made of iron with several rivets and jagged edges. And he wasn't alone as he had two young woman by his side that were twins. They both had long, pointed noses and got unique hairstyle shaped in large squares that was black. However, their eyes were slightly different as one of them had a brownish hue while the other was green. The sister with straight-edged hair, wore a white fur collar, yellow goggles, bikini-top, slacks, and high-heels. As the other sister had curly-edged hair and wore a lilac pearl necklace, pink cropped top, pink bikini-bottom, gloves, and high-heels. However, when the man's eyes feel on Luna. "No way... you are..." He was completely shocked upon seeing her standing before him. It was as if he was seeing a ghost.
"I have something to discuss with you, Franky. or should I say... Cutty Flam?" She was looking right at him as she stood before him.

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