To the Sea!

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The fight between Luffy and Lucci had meet its end, leaving Luffy victorious. The Marines of the Buster Call were stunned by the announcement of Lucci's defeat. The thought of a pirate being able to defeat one believed to be the most powerful, most ruthless Agent of the World Government fills all of them with dread at just what the Straw Hat Pirates are capable of performing. "Luffy won!" Usopp was in tears as he had shouted that, but they were tears of joy.
"He really scared us there." Zoro stated smirking with sword in mouth.
"You finally did it, Straw Hat." Franky was happy
"Geez, took long enough." Luna sighed in what appeared to be annoyance.
"Luffy!" Nami had called out his name overjoyed, before turning to the others. "Everyone, hurry to the escape ship. We're setting sail!" She was telling them. However, suddenly cheering was echoing over all.
"Good Job, Straw Hat!" The voice was coming from the loud speaker and it sounded familiar.
"You idiots, everyone's be able to hear us!"
"It's fine, they need to know!"
"Big Bro!" Those were the voices that belonged to the Franky Family. They were shouting in celebrating through the speakers,
"Stop it! We already made 'em think we died while we ran away..." that had been Paulie from Galley-La.
"You guys..."
"It's them." The pirates were pretty relieved to hear the voices of those they thought were dead.
"Stupid, don't push!"
"We're gonna fall!"
"The rope's gonna break!" The Franky Family were shouting all panicky over the speaker.
"Idiots, Galley-La rope won't break!" Paulie had gotten completely offended by that comment. "Geez, I thought I'd told you all to stay quiet..."
"We're all okay!" That had been Zambai's voice.
"The giants took all the blows for us!" One of the sisters were shouting.
"Sodom and Gomorrah are okay too!" The other one shouted. And in the end they were all alive.
"So, we have an escape plan, we'll be fine!" All had been informed by Zambai, saying that they will all survive and meet up again soon.
"You guys! You idiots!" Franky was in tears as he was completely overwhelmed with joy at knowing that they were all alive. "You think I'd worry about you? Stupid..." but of course he had been.
"Yeah, that's great. But if you die here, it won't matter." Zoro stated to him
"That's right."
"What are you doing, hurry and finish the mission!" One of the vice admirals ordered to those below, which had seemed to start the attacks once again.
"Just keep coming at me!" Franky shouted after blocking a sword and the Straw Hats were all taking off fighting. Nami had used a Thunderbolt Tempo, blasting away Marines in an instant. While Zoro had used Tora Gari (Tiger Hunt, Japanese) not to mention an Onigiri and Pondo Hou (Pound Cannon, Japanese) which sent numerous captains flying off the bridge. Arms had sprouted from a bunch of Captains as Robin used Cien Fleur (Hundred Flower, Spanish). And at the same time...
"Krovavyy..." A circular torrent of blood had gathered in front of Luna's hands. "...Smerch!" (Blood Tornado, Russian) Which had turned into a tornado of blood sending Marines flowing with the current off their feet. They had fly off into the sea upon reaching the end of the tornado. But the same vice admiral from before had ordered for the reporting team to not take their eyes off of Luffy who was still in the first tower.
"Y-Yes, but... The pirate Straw Hat Luffy... appears to be heavily wounded! He still hasn't moved from that spot!"
"What?" Zoro had become shocked as he sliced through marines, with Luna against his back sending some flying. But she had become a little surprised at hearing the report just like the others. Usopp had moved to the steel beams sticking out of the bridge.
"Oi, Luffy! What're you doing!? Hurry up and gets over here! We won't survive if we don't get out of here!" He was shouting back over to him like before. "What's wrong? It's just a little farther! Fly over here with you powers! I'll help you the rest KF the way!" But Luffy still hadn't done or say anything. "We're surrounded by nothing but battleships and ocean! If you stay here, you'll be killed! Luffy. Luffy! Can you hear me, Luffy?!"
"I-It's no use... my body..." He finally answered but it seemed to be difficult to do so. "... won't move at all..."
"Won't move?" Usopp repeated progress in his brain. "Don't be stupid! Didn't you defeat your enemy?! And we already got Robin and Luna! Now all we have to do is run! Please, just try your best!" He was in tears shouting, but Luffy wasn't moving.
"Usopp!" Nami shouted to the long nose, taking out a pair of captains coming at her with her lightning. "We'll bring the ship over to where Luffy is! Everyone, hurry and get on board!" She was shouting to all.
"Fire!" However, an explosion had erupted from where the ship was located. The battleships had fired at the ship that was going to be used to escape from Enies Lobby. It was burning in a sea of fire due to the cannonballs having hitting it.
"No! Our escape ship!" Nami was looking at it burning in pure horror.
"No way! Now there's no hope!" Franky had said watching as well. They had no other way of escape from this place now
"Oi, wasn't the reindeer and that on the ship still?" Luna had turned to Zoro saying since that was the last place Chopper, Kokoro, Chimney and Gonbe were all seen. It was sinking into the sea as it burned. However, from the smoke a strange silhouette was running and screaming. When it came out, the crew had all seem Sanji carrying not just Chopper but, Kokoro Chimney and Gonbe as well.
"We made it!" They were all completely fine. "Outta the way!" He ran right passed the Marines that didn't seem to know what to do, with cold sweat running down their face watching.
"Thank goodness!" Nami was overwhelmed with relief at the sight of them, as they began being dropped onto the ground. "Sanji, where have you been?" She moved onto asking since he had been missing since before the battle began.
"Sorry, I just had something to take care of for Luna." He had informed her, breathing heavily. "But damn, this is bad." That was a complete and utter understatement. "I thought they wouldn't attack us since we had Robin, but the boat—" He had stopped upon seeing Nami having a swords to her throat.
"That's as far as you go, pirates! We'll save the old woman and—"
"That's not gonna happen!" But the Marines that was speaking had... "Mermaid Kick!" been taken out but Kokoro's split tail. The marines began to fire again, but Nami, Sanji carrying Chopper, and Kokoro that had both Chimney and Gonbe under arm were running with the explosions going off behind them.
"Why does this always happen!?" Nami could only ask, with the bridge crumbling behind them. But even more cannons had been fired, they were taking the bridge out little by little.
"That was close! Run, run!" But everyone was fine and now being carried by Sanji once again. More were being fired and the bridge was crumbling, forcing the crew to run, heading towards the towers for their lives. One of the explosion caused a large after effect which caused wind to blow strongly, pulling everyone off their feet. Even Luna had found herself on the ground.
"Stupid marines." She could only say pushing herself up from the ground, to then see that they were cut off completely on the second tower.
"Shit, they destroyed the Bridge!" Sanji shouted loudly as that had come clear to everyone that they were stale on the tower.
"We can't do anything else!" Zoro shouted at well, frustrated.
"We'll just have to fight..." Nami had surprising said.
"Don't be stupid! They'll just send more powerful guys!" Franky told her though.
"Well, their going to send them anyway." Luna pointed out, since they still want Robin alive.
"Prepare to fire at the first tower!" All and turned pale at hearing that order over the speaker, and seeing all the cannons moving so that they were pointing at the first tower. "Eliminate Straw Hag Luffy!"
"LUFFY!" He wasn't moving at all.
"Luffy's in trouble!" Zoro pushed away marines with his blades.
"Krovavyy..." While blood had been to shot out from the ground below the enemy."...Zamok!" (Blood Lock, Russian) A large sphere of blood had appeared surrounding a large amount of Marines inside it. It had trapped them inside without the ability to breath, which had them beginning to lose consciousness inside.
"Luna!" He shouted over to the woman causing it. "Can't you do that thing with the Battleship to Luffy?" He was asking desperately.
"No, I'm too weak and his too far." She had answered without hesitation.
"Luffy!" Usopp shouted before turning tk Robin.
"It's no good either, at this distance all I can do is drop him in the sea." She stated this as her arms sprouted out from her elbows.
"Straw Hat! Straw Hat! Stand up, Straw Hat!" The Franky Family were all shouting over the speaker, still able to hear everything.
"Hand in there, kid!" Kokoro shouted over to the first tower.
"Pirate Guy!" Chimney shouted as well along with Gonbe (more like meow)
"Luffy! Stand up!" Nami screamed beging him
"You've gotta do something, Luffy!" Sanji stated to him, since they weren't able to.
"Straw Hat!"
"Straw Hat! Do your best!" Everyone was shouting out to him, as they were still defending themselves from the attacks of the marines soldiers. But...
"Who is it?" Usopp had sudden asked, getting distracted.
"Idiot, you wanna get killed?" Franky had asked, having saved him from behind. "Why're you just standing there?"
"Who's voice is this, anyway?" But he seemed completely distracted by something he was hearing. "T-That's right. It's the same as that time!" He was muttering to himself. "What's going on?"
"Straw Hat! Straw Hat!"
"That's just my guys!" Franky had told him, with a marine in a head lock.
"No, not that! The one that's been calling this whole time!" But he wasn't making sense. However, he wasn't the only that was hearing the voice as the rest of the crew was, while they were fighting.
"What...? Look below?" A voice had echoed in Luna's mind. It was someone that she never heard before, and yet it felt so familiar to her. She looked below to the sea causing her eyes to widen at seeing what was below. "Isn't that...?"
"Five seconds until firing at Straw Hat Luffy."
"Luffy is...!"
"Straw Hat!"
"Jump into the sea!" But why that was happening, Usopp had cried that out to everyone.
"Four seconds."
"To the sea!"
"Usopp!" Zoro was confused to why he was shouting that.
"Robin, can you get Luffy into the sea?" He had asked the woman who said leave it to her.
"Idiot, you fraying to kill yourself!?" Zoro snapped at him before block and pushing back a marine. "There's no way that help anything!"
"We'll be okay... she came to save us! We still have another friend!" Usopp had grabbed onto the man's shoulders, tears and snot running down his face.
"Chopper, did you see?" Nami was asking the unmoving reindeer on the ground.
"I did!" He was in tears as well.
"Cien Fleur!" A hundred arms that Robin has sprouted created a path to the edge of the tower and under Luffy lifting him up. "Delphinium!" Before she began roll him towards the end.
"To the sea!" Sanji shouted to the sky, with slightly teary eyes.
"To the sea!" Nami and a giant grin.
"To the sea!" While Chopper was in Luna's arms
"Follow Luffy!" Usopp jumped off, seeing the captain being throw off the Tower.
"Go!" Sanji and Nami jumped next.
"Go!" Along with Zoro, Franky, Luna and Chopper, being thrown.
"To the sea!" Robin and Kokoro, carrying Chimney and Gonbe. The marines could only watch in shock as they watched the pirates all jump into the sea. Thinking the crew had completely lost their minds, but
"Let's go, everyone." A child voice had spoken to them all. The cannons had been fired, however, it didn't matter as right before them..."Back to the sea of adventure!" As right below them really was their friend.
"I cam to get you!"

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