12. Damoiseau in distress

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Ergo! Finally Ishaan's POV.  I seriously enjoyed it a lot, while writing his POV... And finally, my book reached 2k reads... thanks to all my readers.

Ishaan Pov:

I set the breakfast plates, on the dining table, I made for my two most important, magnificent ladies of my small world; my Granny and my elder sister, Anitha. And for thirteen years they are the only two women, who have been taking care of me after I lost my parents in a dreadful accident and Grandfather after a few years of theirs death. Losing parents at the very young age of fifteen was heartbreaking, devastating. And I still blame myself as a disastrous person to be the reason behind their death and ruined my and Anika's happy life. But she never accuses me of that, she solaced it to be our fate. Besides, she handled me very well and indulge me in education which was not my cup of tea, thirteen years ago.   

By virtue of their death, I stopped being happy. Apparently, I lost the reason to be happy. I don't even remember when was the last time, I smiled or laugh wholeheartedly. But, for a week, from the very first day, that naive-fatuous-puerile girl entered my life, I started smiling. Her each nonsensical babbling makes me smile, entertains me...yet...at the same time very well manages to irk me. 

Every morning I wake up, I replay all her babblings. As a result, one corner of my lip curves up. Especially those two babbles, because, of which I got attracted to her; I will blow air and apply. It will reduce irritation. And the second one, my favorite; I saved you from septic shock. And those small, black-almond rounds eyes, work independently and separately to peak my allure towards her.  Particularly, that day when I cleaned her dust-filled eyes. Haa! she really appeared gorgeous with closed eyes and rubbing them with her fists like a cute-messy-kitten. And that day, I was tempted to kiss those flushed cheeks of her. Howbeit, since last night, my intentions and desires have shifted from cheek to lips. Although, I turned slightly aggressive with her while making her realize how inane the surmise her obstinate brain was loaded with. And, since last night, only one question has inhabited in my brain.

Was it my fault?

No. Of course. Not.

It was extremely simple to take a step away from him. But. She didn't! Instead, she ended arguing and irking me.

Can't she accept that it's her mistake!?!?

But. No. In lieu. She decided not to speak with me. 

How could she utter out...That...anybody can touch her? When I consider her to be mine, then how could I bear other male presence around her. 

Thence, I woke up early...yeah...two hours early, than usual time as my brain couldn't thwart her innocent, dewy-eyed face. Prepared the breakfast, and invited my two lady experts to obtain a doable and feasible solution. Cooking is my passion and the second most preferable profession if I choose next to the Surgeon. I cook, mostly to divert my brain for a few hours if I am in a state of anxiety or to resolve my nodus. But. The mess I engendered with that ill-health-irritating girl, I somehow summarised even after spending two hours in cooking, to-be-very-difficult-to-deal-with.

Huh! I took a deep breath, took out my mobile. It's quarter to eight and once again I called Anika, a couple of rings later, she lifted the call.


"Coming! Coming! Control your restlessness!" She screamed. I heard a car horning sound. She might be in traffic. "I am on the way" she shrieked and cut the call without waiting for my response. She sounded irritated, while the reason was me, obviously. As I kept on calling her since five in the morning. What can I do, I am habituated to her, as she is my motivator, supporter, problem solver, and foremostly my inspiration.

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