29. Kitchen mess-A

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That morning was romantic, blissful. I was happy, and it felt like I was in seventh heaven, obviously with respirating lungs, a circulating heart, and a conscious brain... to wake up in Dr. Ishaan's embrace that too continuous listening to his heartbeat.  It felt good...Nah it felt beautifully serene, cock-a-hoop.

Our relationship is turning healthy and hearty. Even his deportment started changing towards me. Like last night, he even apologized to me this morning with a red rose since the reason behind his morning apologies quite surprised me...okay to state frankly it was amusing. Seriously amusing. And the reason was; his aggressive behavior on our very first encounter at Kanpur road. 'Stop! Stop babbling!' something similar to this he shouted, I guess. My stupid arrogant moron is turning cute.

I love him. Yeah. I really love him but there is something in my heart, which never lets my tongue speak out those three magical words in front of him. I knew he loves me, incredibly, and also made me his weakness. After hearing his last night words,  'Ishika, I don't want to lose you', I contemplated that in any condition I shouldn't let Dr. Ishaan get to know about my well-wisher or that person, who is plotting a plan to kidnap me. I can't tense him further. I have to find my unknown kidnapper by myself and also keep myself safe for Dr. Ishaan. He needs me. He requires me. He might have made me his weakness but I want to be his strength. His only strength. 

I made my way to the kitchen to assist him in making breakfast.  Yeah, my eyes, fingers, and senses knew that I don't even know how to operate a stove. Wait! the stove is the farthest thing I don't even know how to use a microwave. I find it complex. It's complicated more than a person experiences in a triangle love story.

All of the blame goes to my Dada he never let me walk in the kitchen. My house had at least two to three cooks and not only me even my Mama had never been to the kitchen. 

Still, I acted completely shameless a few minutes ago in front of Dr. Ishaan Sharma and lied 'I knew cooking.'

How could I not lie!? 

Being a man. Being a laparoscopic surgeon he took out time from his busy schedule and learned cooking, and what about me? What if he makes a shame of me? That I don't even know to operate the stove. So, I took a simple and sweet option...I lied. But had no idea my own lie will turn heavy over me...had no idea it will end up with me stepping inside the kitchen that too, to assist him. 


The moment I stepped inside the kitchen sharp, acrid stench of garlic swirled in my nares, irritating my nares. I rubbed my nares with the back of my hand and smiled at Dr. Ishaan. He wore a clean black apron, stood against a marble kitchen counter, and was blending something that appeared white, sticky, and thick in consistency which I guess was butter with help of a green-color silicon spatula. As I was nearing the distance between us the stench of garlic was increasing. 

"Ahh! You came. Come over here! Wear that apron," he commanded blending the butter with garlic and some chopped green leaves...I guess to be leafy vegetables. "Use that vegetable cutter and knife to chop the veggies." He set everything ready all I have to do was unfold the apron, put it on. Which I did, meanwhile he continued his blending work. "I washed them already. And yes please maintain cleanliness...dispose of the waste in the dustbin, one below to this counter!" I tilt my head...yeah there is a dustbin. "Wait! You know how to chop right. You can do it?" 

Yes! I can chop man's Banana. In case of emergency, like last night I poke a man's banana when he tried to assault me. That Dastard!

"Huh! Hmm...Yeah...I can. I can chop...veggies!"

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