44. Ishaan

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If you are missing me then let me tell you I miss you more and more. Not only two weeks even if we are apart for years—my love will never reduce. If you dare to see another woman—first I will stab you then will turn her single body into multiple pieces.

Say for once: Happy birthday, inamorata

My reply: Thank you, Inamorato.

It's impossible but I believe, you will come for me and will cope-up with my Dada

Your hatred,

P.s.: the discoloration of this letter is due to my tears. I can't stop crying when I remember you. Love you.

A tear passed from my eye and landed on the word tear, beside her tear that had dried now. I miss you more and more and more, my inamorata. I miss her babbling. Her abuses. 

"Kiddo! Don't cry, please!" Anu spoke with concern, caressing my left arm. 

"Anu, I want to meet her. Speak with her. In the least, I want to see her." 

"Shaan, Yash uncle arranged tight security. No chance for you to enter or for her to escape. Moreover, no visitor is allowed to take mobile inside the house." 

 Two weeks. Each second passed like an hour without her. Her father, whom I started calling Hitler, has house arrested her. No mobile. No laptop. Not even a letter. Thanks to Anu that she visited with a pretext to wish Ishika, her birthday this morning and with the help of Anu we exchanged our first letter. Love letter.

"Shanu," my eyes snapped at the source of the voice, who calls himself my CCBFF but loves to bang-bang my life. Well, that voice and face made me hot under the collar. "I can't see tears in your eyes!" 

I glared and spat at him, "You just shut up, Adi. Don't open your mouth till I see Ishika!"

"You are furious as if I am responsible for everything." He argued and crossed his healthy arm over his chest as the injured arm is already kept in a flexed position with the hanging U-slab. 

"As if. Huh!" I glared. He ignored me and marched with a tension that seemed like a fake. But my eyes fixed at him, throwing swords. He should be thankful that he had met with an accident and is still wrapped with roller bandages or else I would have turned him upside down. 

"Ok. I knew he came to know because of me. But, it was not intentionally, Shanu!"

"Were it intentionally or not. Today we both are apart because of you."

"It's your sins!" he mumbled. But I heard it.

"What did you just say?" I stormed, lifting my arse off the sofa. Watching me he ran to hide behind the headboard of the bed.

"Big Kiddo! Fat kiddo stop it!" Anu yelled

"Oye! I am no more fat. Stop calling me fat kiddo! Call me...handsome kiddo!" He grinned.

"Adi, seal your mouth." Granny stepped inside my room. "Anu, first answer me, How is my Ishu?" She positioned beside Anu. I sat at the edge of the bed. Adi went to sit on the armchair placed beside the sofa, the two ladies were sitting on.  

In these two weeks, we had only one good news that Adi's health has improved more than expected. On other hand, I have been staying in a hotel room for the past three days in a five hundred meter range to Ishika's house. Anu, Granny, and Adi had arrived last night to attend her birthday party. Except for me, Hitler had invited everyone.

"Good! I mean healthy. She put on her weight. Nearly one thousand one hundred and thirty-five grams, it seems! Because of depression, her choco-chip cookies, cheese chicken sandwiches increased in amount." hearing that I sneered. She needs the pretext to eat. "Though, she appeared cute. Cuter." She added.

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