45. Ishika

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Every wound leaves a scar.
Wounds heal but scars stay forever. Fine, Ishika Mishra is not giving literature but the wound Ishaan Sharma got on our first encounter on Kanpur road, in front of my Dada's factory...had healed but left its scar. And apart from the sharp jawline, height, stout arms, and the passion his ash-brown eyes held for me, that three-centimeter whitish glistening scar on the left side of his forehead said that Shanaya Chauhan is my moron. My inamorato.

 In just Fourteen days Ishaan Sharma turned me into one insane woman, that I began hallucinating his presence around me and kept babbling with no one other than emptiness. Even though I wanted to laugh my ass off watching the cold, arrogant, wretch, animal-like aggressive attitude personality to dress as female, I hugged him wholeheartedly. And the hug was to implant myself into him so that I can breathe oxygen from his lungs and feel alive with his heartbeat. Along with my heart, brain, and senses my lips and tongue also missed him so plus so much. Henceforth, Ishaan Sharma inside of Shanaya Chauhan proved his love is incredible.

I received a nudge in my belly from Brother Adi's elbow. I glared at him, he gestured with his eyes towards my parents, whose existence I happen to forget. 

 I pulled away from Dr. Ishaan's embrace and gulped to swallow the lump formed in my throat. "I-I got emotional because of his-hers, speechless disorder!" 

"Even I!" Mama added then passed a compliment, "By the way, Anitha your cousin is beautiful!"

"Beautiful!" I mumbled and pressed my lips tightly to hide the amused chortles. Presently I want to lie flat on the floor,  clutching my hands on my stomach, and laugh loudly by rolling over the floor. I studied his features from head to toe. Well, he seems to be anxious. Shoot! I want to kiss him.

"But she is stout and muscular!" my Dada commented. I turned around to find them watching Shanaya Chauhan with an intense and strong gaze from head to toe as if he is a Roman sculpture. Well, he is!

"Self-defence. For self-defense, she did gymming, karate!" Anu spoke immediately with a sensible rationale. 

"That's great, isn't it Yash?" Mama enquired with dada. "I was thinking why don't we appoint her as a Plus size Model!"

Plus-size model! Holy crap. Holy shit. Holy amusement. 

My brain did a wild imagination of Dr. Ishaan walking on-ramp with plus-size lingerie. Holy fuck.

As I reached the maximum holding capacity of laughter, I took my fingers in my mouth and bite hard. Still, I can't control my laugh. Seriously, I can't. I didn't even smile in the past ten days, and today I want to laugh my ass off, but the scenario is not letting me to. God, please help me. Please. Anu tried to sush me by placing her index finger against her lips. 

"Y-Yes!" I added. "I don't think...you can find someone better than her!" 

Just then someone entered the living room and eyed the whole family of Dr. Ishaan and ceased his eyes at Dr. Beast urf Shanaya. "By the way, who is this beautiful female!" of all he interested to ask only about Dr. Adi's CCBFF. He was one of my father's old friends, I knew him since childhood. To my knowledge, he was known to be a filthy person. Cause being in the early fifties his manhood is still active for younger women. And had three wives in past. Well now, hunting for fourth. 

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