4. Surgery and Surgery and Surgery

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I grabbed my breakfast tray and walked to the table where my dear friend Nisha had already taken a seat and was noshing on a sandwich. I dragged a chair and sat opposite her, placing the cheese omelet plate in front of me on the table.

Phobic thoughts of night duty haunted my brain. It was a hectic one, the whole night I was awake and like a pendulum, I kept shifting from one ward to another and floor to floor monitoring the patients. Even that beast didn't let me sleep. To be clear with my statement, it's not his thoughts, it's his calls every two hours to get the live status of patients. Nothing personal, we conversed only professionally.  

I gave a stroke to my cheese omelet with a knife and stabbed it with the fork, pushing it in my mouth.

"So, how was your night duty with Dr. Ishaan?" Nisha asked with a mocking and teasing tone. Before replying to her my brain rewound all memories of last night. The way he howled at me in the ward, managing of baby, and mainly his warm and tender behavior in the post-operative ward. 

"It was exhausting. Had so many patients to monitor. There was a surgery which lasted till thirty-past-eleven. And then monitoring. Monitoring and just monitoring. That's all. I didn't have a proper sleep and lasted with a bulge, sore, exhausted, inadequate sleepy eyes". 

Which began my worry. 

"Oh!! That's all. Nothing more than that? You guys didn't do anything interesting?" she asked in a depressed tone as if I didn't have my night duty but rather a blind date with him.

"Interesting!?" I chuckled,  "Did you expect me to walk with him hand-on-hand in the hospital corridors?" She nodded shamelessly with a grin. "Too much. Your thoughts are limitless. And let me pronounce: we had a night duty, Dr. Nisha". I added and deposited another large piece of cheese omelet in my mouth. Not only the omelet, but even my friend's thoughts are also cheesy. 

"I mean: You both didn't speak". I shook my head. "Seriously. You both didn't speak?" I shook once again. "Not even for five minutes" She pried. I gave her a deep glance and then nodded before averting my gaze back to my breakfast plate. "What?" she asked curiously.

"I dunno what I or we or he tried to converse. He is different Nisha. He is..." I remembered the way he looked at me when I advised him to bandage his wound. "His behavior is like a split-personality disorder person. For a moment warm and then cold. Eventually, I liked his behavior with patients"  I shrugged, took another bite, and chewed contemplating him.

"I dunno about him. But, Ishika don't you think, you are quite absorbed with him."

"Huh! It's nothing like that. It's just..." I shrugged my shoulders, waving the fork in the air. I was left with one-by-fourth of my omelet. Meanwhile, I debated whether to share about the dinner thing or not, my stomach wanted to eject but my brain signaled, to keep it hidden, at last, I vomited, "last night he ordered food for me. As he thought I didn't have time to eat because of surgery. But when I mentioned, I had eaten already he further offered me to accompany him."

"Oh, my Gosh! You knew, what does that mean." I rolled out my lower lip and shook my head. "He is interested in you, Ishika." Seriously! "Did you go, then?"


"Seriously!" I nodded. She tsked, "If I were in your place I would have regretted a lot to miss the chance to eat with that person, whom I started falling for. And I would have never rejected the offer". I gave her another deep look. She has a point in her words and by the way, I regretted that, right? An extreme regret with depression for a few minutes.

"I regretted it. But I was not in way to deny nevertheless my mouth went numb because of his warm, amiable, and surprisingly tender behavior. But, Dr. Nisha I didn't start falling for him." Did I start falling for him? No. Again he is enticing but not so much that I give my heart for him. 

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