37. Well-wisher

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My foot advanced me into the crowds of the fair population without any specified or determined destination. I guess I lost my way! My ears filled with chatterings of different tones and accents but the only recordings of Dr. Chaya's words kept replaying in my brain. For the umpteenth time, the image of her new avatar flashed in my eyes. Though I have a lead that she is the main culprit, I was helpless... She is smarter than what I assume and even powerful. Though her father has bull-minded he was a politician holding the seat of Health Minister for years and earned enough for his only remained daughter. And that remained daughter has a criminal mind who can buy hundreds of dangerous minacious goons and savages. Who knows even her father was supporting her?

Her second target, she indicated as the second person could be me, also. And her sugary behavior at the end could be to meld me so that she can murder me without any strain. For once my heart beat fast contemplating about the possibilities and then the beat got feebled contemplating how my soul will leave my body when she murders me.

I have to be careful and pretend as I didn't hear her dangerous secret, that could help me and keep me safe. Meanwhile, I can't let it go, I have to spy on her. 

Just then my eyes meandered in search of Dr. Ishaan, an old friend of mine caught my gaze and started walking in my direction with his signature charming smile tagged on his lips. Did I mention that this is the only person I was not expecting to meet at this present moment?

It was Sahil...

Let the tsunami come or even storm, tornado, and earthquake but Dr. Ishaan shouldn't come.

Unfortunately, my kismat was going out of quota...but still it gifted me with what I was not wishing. Dr. Ishaan spotted me. He stood in front of the caramel popcorn cart with Annaya nestled in one arm. And immediately next to that cart was the Dragon beard candy cart with those three words written in a block on the wooden plank fitted at the roof of the stall. For once he eyed at me and then at that stall...and a fib popped up which was fifty percent true..that's I lost my way, Dr. Ishaan. But kismat was planning to bang-bang me and Sahil's foot erased the distance between us. 

Despite Shanu-baby standing far away maintaining at least a hundred-meter distance, I could appreciate the rage blazing out of his eyes. I reserved no room to develop any conflicts with him so I decided to ignore Sahil and took a diversion but his hand approached and locked around my wrist to hold me on. 

"Ishika!" he enthralled.

"Sahil! How are you? How's life going on? Long time, no see? Where will you keep disappearing always? Or should I assume you were avoiding me?" Like a Sanskrit mantra without any care to know actual meaning, I chanted some half-a-dozens of questions, intermittently glancing at him and that cold personality throwing a blazing glare at Sahil from that far distance. 

"Ohaa!" he shouted, smiling cheeringly. "Calm down, why you seem to be in hurry every time!"

Cause my boyfriend is like a thunderstorm whose blazing glare will be enough to turn you and me into a cinder. 

"Huh! Nothing. Nothing. I was searching for someone. I lost my path." My eyes were fixed on burning Shanu.

 At the same time Anna, the sweetest child of Dr. Adi yanked his head to the popcorn stall diverting his attention. But Ishaan Sharma was a known jealousy man, who doesn't spare Sahil's presence even for a single second and If I recollect from my old memories, long, long ago it was because of Sahil shaking hands with me, which morphed him into a werewolf to howl at me uncountable times.

"In that case, you can use your mobile!"

"I think, I found him, I need to go I am sorry, let see each other in the hospital, on Monday!"

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