41. Inamorato!

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I gasped and opened my eyes with anticipation of getting caught. I felt thirsty rather than saliva I had nothing to wet my throat. I was in the same position as I was before losing my consciousness, my back leaning against the double-wing wooden door.  I glanced at left and right. Tress. The cottage was surrounded by tall trees. It shall be a forest. The sky turned light blue, shined brightly with its sun, though not as shiny and bright as noon or forenoon. That was the time of sunup. I tilt my head at door, all locks were still intact. Thanks for numerous looks, Chayababes.

I heard a bang for once from inside. I avoided. Ignored. Smiled brightly. Inhaled the fresh air of the early morning and pushed me on my foot. My joints made 'clack! clack!' voices when I stretched them one after the other. On inspecting my surroundings, I had an excellent riddle: Which direction will take me to the main road?

The very first moment I heard a car horn blow, apprehended that to be Chaya's car, I hurled in the opposite direction of that voice. Puffing and blowing, I tried to run faster than I can. My foot was getting squeezed because of my ballet flats rather than getting poked with stones and thorns it's better to get squeezed, so I bared the pain and didn't stop running even after grasping the approaching rustles of the tire were faster than me.  

Ultimately, the owner of the black BMW won the race and pulled her car in front of me. I panted vigorously, my cheeks were flushed and warm, I placed my palm against my chest to calm and felt the thuds of my heart against it. Furious, Chaya stepped out of the car, her right hand holding a silver metal-like inanimate object that can kill you in one blow. She slammed the car door and stood with the ferocious glare and gun raised at a high level, to target me.

My steps reversed, I turned around and began running in the opposite direction.

"Stop! I said stop Ishika or else I will shoot you!" I put a sudden break to my reflexes and calmed my flight and fight hormones. "Turn. Around!" she commanded with clenched teeth.  I gnawed my lower lip and turned. She stood glued to the same position with the same glare. "I didn't expect to, red my hands, this early!" Along with her eyes, her voice also revealed a high level of infuriation.

"Please! d-don't!" I stammered intermittently gazing at her and gun. Sweat streamed from my forehead-cheek-neck-breast-abdomen-and-so-on.

"You broke my trust! Say bye, bye to the world, Ishu!" she countered, unlocking her gun. Chills of terror traveled along my spine, I was giving up on my legs. I closed my eyes. It could have been better if I agreed to my mama and traveled to Rajasthan with them.

Goodbye Dada! And I hate you, Ishaan Sharma!

"ISHIKA! RUN!"  Am I missing that moron? NO! then why am I hallucinating his voice that too aloud? I had no guts to see my death, so kept my eyes shut. Better.

I heard a blast of gunshot and a second later I got lifted off of the ground and was getting carried by someone. Bullet made its way out but embedded in my body or not; that was a question, raised by my brain. I was not feeling any pain but I am breathing. Do souls breathe after they separate from the body? 

Maybe heaven angel has come to carry me all the way to paradise.

As I am a good person, except for annoying persons and killing mosquitos, ants, insects, lizards, rats, etc., I didn't commit any sin. I assume my deeds to be good and should have a direct entry to paradise. My angel carried me with his two big, brawny arms cocooning me against his warm, strong, Herculean-built body.

Do heaven angels breath like humans? Huffs and puffs, also? If yes then that's okay.
If not? Then why my face is getting warm with human-like huffs and puffs.

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