43. Final Cliffhanger

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"Yes, We can!" I tugged the waistband of his trousers and drew him towards me.

"No. We can't." He jerked away.

"Yes. We can!" Again. I tugged the waistband of his trousers and pulled.

"No. We can't. At least. Not here!" Again, he argued and jerked away. My brows drew in with frustration and gave a once-over to the place I was lying—shirtless but with bra and trousers intact. Then stared at my BBF, who knelt between my legs—shirtless but with trousers intact.

"Why we can't. It's spacious, right?"

"Ishika. I want our first love-making to be in some romantic and comfy place. Not in my car's backseat."

I quirked my mouth, "I got it, you lost interest in me!" I restored, then kicked his belly with my foot, he bumped against the window behind him. I lounged on the seat, throwing my legs down, and grabbed my shirt from the passenger's seat. "I hate you, moron, I hate you. I hate you" I kept mumbling.

He tugged my shirt from my grip, "Don't ever say that? Again, I desired to make love since the day I confessed my feelings. And Ishika, I love you. Our first time should be my best memory. Not in some car's backseat under dim light."

I sighed. He has a point. It should be in some white bedsheet bed decorated with red rose petals and fragrant candles. "Fine. leave my shirt."

"No. I said we can't make love. But we can make love?"

Again my brow scrunched in bewilderment. Is he in his senses? Oh! I got it while transferring from the front seat to the back seat he hit his head hard with the car's roof. With tension, I checked his head. I parted his hair—No signs of crack and blood. "What are you checking?"

"Head injury! Because you have gone mad Dr. Sharma!"

"Dr. Mishra!" he mimicked, lounging beside me. Then patted his lap. "lay down and rest your head on my thighs." I laid as he said and crouched my legs up in flexed position. "No need to have physical contact, even lying bare under each other's comfortability is also a form of lovemaking."

I sneered and gave a genuine name to his philosophy as, "Eye lovemaking. BTW, from where did you take these romance classes!" I said peeking at him. From that position, his jawline appeared more prominent,  sharp, and pointed. 

He ran his fingers in my hair, "I don't want any abashment to exist between us." Then played with my hair by rolling and unrolling the strands.

"Dr. Sharma, do you like me in short hair or long."

"In whatever you feel comfortable, Dr. Mishra!" he said, messaging my forehead. "So, you will stay with us or in a hostel?" I recalled Granny's offer to stay for few more days with them, this morning on the breakfast table. The moment she mentioned those words I decided to reply no—I can't stay in anyone's house free of cost. Let it be my boyfriend's too. If I say, I want to pay my expenses, they will definitely object to that. Even if I stay, it's not like there is freedom for Dr. Ishaan and me to kiss or at least speak.

For the past two days, Granny made me sleep with her. I might have forgiven him but Granny is still furious and decided to restrict his presence around me. Anu did my pick-up and drop services. Thanks to my night duty, that we got some private time and ended on some isolated dark road to fulfill our hankering desire, claim each other's mouth

Well, I wanted more than just a kiss. 

Moreover, our profession and conference regarding Dr. Chaya's discussions completely engulfed our schedule. Till then, everyone has come to know that she murdered Sahil's fiance, and also the truth of Dr. Adi and Chaya came out. It was a contract marriage of one year, it seems.

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