20. Messed up

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"Did he got replaced?" I mumbled while passing through his cabin at a very slow pace.  I could see from the corner of my eyes, his cabin door was wide open but empty. And only a black color laptop bag was placed at the center of the sturdy wooden table.

I walked to the direction of the nurse station and asked the nurse sitting behind the nurse station in an electric blue uniform, the same question for the fourth time since I start my O.P.D. "You sure, it's the one who sits in the last to second cabin, who told he will be checking patients for today?"

"Yes madam. He only. He only."

"He is tall and_"

"...handsome, stern face with no expressions like a mannequin. And while speaking he maintained a strict and cold attitude. All those features you mentioned match with him. And_"

"Enough Sister Suhana! I confirmed it's Dr. Ishaan only. Ok, did he say when he will come back from the diagnostic room..." 

"No idea, Mam" she informed and glanced at her wristwatch. Sister Suhana was a new nurse, and that day was her first day. "Ok, what more he said before walking out."

She rose, pushing back her chair. Stretched her chest and jutting her chin. "Say to post-graduate, not to write any treatment plan in any case sheet, until I come. No major dressings, until I come. And yes, if it's a major case ask them to wait until I_"

"...I come!" I finished her sentence and started giggling. She modulated well her voice to sound hoarse like a male one. Rather than that she was a jovial type. It's only an hour since we started interacting and we already became good companions. At least she is not like the old one, slow-motioner.


"Stop, is that your laugh!"

"Yeah." She continued "Hikhikhik...."

"Horrible. It's like a frog croak_" I cut off when my eyes landed on a stiff, tall yet tense figure of Dr. Ishaan, who stood like a hundred-year-old, broken minaret at the entrance door of the department. He looked exhausted, could evaluate with his swollen upper eyelids. His face got tan. His beard turned to bristle brush. He looked more like a slayer rather than a laparoscopic surgeon. 

So, his second life kept him so busy that he didn't even get time to shave.

We stood gawping at each other. I formed my hands into fists. This time not to hit or punch but to control the urge of happy emotions advancing in my heart. Being sad and dejected was on another side, and being happy to see him after so many days was on the first and main sides. Because I still love him. I still feel he is mine.

I was afraid, I thought he will never come back.

A week. Finally, after a week he is standing in front of me. Looking completely worn out. For a second I thought to walk to him and cup his face with my hands.  

I mentally shook those worthless lovey-dovey conceptions, condensing my heart for that worthless man.

I turned my head. Sister Suhana was intermittently glancing at both of us. He walked past me and went inside his cabin. She waggled her brows with a wide grin.


"The way you both were staring at each other, said something is fishy!" She replied, gesturing her head towards his cabin.

"Then. Why don't you get a fishing stick, one with the sharpest hook?" I whirled and walked to the last cabin. I took all case sheets and made my way to his cabin. I knocked. Then stepped after receiving a proper response. He was sitting on a chair, one behind the table. Without glancing at him, I walked to his table and placed the case sheets on it.

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