If Your Previous Mistakes Affected People

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What would you think of someone that has committed a grave sin years ago? And for that sin to push someone into helping others as much as possible. How would you respond?

When I mean grave sin, I mean the ones considered grave like rape, murder, kidnap, torture, etc?

I would respond similarly to how Joseph responded. After his brothers betrayed and sold him into slavery which would be considered 'grave' in this world today, he later said these wise words

Genesis 50:20
20 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

Despite our mistakes, no matter how grave they look or how much harm they have caused, God will always make everything work out for the good of those who love Him according to the promise and principle of Romans 8:28 and if you have recognised your mistake than God is always faithful and just to forgive you according to 1 John 1:9.

I used to make horrible decisions that harmed many people in life. I was manipulating as a kid, stole from others, gossiped and did so much harm but now I can look back with peace because I know all those harmful things I did are forgiven and I trust that when others will see the work God has done in me and my character that they will stand astonished at how God once used someone as broken as me to be a light for His kingdom. It's never too late no matter how much harm we have caused, God will always forgive (1 John 1:5) when we truly repent, humble ourselves and seek change. So my response to the one who caused harm and feels guilt, condemnation etc, there is no condemnation in Christ (Romans 8:1). God forgave you, God loves you and you are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17).

What you did in the past was horrible but now you recognise it as horrible and because you see sin the way it is, you can now realise the significance of Christ's death for you. Christ took all those mistakes you made so you can be justified by His sacrifice. He died for you because He knew you would fall short of God's glory (Romans 3:23) and can't save yourself. You don't need to live in guilt or regret but can confidently know the damage you created is now forgiven and God doesn't see it anymore. What you did and the effects are forgiven. You can live in peace that even the mistakes you made, even if they still have effects to this day, God will use it for His glory, as a testimony of His working power in your life and will use it as a testimony for those other people as well.

As for those victims, God will also restore what they thought was horrible (like Joseph being sold into slavery) they will look back at their battles and see that God used their broken past, traumas and aches to help many people. That they are being used to save souls, touch hurts, help those who also experienced pain and further His kingdom.  Just like with Joseph, that sin of envy and betrayal was what lead him to help millions. God is faithful to use our bad decisions for good and also forgive us when we humbly ask for forgiveness

If you haven't read the story of Joseph, you can begin to read it today from Genesis 37.

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