How do I stop approaching people or things first before God?

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How do I stop approaching people or things first before God?

Jeremiah 17:5-8
5 Thus says the Lord:
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
    and makes flesh his strength,
    whose heart turns away from the Lord.
6 He is like a shrub in the desert,
    and shall not see any good come.
He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness,
    in an uninhabited
7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
    whose trust is the Lord.
8 He is like a tree planted by water,
    that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
    for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
    for it does not cease to bear fruit.”

What helps is to involve God in everything you do. When you involve God even in the smallest of things then you'll be more used to approaching God than anything else. What we reach out for first when we're troubled, shows what we put our hope in. It can be difficult at first because we don't see God with our natural eyes compared to our phones. We see our phone. We see books. We see movies. We see food. We see friends and family. So we can make the mistake of going to them or it first before God.

So, when I'm having a bad day. I talk to God about it. When I feel fearful or worried, I talk to God about it first. When I'm confused, I talk to God about it first. When I'm discouraged or tried, I talk to God about it.

My sister has this good habit to pray about everything. It can be something we forget to be thankful for like being alive at 6 pm and she thanks, God. This heart of gratitude she has leads her to now whenever something big arises, she is so used to approaching God first and being thankful.

I had many dreams that whenever I was under attack or in trouble, my first reaction was to call upon my family or anyone that's nearby. Most times my family would not be there and despite my many calls, no one would answer. When I would run towards people, they were unable to help me yet at the end of these dreams by God's grace I was able to have victory and would win or solve the issue without their help. This isn't saying we shouldn't seek the help of others, that's unbiblical as we are encouraged to support, edify and help each other in love but what God was trying to show me is that I shouldn't place my trust and refuge in human beings. People aren't perfect, my mom said that human beings are imperfect, no matter how close someone has a relationship with God or how much they do for God's glory, they are human. They make mistakes and are daily in need of sanctification like all of us. They don't always have the answers and can make us of every trouble we have. Things are even worse to place your trust in, they can be taken, stolen, beaten, rust and disappear and humans are weak, can lie, betray, change and harm but God alone remains faithful even when we are faithfulness (2 Timothy 2:13).

I had to learn to run to God first and seek God above all else but we can only do this when we involve God in all and recognise everything else as below God. We will run to our phones for comfort, food for comfort and all but music is meant to bring us closer or God's presence, books are good entertainment but they won't fulfil us, movies and shows might distract us from anxieties but they don't give peace that surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:7).

So, I suggest starting small. Pray in the morning, talk about what stresses you, tell God the little things even if might feel silly at first. Keep a prayer journal, a prayer journal is like a diary but where you write prayers to God. It can be a daily prayer journal, weekly or even monthly. My prayer journal has no specific times. I write in a journal whenever I'm in a season when I'm feeling a lot but can't express it. Sometimes writing everything down helps me to realize what's the true issue in my heart and can be a testimony of when God answers your previous prayers. You'll be growing your relationship and it can encourage your relationship with God to be more personal. You'll also grow your trust in God. A prayer journal is also a big book that takes you to memory lane. It's where you can reflect on previous seasons of your life and how you used to be. Whenever I read things I wrote years ago, I can easily spot how different I think and how much I've grown. Like having a photo album, when you see yourself everyday you don't feel like you're growing and changing as a kid but when you look back to your baby pics, toddler pics, teen pics etc then you realise that you've grown so much.


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