You Have A Gift

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You have a gift
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We all have one. I know how it feels to look at that statement of having a gift and wondering " what gift?"

That's the best part. You see a gift is something you're able to do easily without it feeling like work and tiring. It's something you find easy and enjoyable. That's why some of your reading might have a puzzled face thinking about what gift you have.

A gift isn't easy to recognise to the one who holds it. This is because it feels normal. My brother has the gift of art, no one taught him how to sketch and he didn't need a degree to study for it. For him, he finds it simple and easy (not big of a deal). He doesn't realise that not everyone can naturally sketch. I mean I draw the best stick figures but he can draw humans! Like actual human beings.

Despite this, he never realised it was a special gift. I never realised I had a gift either. One day I went to my cousin and talked to him about what it means to be successful and callings.

The best way you can be successful is by using what God has given you already. Before you were born he placed a gift in you that not everyone has. It's meant for you.

Remember Joseph and how he was in prison. He met two guys who talked about their dreams. Before this, God gave Joseph dreams that he'll be great. He could have easily been petty.

I mean, God gives you a dream then you go through all these horrible events and are now stuck in prison. How nice right? He could have easily chosen not to use his gift. He could have held onto anger and been upset at God. He had the gift to interpret dreams and if he never used that gift he wouldn't be where he was at the end.

If he had chosen to not help those guys and be grumpy. He would have missed out on his purpose and calling. He wouldn't be where God wanted him to be simply because he never used his gift.

Despite how tough things get. Always remember to use your gift. No matter how many people you know have it, use your because it's you who God will say "Well done good and faithful servant"

Pray over your gift. Work on it. Practice it. And when you do, just pray about it. God will see you did your part and he'll lead you to the right people"

Take some time to think about what you find easy. What is something you love doing, find simple and easy to do compared to the average person? A gift doesn't mean it won't have difficulties or you won't make mistakes, you'll still make a lot of mistakes and will continue to grow but it's something that you didn't go to school and learn but flows. You just enjoy doing it for hours without having people force you to love doing what you do.

This can be baking, you could love baking so much and find it simple to do. Trust me not everyone finds it as simple as you think. It could be having mercy. Not everyone cares about others or the point where you cry at their pain and want to sacrifice for others' sake. Not a lot of people are sensitive to the pain of others. It's very rare. You might see it was silly but to God, you could help so many lives.

Your gift could be being interested in different cultures, wanting to always learn something new, love to teach, making friends easily (gaining peoples trust), your way of catching people's attention and connecting easily with others and your gift of always being ready to help.

Whatever it is. Take some time and think of that gift. Remember that just like Joseph, your gift is something that will help bring you to where God sees you. He wants you to use what He already gave you so you can be a vessel. He wants to help people using you, He wants to help the poor by using your gift of baking, He wants to help people all over the world using your interest in different cultures.

Whatever your gift is. Take time to work on it. All because you're have the gift for something doesn't mean you can't improve and learn.

If you're young. Your lucky because now you have a headstart to working on your gift. Let's use our gifts to impact the world ❤️

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