Women Of Quality Friends

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Women Of Quality Friends

God's word is our guide to how we can go about relationships and friendships.

In the beginning, we see how God said it's not man to be alone. God saw it as not good because man was created in His image. God has never been alone. He has always been in relationship. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all one. Together they are equal in essence and have different roles.

We were created for relationships. We were never created to be in solitude but we were created to connect, talk and engage with others. Relationships were created by God and God has revealed this to us through His word.

God created friendships and marriage. He created community and even the Church. God created us to be together and not apart, to be one and not separate.


1 Corinthians 15:33
33 Do not be deceived: "Bad company ruins good morals."

We are called to be friends with like-minded people. Those we are walking in the same route as us. Those who sharpen, who help us remember to walk in light, who gives us that push to draw closer to God, who pray and intercede for us.

Friendships are important because they influence you. Whether positive or negative. If you are someone who is on fire for God and one day you're in a tough time, a time of trials, someone who is submitted to God, seeking to be more like Jesus and is a follower of Christ can be used by God to encourage you, to push you to go to God, to tell you not to stop praying, to pray with you, to give you the word, to send edifying videos and messages, etc. If your close circle is those walking in the opposite direction, instead they can bring doubt into your life. They won't encourage you to pray, they won't encourage you to seek God neither will they speak truth into your life. They can even push you further from God with doubts.

That's why whoever we give our ears to are those who can influence us into who will be tomorrow.

So how do we choose friends?

1) You select those to be close to

A principle I like to keep it that your circle gets smaller the closer it is. Jesus had thousands of disciples but He choose 12 specific ones God called Him to walk with. Out of those 12, Jesus also chooses only 3 for His transfiguration. Jesus also only choose 3 to come to pray with Him before His crucifixion.

This helps us know how to build relationships. We shouldn't be close friends with just anyone and everyone but we choose who to be close to. We have our neighbors, brothers, and sisters in Christ, friends, family, and close friends and family.

We love everyone. We are kind and friendly to everyone. When it comes to being close to everyone it's not the case. You choose those you can trust, be vulnerable to, confess to, and share your dreams and ideas with. Those people you choose to be close to must have certain qualities about themselves.

God also won't send people into your life that will lead you to go outside of His will. God's will is for me to obey my parents and respect them (especially if I know your parents are God-fearing parents) and not to ignore them to go have fun with other people.

Everyone is our neighbor, everyone can be our brother and sister in Christ but not everyone is our friend. Friends are something God didn't give away to just anyone but He gave it to specific people for a reason. Those who walk with God are His friends and we walk with those who walk in the same street and vision as us. We will have differences but our goal is the same.

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