Does God Not Want Us To Have Fun?

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Does God Not Want Us To Have Fun?

A lot of people wonder if becoming Christian means following and obeying a God who doesn't want you to have fun. Who doesn't let you do what you want, how you want it and what feels right to you.

God is a God with rules and guidelines because of is our creator. He has ultimately known better than us and how to look after us. What sin caused us to think is that God is a liar. That he isn't as good as he says he is and that what he says and the rules he gives are lies that prevent us from what's better. That God is withholding some things from us, not for the best of us but to hurt us.

I was used to loving the Minecraft game so much. I designed many cities and would create villages to stay within that city. In this city, let's say I created a fire area to protect them from monsters at night. The villages would not listen.

I think of a mother and child. The child could see it's a rainy day and want to play in the Rian. The mother would advise otherwise because they know the child will get sick and getting sick might lead to health issues. She might allow the child to go but for a limited time to ensure he or she doesn't get sick. The child would think in his youth that the mother is unfair and just doesn't want her to have fun but once they experience the feeling of being sick and not being able to do some things or when they get older and learn that there are people in the world that die from fevers and colds. They'll realise the love the mother of showing when she saw it as better to protect them from potential than to let them do as they please at the moment without any guidelines and rules.

That the Rules God sets is to protect and not harm us. When we sin we believe the lie the enemy said "Did God say?"

We question God's motives, his character and his heart. We question ultimately whether he is good or not. If the child knew the mother only wants the best for the child and everything she's doing is from a place of love for her then she would trust her mother words more than what she's feeling in a moment.

Sin can cause that what we feel in a movement is better than what God says about it overall. That sin ultimately leads to death and walking in the narrow path we are called to leads to everlasting life.

That Jesus can defeat the very death we chose to walk towards. That the ultimate debt has been paid. The holy perfect lamb that sacrificed himself for the world yet we can get blinded by sin to think what he did for us wasn't as valuable as it was.

Jesus was the only one who perfectly never believed the lie that God wasn't truly good even until death. That even though he was at the garden of Gethsemane he still believe that God's will and plan was better than what he could be feeling in a moment. He did something we as humans failed to do but Jesus being fully man and fully God overcame sin and death so we can have eternal life through him.

God wants us to find delight, fulfilment and ultimate joy in him alone. He doesn't keep us from fun. His guidelines are there to direct us to the path that leads to peace, joy and love in him that nothing in this world can give apart from him. Apart from him nothing is worn truly be fun or filled with peace, love and joy but will full short and is temporary to here

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