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We are all aware by now that we have a mission here on this earth. We aren't here randomly but we have things to do, relationships to make etc.

But something the enemy is doing, especially in our generation is to get us distracted. Distractions are all around us. What we listen to and what we watch. Whether it be mindlessly rolling through social media with a little giggle here or there or whether you're on YouTube and you go video after video even though that information barely does anything to your current real life.

Whether some cool title catches your attention making you waste minutes and hours doing something that takes away time you could've worked for something productive.

Our generation and often us as the church today are distracted by things that are very unimportant when we keep eternity into perspective. We waste time and end off our days feeling like we did a lot but barely anything all at once. We look at the amount of time we spend on our phones or devices and wonder where all that time went.

We also get distracted by relationships. Relationships that don't serve us. Drama that wastes our energy and people that just aren't worth our time.

But we want to be the exception. As women of God, we should live undistracted lives for the glory of God. Being undistracted doesn't mean you didn't have fun or relax. It means you're a woman with priorities who knows how to use her time. You maximise knowing what to do and how to do it.

There are certain things you must keep as priorities and things you can't be distracted and neglect. There are habits, lifestyles, and choices that simply cannot come second.

A woman who lives undistracted:

1) Always prioritises her relationship with God

The biggest attack of the enemy will always be on your relationship with God. He will do all he can to distract you from working on it, improving or growing in it.

This looks like these many times you remembered you should read the word but the day passes and you forget. It looks like when you want to pray yet all these different things come to mind. Do chores, homework etc. It's when you want to listen to worship but your attention is grabbed by a random video you see.

Whatever draws you closer to God such as prayer, reading the Word, worship and meditation (on his words, presence, to hear Him etc) the enemy will fight that you either stop, abandon or reduce doing it in your life.

This looks like when you want to go to church but you just feel far too tired to go. A woman who lives undistracted values her relationship with God and refuses to let anything break it or reduce it. When you see that something is distracting you from praying or spending time with God then that's when you push through those distractions and understand what it's doing.

When you spend less time with God you're furthering yourself from safe ground. When you are close to God obeying Him becomes easier. You obey His convictions. You are distracted by sin and can resist the devil but when you draw further from Him and get distracted you open doors where the enemy can lie to you. When you spend less time with God and more on social media comparison will grow in you.

There is this bible verse that explains this so well.

Matthew 13:25
25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way

(I suggest you read the full chapter!)

Slept in this context represents distraction, backsliding and simply abandoning God. When we get distracted, become less on fire for Him and reduce our time for God then that's when the enemy strikes. The best way to catch someone is when they are tired and aren't expecting it. Why? Because it would be hard for them to resist.

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