Woman Of Vision

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Being A Woman Of Vision

-helps you not get distracted
-helps motivate you
-helps you continue to work hard towards a goal

Jesus knew His mission here on earth, He knew what He came here for so He wasn't distracted by what He wasn't here for.

For example, Jesus said how He didn't come to be served but to serve. He didn't come here build palaces and have servants feeding him grapes so He wouldn't be distracted by that. He knew that He came to build a Kingdom.

Having a vision isn't just having a set of goals. It's about knowing the result and outcome of something.

1) Identity

Our eternal perspective must outweigh our terrestrial perspective. Every other vision becomes vain in the sight of this. Our eternity is more important than any other goal we may have.

Do you have Jesus? If He were to come back where would you go?

These are important questions we should take time to reflect on. We should take time to try to understand where we are going.

The Bible says for what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? (Matthew 16:26) this means that in the end what was the point of getting that house? That car? That means nothing if only at the end often the day your eternity was compromised

What's most important above all else is that no matter how many things are out there never lose sight of Jesus.

A woman who lost sight of Jesus despite all her achievements has lost sight of everything while chasing anything. As most important as women of God is that we chase God above all else

2) Vision of our destiny /calling

We all have a specific calling. Our vision should incorporate that. My vision won't look like yours because the things you could be called to wouldn't be things I would be called to.

We are all called to work but how that looks is an individual thing. Some are called to be doctors others lawyers.

The vision of a future doctor won't look like that of a teacher or a singer. The vision of someone called to be a singer would look like vocal warm-up, voice therapy, joining a choir or singing group, etc. One of a musician can look like spending hours of practice and music theory. For a doctor, it's completing school and aceing maths, chemistry, and physics then going to medical school.

Those little steps are different for everyone. For some, they could get married after school. Some get married after they've worked and completed school while some people I know got married while still studying at university and college.

Note there isn't any wrong vision according to God. They are just different. Someone could be called to be a housewife while someone else is called to be a working wife. They are different but not one is better or worse than the other. It all boils down to two very important questions.

Was God the one who called you to that or yourself?

If a woman calls herself to something she'll lack the grace to handle it. Handling it doesn't mean perfection. It means you won't be doing it alone. God will supernaturally emperor you through His spirit to do it even on hard days. It can be difficult, and it can get rough but God will be with you. If you call yourself you're on your own.

We all got different gifts. Some more than others. Some people can be more talented than others. This is a fact and truth. God calls us to do things that He prepares and equips us to handle through His spirit. He won't equip you to handle something He doesn't even see you doing.

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