The Enemies Of A Woman Of God

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The Enemies Of A Woman Of God

In this world, we will get hurt, betrayed, frustrated, annoyed by people. We do live in a broken world.

Let's put away what we can see for a bit and focus on what we cannot see. In Ephesians 6:10-12 we hear from Paul that there are invisible beings out there who are our true enemies. These beings are ones we can't see with our natural eyes. These are beings that are spiritual, not physical.

Paul tells us that we don't wrestle against flesh and blood. Now what he is saying is that flesh and blood aka human beings like you and me aren't what we are fighting against. They aren't the enemy. Jesus wasn't joking when He said if someone slaps you that instead of yelling, ranting, hitting, and showing anger back or even slapping back we should instead show our other cheek (Matthew 5:39).

In this world, we have 2 kingdoms. A kingdom of Light and a kingdom of darkness. The kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan.

Satan seeks division. He seeks issues, pain and loss. He doesn't want God's kingdom to come or for God's will to be done but he seeks darkness and nothing else in this world.

When you are in an argument with someone, if someone has hurt you, if someone has betrayed you, if someone has frustrated you it's not your job to fight with this person and show them the same hate and anger but for you to show them love.

I've been hurt by people my whole life and betrayed so badly but I've gone to a point that if you hurt me today I would yell "God bless you" because I recognise that my battle isn't against the person but against those rulers of darkness seeking more division, hate, anger and frustration in the world.

I want to contribute Christ's love and not anger and hate. Look past this person and focus on the spiritual. The enemy can influence someone to hurt you by telling them lies.

Jesus didn't just say pray for those who hurt and persecute us for nothing but because these people are deceived. These are broken people in ignorance and not your enemy. The only enemy we truly have is the kingdom of darkness, not human beings. Human beings can temporarily be used but they are people in perception, hurt, pain and sin like we could easily be. Pray for their salvation, pray for their healing and even if they hurt you so badly pray for change because those people could have easily been you if it wasn't for Jesus.

Getting angry at human beings can be pointless because these are broken people (trust me, I know there are times it may be necessary such as if this person abused in some way). We all have hurt each other at some point because of our sinful nature. Instead of holding grudges, we should show love and peace to make a difference in the pattern of this world. This world is filled with so much anger and hate that if we could just pray for those who hurt us, bless those who abandoned us and continue to pray for them and their salvation we would be lights and salt on this earth that's filled with darkness.

Offence is a disappointing expectation. You will be offended in life. You will get hurt. People will hurt you but the fruit we bear is from the Spirit.

There is a spiritual world, where the kingdom of heaven is and the kingdom of darkness. The kingdom of darkness seeks division, strife war, attacks and pain so that it can kill, steal and destroy.

That's what the enemy seeks. He doesn't wantus to be nicer. He wants us to hold onto resentment and bitterness. He wants us to meditate on our past hurts and betrayals.

When someone is jealous of you. Ask yourself where their thoughts came from. A place of love or hate and anger? Who planted that thought there?

I imagine the enemy planting lies "She's so much better than you. If you would just hurt her, she will feel your pain and you'll feel much better.

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