Trusting God More

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Trusting in God is about knowing who He is. The best way to GROW to trust God is to get to know Him. I say grow to trust God because it's something we will practice for the rest of our lives. Trusting God is a daily thing. We each day have the choice to do our will or to surrender to God's will and way for our lives. For some, it's even an hourly choice amid difficulties where we ask "our will or God's will" and the question we can all ask ourselves is if we know who God is?

To know who He is, you need to read your Word.

Here's an example:

If some random person told you to trust him with your future, your future career, relationships etc. You would have a very hard time trusting that stranger compared to a close friend. You know your friend well enough to know who she is. She wouldn't hurt you, she loves you, she cares and has good thoughts towards you. The more you got to know her throughout the years the easier it became for you to trust her with more things. It's not the moment you met her that you trusted her with everything but through your history together, your beginning, your difficult times and highs, you gained knowledge of her character and who she is that lead you to now trust her more than you did yesterday and trust her more than someone you just met or don't know as long. You've seen the many times you've gone through pain and she comforted you. You saw the moment she told you things and they always came out true. Every word she said was not to harm you but to bring you to the right route. Even when it appeared painful when she showed tough love, you later realise it was what you needed to hear. Though human beings are heavily imperfect, God though is not and just like you have so many testimonies about those who inspire you and are close to you. In the same way you'll grow on relationship with God.

If you're a new Christian. It can feel overwhelming because you are just starting off and in those beginning difficulties, trusting God will feel difficult but soon, after one hardship you've overcome. You'll find that you have a record, a history book and testimony of all the great times you thought God was doing nothing and He was moving. All those moments of pain that led to joy and those moments of stress that led to peace.

That's the Christian walk girls. So if you're new and starting your walk. Remember you'll grow in relationship with God. You might not be like more mature believers who have that history with God but you're on your journey. Soon, you'll be telling those in their walk all the times you fell and God picked you up and those moments of fear that God gave you peace.

And that's how you got to know God personally. You'll find out that He truly is trustworthy and because you've grown to see that He does give peace, He does deliver, He does give a plan, you'll learn to remember that He's your everything and unlike people, He remains the same constantly without any change.

God is your God. Your father. Your friend and you have to put in that work. If you don't have much history (references to God's deliverance) hold unto your testimony of salvation. Where would you be if you didn't receive Christ? If God desired to saved you it means He has a plan and you listened to His tug and accepted Him in and now He is faithful to finish the work He has started in you (Philippians 1:6)

The same is with God. The more you read your Bible you'll see stories like Ruth, how her life looked so bad at the beginning then it changed so beautifully. You'll begin relating to people in the Bible who went through horrible times yet trusted God. You'll see how it took sometimes more than 10 years for God's timing to come through and their life changed but you'll also realise how throughout all the trials there are lessons you needed.

The best way to learn to trust God is to get to know Him for YOURSELF Personally. It's very different if everyone says someone is trustworthy vs if you know the person is because you have taken the time for yourself to see if this is true, read scripture and have grown in your walk with God. I can tell you about how great God is but it's different when you can also say that for yourself with joy. The more you know who He is, the more you will trust Him with more. Right now you trust God to protect your family because you learned how He protected His people in the Bible. Tomorrow you'll learn to trust Him with your future. Take your time to get to know Him.

Testimonies (from others) are a powerful way to learn to trust God. They not only build you up with hope but they are real-life events that God worked out. If you are going through something like a family issue, search testimonies about people who went through something similar. You'll find one and you'll realise how God turned everything around. When someone else, your age or close went through what you went through held their faith in God and now you see their lives is completely changed, it will burst so much faith in you.

I remember this woman I watch. I saw one of her old videos on YouTube and she was talking about how 2017 was the worst year of her life. Almost all her grandparents passed away, her friend moved away and she broke up with someone she wanted to stay with but God told her to break away from him. It all was so overwhelming but if you see the videos she has out now, you'll see that she is now married almost 5 years later, met new amazing friend and her life has flipped. That year 2017 she chose to trust God despite how difficult it was to let go of what she knew was bad for her and knowing God had better in mind, her obedience to His voice led to God surprising her in future. It took years yes but God showed her His will and way is always Better than hers.

With trusting God with your future. Simply read the word. Watch testimonies and seek Him more. Don't rush the process, it takes time to build a relationship. Just every day keep on learning more and more about Him. Just remember He wants to be found when you continue to thirst for Him and hunger for more of Him.

Jeremiah 29:13
13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.

So get in the word and when  I read the word pray "God reveal yourself to me through your word. Reveal Your character and who You are, I don't want to just believe I should cast my cares upon You, I want to really stand on who You are, that You are someone Lord that I can place my trust in because you're faithful because You care"

It's very different to say God is good and I trust Him when you read about His faithfulness, how those who trusted in God at the end of it all were never disappointed and how He truly has a plan when we are in trying times.

And finally, it's all about that daily lifestyle of prayer. Not just habit but lifestyle. Our prayer life girls are our lifestyle. It's the way we live as children do God, without it, there is no life.

Even when you feel like God's not listening. Even when you feel tired. Even when you feel lost. Even if you don't have much to say. I encourage sis, to get up every morning, every night and seek God.

Don't force words. Don't try to hide anything from God but go before Him, worship Him to set the right tone before you speak to God and tell Him what's in your heart. If you're starting in praying, to start in worship means to begin thanking God and declaring who He is. We as women of God worship in truth and in spirit (John 4:24). We worship by recognising and declaring that's His good, He is loving, faithful and even personal thanks and then you begin speaking.

Starting in this way prepares your heart not to speak from a place of doubt but faith. To pray in doubt is to pray in a way that doesn't edify you and dishonour God because without faith it's impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6-7) but when you give your spirit room to recognize that though you feel like God's not listening, scared, confused or whatever it is, you will still declare with your mouth and chose to believe in your heart that the lies you're feeling cannot compare to the truth He is.

You begin now telling God you want Him. You want Him in your life. You want to get to know Him. Tell Him what's in your heart and pour it all out, speak about what you desire, what you want to do, your thoughts and what's bothering you and trust He hears you and prayer is a conversion. God can speak through the gentleness of His voice, a thought comes to your heart and mind, a scripture pops up, you can start thinking and you begin meditating on something or you start reflecting. This is God speaking back. When you receive that scripture, that thought or that post that comforts you etc, hold unto it sis because it's God responding to you. That feeling you feel that God is saying everything will be fine and He will work everything out is His spirit in you comforting and reassuring you.

We can feel crazy at first and that it's all in our heads but lean on that peace. You'll feel peace and know God is saying something to you. It can be through another person, through a post but God is always speaking and it might not be crazy and big as we might always think it should be but God moves through the little and the tugs and prompts of His Spirit in us.

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