Things We Should Do

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Here Are Some Things We Should Do as Christians

1) Share the Gospel

This is something we are all called to do. It's called the Great Commission. We are all called to share the good news and the Gospel with others. (Matthew 28:18-20)

2) Meditating on the word

We are also called to meditate on the word. We should actively be studying the Bible for ourselves, reading the Word and meditating on scripture. ( Psalms 1:1-2)

3) Be doers and not just hearing ( James 1:22)

We are called not to read our word not just listen to sermons but we are called to actively be practising and doing what we hear. There is no point in shouting amen when someone says love your neighbour like yourself than being rude to someone down the street seconds later.

We should actively pursue becoming more Christ-like.

4) Spending time with God

We need to always seek the kingdom first (Matthew 6:33). We should prioritize God in our life. Make God first and not just write it on our bios. We need to make time for God because of his importance to us.

5)  Be prayerful
We need to always be prayerful. Praying shouldn't just be another thing we do. It should be our lifestyle. We should always be communicating and building our relationship with God.

6) Continue to Grow

Never limit yourself. If you are a young Christian, whether that's a preteen, teenager or young adult. Don't limit yourself to just worship on Sunday and learning about God on Sundays.

No. Continue to Grow. Check other Christian YouTubers, podcasts hosts etc. Learn about all topics and what God says about them. In our day and age, we need more young Christians who are grounded in biblical truth.

The world needs more Christians who can answer questions with solid biblical truth and with ease. We need more Christian young adults and teens who live for God, who put God first, who seek the kingdom, who are prayerful, who are always ready to learn and who are doers.

As a teen currently. I will never limit myself. I want to grow in my relationship with God, I want to learn about more topics so when I'm asked I know how to answer them, I want to grow in knowledge and wisdom that I can be an example to other believers.

7) Work on yourself.

Whatever bad characteristics, habits and things we do we need to work on them. If you are naturally impatient, work on your patience, if you are pushy, work on being gentle, if you are anxious, work on being more prayerful and submitting your anxieties.

For your Helper, the Holy Spirit will always guide you and the word God is doing in you He will perfect.

Philippians 1:6
6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

We should work to better ourselves each day. We shouldn't expect evil in our lives but continuously seek to be more of a reflection of Jesus.

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