Advice For Those Who Keep Backsliding

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I keep backsliding and falling back into sin. Any advice?

1) My general advice though is to check what you feed yourself. We have a human body (flesh) and a spirit. The same way we feed our bodies to keep them healthy and function well is the same way our spirit equally needs care. That's why we fast, so instead of focusing on the needs and desires of our flesh we temporary abstain so we can rather edify our spirit by focusing on feeding it (through prayer and the word).

It's important to check what you listen to, what you watch, what you read, who you talk to, who you're surrounded by and their values etc because all these will play a role in influencing you. Some of these things become distractions or idols that draw you further from God. We don't just backslide but something causes that backsliding to begin. It can be subtle at first. For example let's say you're someone who loves romantic movies but you're also someone who struggles with finding contentment in singleness or sexual sin. Watching hints of romantic things all the time (this can be couple pictures, little cute videos, romantic books and movies) eventually you'll find yourself falling into comparison, insecurity, envy, jealousy, ungratefulness and even lust because you're not wisely guarding yourself and setting boundaries. We as believers try not to allow doors to be opened for the enemy to slip in.  We should shut every door the enemy can jump in and guard our minds when it comes what we entertain. This doesn't mean to never watch anything at all but it means to do all with moderation, discernment and wisdom.

In the past, watching a lot of movies that weren't Godly or that pushed things outside of God's will, listening to music that made me desire things I didn't have etc all played a role where eventually I'll find myself wanting what others had.

If you struggle with backsliding, I would highly recommend staying away from things that aren't edifying your faith as much as possible. What helps me stay on track on my walk is remaining connected to things/people (podcasts, watching videos that edify me or and investing in good friendships with those also walking with Christ etc). This doesn't mean you can watch a funny video from time to time, a good game or even learn a new language or watch new a movie but it's about wisdom. If you're constantly watching people you're age do things that are against God's will for your life, sooner or later you'll find yourself becoming more and more like them. What we watch, hear and listen to can influence us negatively or positively but also in the same way, when we watch other people our age seeking the Lord, serving, worshipping and living for the Glory of God, we are challenged in a healthy way to want to also deepen our walk and seek God more.

The same is also with people we spend time with. If you have friends who are praying, seeking God, sharing what they have been or even doing Bible studies together. You'll be sharpened and grow. You're not alone in the faith but you have others cheering you on, challenging you and holding you accountable.

The Bible says that bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33). No matter how strong a Christian is, if they are always in the company of those who are not in the same walk as them but rather focused on the world, they will be influenced in some way. They eventually start compromising or even becoming lukewarm.

This reminds me of Solomons's downfall. He loved women but eventually, his love for all his foreign wives and more led to him committing idolatry himself. He was surrounded by those who didn't fear his God, those who weren't actively pursuing Christ and he was in disobedience from the beginning. He began to worship the idols his wives had. He even built a place of worship for their gods (1 King 11).

So just keep in mind what you're feeding your spirit. Is what you're spending time on the majority of the time Godly, loving, peaceful, kind, honouring, humble, good etc? Or is it pushing down things that are the opposite?

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