Are My Standards Too High?

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Today my close friend and I were joking around but it eventually went into a serious conversation about relationships.

She jokingly but serious wrote a message about why she is still single. She said how she felt like her standards are too high and it's hopeless in today's world.

I gave her this message and if you're in a similar situation. I hope it encourages you. Though I'm still young and she is older. I knew God wanted her to hear these words.

" No, I don't think your standards are too high at all. I know it can feel hopeless but just ask yourself. Are there a lot of Godly women around today? Ones who care about God and love him with all their heart? Women who are patient and deny themselves? Women who seek to please God and not a man? Women, who focus on working towards a beautiful spirit? Very few right? Now think of our generation? Think back to Proverbs, why would God give such a diamond a common rock? Nah, your worth the full standards girl. You're worth it all. Your worth is seen by a Loving God who knows how to give good gifts. Settling with something will be lower your Golden value in his eyes. Your worth being loved like Christ Loves the church. Nothing less.

Rubies are rare, precious and beautiful as you are. I see that in you and that's why we are friends and we will continue to be. It's what drew me to you. If it wasn't for you being a light in this world I wouldn't have noticed you.

You're very valuable in my eyes sis"


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