Woman Of Fasting

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Fasting is a discipline that we should all implement in our Christian lives. Fasting is a lifestyle. It's not just a once-in-a-lifetime thing but a walk. It's a way of living. We live a life where we constantly seek moments where we separate ourselves from what we are used to so we can focus on our priority of seeking the Lord.

In our lives there's constant noise. That noise is shown in what we watch and consume. Every day we have thousands of voices that speak.

Fasting is a discipline we place in our lives to separate from these voices.

There are many voices:
-Voice of our flesh, desires of our flesh, the world
-Voices of the enemy and kingdom of darkness (seduction, lies, persuasions)
-The voice of God, the Holy Spirit etc

All these voices speak daily. We hear the world. We hear ourselves. We hear God.

But fasting helps us to block out those noises. To separate from them. Our lives are like a room filled with different voices. When the eoom is so loud it can be hard to listen to the whispers of the Holy Spirit. That's a part of fasting. That your flesh and its desires are being calmed so that the Lord can be the loudest. We distance ourselves from the world and its pleasures temporarily.

So what is fasting?

Fasting isn't just food. It's anything that you see that can be an obstacle, hindrance or event you from praying, reading the word and seekng God truly.

You look at your life and ask yourself, "where can I make more room for God?"

That's where you see what in your life you can replace with spending time with God.

Perhaps you'll see that you spend so much time on social media. Now when you fast you'll use that time you scroll on social media to pray instead. If you see you watch a lot of movies, youtube videos etc when you'll fast you'll use that time to rather read the word.

You simply ask yourself "how can I increase my time with God?"

Instead of doing the usual, like reading a 'normal ' book or chatting with friends, you now use that time to pray, read the word and maximise your time with God

The key and goal of fasting are to spend as much time with God compared to anything else. You are spending more time doing things bringing you closer to God than things that aren't doing anything or contributing anything to your walk with God. It's purposely listening to worship more, praying more, reading the word more, Mediating more, and spending more time in service.

Fasting is important in our walk because we have to be intentional in seeking God. We can't seek God properly if we are constantly in the noise of the world. We can't hear Him properly and follow His leading without taking time to distance ourselves from the world and its desires to properly hear and receive from God.

We need moments where we can consecrate ourselves, our time, and our day just to fully focus and listen to what God is saying and doing.

That's why people often fast before making big decisions like where to study or what country to move in. People fast regarding who they should marry so that they aren't led by their flesh but by the Spirit. People fast so that they can grow closer to God and grow deeper in their relationship with Him. People fast to understand some things happening in their lives or understand what they believe God is saying like what Daniel did for 21 days (Daniel 10).

We don't just fast before big decisions but also hear what God is saying regarding a season of life we're in. For example, if you are facing spiritual attacks you would take time to rest and pray against the enemy. If you're in a waiting season you will take time to fast and pray that God's promises come to pass. If you're in a training season you'll take time to grow.

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