Being rich and a Virtuous woman at the same time? (Q&A)

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Being rich and a Virtuous woman at the same time?

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What is a virtuous woman?
A good description of the character and qualities of a virtuous woman/ wife is found in Proverbs 31:10.

A Godly woman will handle being rich or having money with humility. She will understand all she has is by the Grace of God alone. She knows her value and her worth do not rely on perishable things like money and status but her value lies on her God who she serves fearfully and diligently.

We know from Proverbs 31 that a virtuous woman knows how to look after her household in wisdom. She knows the wealth God has blessed her with and knows how to make the right investments and looks after that money (verse 15-16) and makes sure all her family is looked after (verse 21)

But it doesn't stop there.

She knows that just as she was given, she should give. In verse 20, they describe how she still gives to the poor and looks after the needy. She is merciful because she knows God is merciful with her. She loves because God loves. She is kind because God is kind. She cares because God cares and God blesses her and uses her to bless others. This woman is a hard worker, who seeks to achieve and do her best in the Lord. She looks after the people God has placed in her life. She is also faithful to look after those who are in need.

She is trustworthy. Her husband and family trust her because of her heart. Her heart that loves does all she can to cares for others which makes her so rare like rubies and worthy of praise because of what God is doing in her.

She can only do all this because God is in the centre of her and she fears him. She knows God, has a personal relationship with God and seeks to please him. When your focus is on God and His your priority, everything else will take its place.

Money won't hold much value because you know His truly what you value the most. The status and achievement you have are going to point back to Him because you seek His glory, not yours. She reminds herself that all she has is because of God and that keeps her humble.

She doesn't hold onto the world but keeps her focus on God. That's how she remains virtuous and Godly while looking after the riches God has blessed her with. Her home and her family benefit from that relationship because of the posture of her heart.

So how does a Virtuous woman handle money?

1 Timothy 6:17
17 As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

Yes, a woman or man can be virtuous and rich. God isn't against money but often blesses His servants. You being rich doesn't equal you being sinful and not going to heaven. You can have money while being a virtuous woman at the same time.

1) Being rich isn't a sin

We see many examples of people in the Bible who God blessed financially. Money can be a blessing.

We know Abraham and King David, were people God blessed financially and purposely. Riches and abundance aren't a sin. Money isn't evil and wrong.

2) The sin is the love of money

Money isn't the issue. What it can produce in us can be. It can produce this great hunger, desire and love for it that can push us to sin. Money by itself isn't what pushes man to sin but the love for money does.

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