Mediating On The Word.

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We mediate by pondering, repeating, muttering the word of God.

I can read a verse or bible study, the next day forget it and move on if I never took time to meditate on the word. Mediate on what the message could be, what can I learn about God through this text, how can I apply it to my life, is there a warning I should be keeping, is there a conviction, is there a promise I can hold? We can ask ourselves these questions and reflect on the answers. We can meditate in God's goodness, all the good things, the answered prayers and grace. We can meditate on what God has told us so we can be deeply rooted. When we take time to ask ourselves these questions and to reflect on them, we grow and allow the seeds God is planting within us to grow and bear fruit. Our hearts are the fertile soil, and now there is a deeper hole being dug so that the seed can bedeeply rooted within us and bear fruit that can be used to serve the kingdom.

So I challenge you today when you read your Bible or even when you read a devotional. Take time to ask yourself some questions and stop to reflect on what you're reading. Stop, reflect, see how you can apply. Repeat what you read if you still don't understand.

I also challenge you to set aside time to just meditate. It can be 10 minutes to start. Tak time, reflect on what you've read and learned. Allow what God has sowed to be deeply planted within your heart and transform you.

Meditating on the word of God, God's character and seasons should be a lifestyle. We shouldn't just read and go but take time to allow this to be planted.

I can tell someone something but if they aren't paying attention or reflecting on it. After a few days, weeks or months you'll notice they will start forgetting or won't remember as Cleary.

In scripture, you'll see that God instructed the Israelites often to remember the things God did for them. (Deuteronomy 8, Judges 8:34 and more!).

This is a powerful reminder for us to know that God sees value in our remembrance. If someone forgets something I said to them, it would hurt because you put effort to teach them something, similarly, God doesn't want us to just rejoice today and complain tomorrow (something the Israelites were often guilty of) but God wants us to rejoice today, rejoice tomorrow and forevermore, remembering His word, His good deeds, the lessons of yesterday, the victory of the battles, the comfort during the storm and how he was your refuge in the struggle. God doesn't want us to be forgetful but taking those 10 minutes to remember honours, God.

I would suggest and challenge doing so before you go to bed. Reflect on your day, what are you grateful for, what did you learn and doing this every night will give you hope for tomorrow and gratitude in your heart.

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