Woman Of Gratitude

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Woman Of Gratitude

1 Thessalonians 5:18
18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1) Reminds you

Not just of where you've come from but where God has taken you from. Life is a journey no one just arrives anywhere but we got there someway and somehow but most importantly God led us somewhere.

God often leads us to the the wilderness to be tested but after that leads us to exaltation and reward. On the way to the exaltation, we see the path from the wilderness which makes us realize exactly what steps are needed to get there.

No one is born with everything. Some things we need to grow in. Even with God, no one is perfect. There were times when prayer was a struggle where reading a single verse sufficed for a week's devotion but now look where you are.

It reminds us we have a history and a past. Someone once told me how useless history is but then I meditated on it. I realised that if we don't know the past we often aren't grateful for the future. No matter how bad a certain period was it has its pros and cons just like our generation today.

I disagree that our generation is completely bad. No generation ever was. It had it's pros and cons but none is perfect. We can be worse in some aspects but better in others. We could've gone back in some ways but also have gone forward in some.

Seeing where we came from makes us more grateful. An example is I live in South Africa. We had apartheid which was an unfair system that didn't allow certain black and other racial groups to go to certain places and do certain things. Now we almost have total freedom in that regard. We have people of all races and cultures sitting in one classroom, that's a beauty in this generation.

But of course, there are also negatives which contradict God's word.

But looking back helps encourage that even if some things are bad not all things are. Seeing those pros now can help us think about how the gospel can be spread. How we can now show the love of Christ more now that we are united instead of divided?

2) Builds faith in you

Gratitude builds faith in you. When you remember what God has done it makes you aware He can do it again. At times I remembered how something worked out before and I feel I can believe it again.

At times I used to get into trouble but I remembered how the last time I was punished it was temporary and I was forgiven. This encouraged me to try again. I remember how I almost gave up on a game where I was stuck on the same level but then I overcame that level. This encourages me to do persereve even when I feel stuck.

No matter how disappointed you may feel towards God, there are always some things God has done for you in the past that show you He does care for you. Maybe when you were sad someone encouraged, you. Maybe a verse motivated you when you felt like giving up. Maybe you got a blessing that you didn't expect.

God always gives reminders that His there so take those little moments as encouragements His with you.

3) Creates a good heart

Ungratefulness creates bitterness.
Someone who constantly thinks about negative things is bound to get depressed. Someone who always worries is bond to get anxious. Being grateful improves your mental health.

You won't just see life as negative. You won't view your life as unpurposeful. You'll feel happier eventually. Being grateful isn't just saying but also feeling.

When we want to be grateful try closing your eyes and remember all those instances God did something. Imagine your comfortable bed. Imagine a friend. Imagine your church. Imagine the gifts you have. Imagine the privilege of having a phone to read this. Some people can't even get that.

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