Discerning God's Voice Part 2

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Discerning God's Voice Part 2

1) Spend time in God's presence (prayer and intimacy).

To grow to discern God's voice you need to continue growing deeper in prayer. The more you speak to God, ask Hin questions, and spend time in His presence the more you'll grow to discern how He speaks to you.

When you meet someone, the more time you spend with them the more you'll be able to start reading off their body language. You know how they react when they are sad. You know that pout they make when they are disappointed. You know the way their eyebrows cross when they are mad. You can speak to each other sometimes without even speaking because of how close you are. You know exactly what your friend would even say in certain situations because you know them well. You know that this or that scenario would cause that or this reaction.

The same is similar for God. The more time you spend with Him in daily prayer the more you'll grow to understand how He comforted you, how He encourages you, directs, instructs you etc. You'll grow to discern how God communicates to you because you spend a lot of time with Him.

Its that consistent going to God in prayer whenever you're anxious, scared, happy, excited, angry, upset etc that builds your relationship stronger and you'll discern the many ways He has comforted you, give you peace, directed you etc

If you truly want to start discerning His voice, ask yourself how much time you spend with Him and if you do it daily. You won't develop a close relationship with someone you barely talk to. That's why you make that effort each day to spend time with them.

2) Spend time in silence to hear God.

I'll often feel a nudge in my heart, thoughts randomly come to mind that answer a question, a great wave of peace about something and a deep inner knowing of what to do next. Be patient as you do this because God might not answer right away, it could be after a while or even after some days but God will always answer.

God speaks all the time but at the beginning, you might have trouble discerning when He is speaking. When you take time to be silent after prayer, this is you showing God you're ready to hear Him. Take a notebook with you and a pen, I wouldn't suggest your phone because you might get distracted.

After your prayer time, be in Silence for even at least 5 minutes and focus on God. Focus on who He is and let whatever comes to your mind be what you write down. Avoid thinking God will only speak to you through an audible voice. You'll feel heavily discouraged and you might miss when God speaks to you. When I'm in prayer and I take time to be silent, often someone can come to mind. It can be like a thought "hm, I haven't thought about her much", this could be God telling you to pray for them. A thought can come to mind that answers a question, a great wave of peace about something and a deep inner knowing of what to do next. An encouraging message could come to your mind where you feel to text someone a message, an encouragement, thank someone, apologise to someone etc.

You might remember something that offended you and you remember scripture that says to forgive, this is God telling you to forgive. You could think of how you've been neglecting reading the bible, this is God telling you to start reading the word more. You could be reflecting on a sermon you just listened to, this could be God conforming to you to pay attention to something you heard. You could be thinking of a Bible verse or chapter you read some time ago but now it starts to make sense, this is God bringing back scripture and speaking to you regarding it. When you'll feel an abundance of peace while in silence knowing it's God giving His confirmation and go ahead. When you write down a dream you had and now you begin to understand the interpretation. You can feel this urge to pray for your family or have a burden to pray for someone, this is God leading you to pray for someone.

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