Woman Who Can Fight

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Woman Who Can Fight

We are at war because we are children of light, we left the camp of darkness to work for a new kingdom. The revenge is to get us back at all costs

Spiritual warfare began way before we are even born. The enemy seeks opportunities every day to get as many people on his side as possible. From the moment we received Christ and left the world to be a part of God's family, the enemy's hate for us became evident.

He hates everyone against his team. We changed camps and now he will do anything in his wicked power to get us back to his team.

His team oppressed us. Blinded us. Harmed us. Manipulated us. That team is leading to destruction. Misled by lies and ties. We were chained, addicted and empty inside.

He wants us to return there. He wants us to fall victim to his temptations, lies and attacks.


1) He will tempt us to sin

2) He will lie to us so we stop believing the truth. He will try to blind us with His lies

3) He will attack us. Similar to how he attacked Job (Read Job 1-3) so we abandon and forsake God.

4) He combines a mixture of these almost every day.

God doesn't stop him from tempting us. God who is sovereign is all-powerful and has control but He allows the enemy to attack, tempt and lie to us not for us to be crushed and go to his camp but so that a warrior can grow inside of us. So we can get stronger.

In primary school I did athletics. I would win easily with not much work needed. When I started going further by playing outside my school it wasn't as easy. It got tougher but what it did to me was important. It challenged me to train harder, to be more consistent and focused. Without those challenges, I wouldn't grow much. I would've felt I was strong when really I wasn't that strong and good.

We even see that in books. One thing is I don't like books with little to no character development. I love the drama, how the pain and trials almost crush a character but not totally. Towards the end of the book the character grows so much. It's one of my favourite things about reading.

How much more of us?

God allows these trials, tests and attacks so we can go a little deeper. So we pray more. So we who once struggled to pray for 20 minutes can now pray for an hour. We just read verses and will begin walking around our hones declaring scripture. The idea of fasting felt scary yet now it's something we do hear God more because the lies and oppression of the enemy are seeking to control us.

You find yourself believing more in God's healing power when you've been sick and all you had was verses and prayer. You believe in God's provision because you struggled even to get bread yet in a miracle God provided food.

Those trials grew faith in you to believe in God more. We need to at times face tough times and attacks so we can know God more, so we can grow, so we grow from children of God to sons and daughters of God. We mature we gain wisdom, our faith is more steady and we aren't easily manipulated.

We go through seasons where the enemy keeps lying to us left and right. What happens? You started resisting with word of God. You started saying no to the fears and condemnation. You started declaring how you're God's child and nothing will happen to you

You settled in your identity. You grew to learn how to use the word as a sword. You grew to learn how to resist the enemy and refuse his lies, chains and oppression.

You learn how to cry out to God when you have problems. You've learned that instead of worrying to rather give God all your worries. Instead of staying awake at night thinking of all kinds of scenarios rather to go on your knees and cry before your Father. You became a woman of prayer.

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