Chapter 26 Adjusting

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Special Thanks to JustAnotherRandomPoster for helping with grammar and fixing some of the words and editing this chapter in this chapter


I was extremely warm and comfortable in the position I was in but I was slowly walking up. But I just didn't want to move right now, I just wanted a few more minutes of unerupted silence.

But suddenly I heard a door open and a familiar voice, "Rise and shine, you two, it's morning and we all have a long day ahead of us."

The voice sounded like Ronde's mother.

The next thing I knew, it was a little brighter in the room. She must have opened the curtains. After that she sounded like she opened the curtains around our bed, "Come on you two I have to...oh my."

When she said that, I finally opened my eyes. But when I did, I noticed something, I was sleeping on top of Ronde's chest. My whole body was over him; I was completely confused. I didn't remember moving in this position last night.

But when Ronde finally opened his eyes, he looked more confused than I was, "K-Kindle?"

Embarrassed, I quickly clambered off him and kicked him out of bed, then crawled to the other side.

I felt my heart racing while trying to compose myself. Ronde, on the other hand, fell off the bed and landed right next to his mother.

Before he said anything, his mother was looking back and forth between us and had a little smile, "You two still have your clothes on so I can assume that nothing...intimate happened last night?"

"Yes! I mean no! I mean... we didn't do anything last night!" I yelled

She just shrugged and helped her son off the floor, "I wouldn't be upset if you did the deed or not. My son is around the age where he should be thinking about having children of his own or at the least finding someone to have children with."

I couldn't tell who was more embarrassed, me or Ronde, but he reacted much quicker than I did, "Mother why are you saying that this early in the morning!? We didn't do anything last night!"

Then suddenly she booped him on his nose and said, "I love to tease both of you because of your reactions, but I'll stop for now. You both need to get freshened up. I'll wait in the hallway when you're ready to go but I need to show you something, Ronde, before we wake up the others."

Ronde was confused but then his mother left and we had the room to ourselves. Then Ronde looked at me and I felt a little embarrassed for kicking him off the bed, but he asked, "Would you like to freshen up first or do you want me to?"

I quickly responded, "You can go first, I need to do my hair and make myself look...presentable. It could take a little longer compared to you cleaning yourself."

He smiled, "Ok Kindle, while I'm doing that please gather the stuff that you need for today."

I started stroking my hair nervously while looking away from him, "Yeah, will do."

He grabbed some of his clothes and walked inside of his restroom and closed the door.

'What the hell was that? Why was I on top of him like that? I didn't remember moving! He must have moved me while I was sleeping!'

'No he wouldn't have done that, this was my fault. I would have woken up if he had moved me. I must have done it while I was sleeping, trying to get comfortable. Plus, Ronde looked more confused than I was.'

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