Chapter 16 A Surprising Revelation.

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Special Thanks to my Beta Reader TheLoversTheDreamersAndMe for fixing the grammar in this chapter.


For what I could tell it's been 7 or 8 hours since we left Berk. Ronde and I switched places watching our dragons. Some of them already fell asleep but Hookfang was having a hard time relaxing in his room, so I offered him the last bit of dragon nip in my pocket. He fell asleep a few minutes later. But Toothless..., I still believe he's sad about Hiccup being kidnapped. He won't even look at me when I call him.

I decided it was probably best for me to leave him alone for now. So I climbed to the top deck of the ship, thanks to the latch.

I heard a voice on the side of me, "You know there are stairs you can take at the end of the hallway and they lead-up to here."

I turned around to see Ronde at the front of the ship, looking up towards the night sky. He wasn't even looking at me when he asked:

"How are the dragons? Are they calm and adjusted to their rooms?"

I walked towards the front of the ship beside him and said, "Toothless is still a little sad but the rest are asleep, I had to give some dragon nip to Hookfang."

Then I noticed he stepped away from me, "You had dragon nip and didn't tell me!?"

I was surprised he yelled at me.

"I didn't know I was supposed to tell you that I had any."

"I'm sorry it's you have any more?" He asked.

"No, I gave the last of it to Hookfang."

He sighed in relief, "Good, I can't be near that stuff."

"Why?" I didn't respond for a while.

"Like some dragons, there are people that can be affected by dragon nip. I'm one of those people. When I'm around it I lose all sense of right and wrong and just do stupid things."

"So like if you were drunk," I stated.

"No, much worse. I'll say and do things that I wouldn't do. I could be dangerous and hurt people around me. I barely remember the events after the effect wears off. So that why I'm a little cautious."

"I see, well, it's all gone."

He didn't say anything, he just continued staring at the night both just stare at the night sky, so I asked him, "It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Yeah it is. I forgot how beautiful the night sky is around this time of the night. With the stars adding their illuminations in the darkness, I miss being up there, beyond the clouds."

I looked towards him confused, "What do you mean?"

His eyes widened from realization as if he wasn't supposed to say that, "Oh, sorry, I was just rambling." He got up and walked towards the middle of the ship. "I believe we will get to their island within 3 hours, so if you want I can continue answering some of your questions on the second floor."

I followed him towards the set of stairs that he was talking about. We were on the second floor and he led me towards the hallway.

"Well, what would you like to know about me?" he asked.

I had plenty but let's start with something easy, "What was your home like?"

He paused for a moment then answered with a smile on his face.

"My home was beautiful, nice and warm with plenty of wildlife. I was in the mainland in my country with 3 other tribes to balance our system, when it came to food, housing, and clothing. Each tribe is responsible for one of those 3 things. The fourth tribe which is mine, we are responsible for balancing the other 3 tribes and possibly trading with those outside of our community among other things.

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