Chapter 22 Encounter

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Special Thanks to Lala2003 for helping with grammar and fixing some of the words in this chapter, and WinterCrystal1009 for fixing the first half of this chapter.


It was very early in the morning, but only a little bit earlier than I usually wake up. I've been going to sleep in the late hours of the afternoon when I'm done with my chiefly duties. Because of all that, I hadn't had the time to finish my latest project yet, but it was almost done. I just needed to collect a few more of T's scales, then test out the flying aspect of the suit. Though I needed to hurry before everyone else woke up, otherwise I wouldn't be able to take Toothless out flying.

"Toothless," I whisper to get his attention, "Come on bud, let's go flying."

Toothless made an excited warbling noise and followed me downstairs. But he was making way too much noise.

"Shhhhh, Toothless. I know —believe me, I'm just as excited— but we need to stay silent," I whispered.

I was in front of my door, hoping to find no one on the other side. "Ok, today is going to be a good day. I'm just going to fly with Toothless for a few hours then come home," I mumbled to myself while turning the doorknob.

When I opened it, I was shocked to see someone standing there. Even more so that it was Ronde, of all people, who was there. He had his hand poised to knock on my door with a confused look on his face. But that's when I noticed that he had new clothes and a bag.

"Oh, you're up already? I was just about to wake you up myself before anyone else got up, but this can work for me," he said while lowering his hand.

"Ronde? What are you doing here this early?" I asked, concerned.

He looked at me, then behind me and saw Toothless, he had a grin on his face and moved aside to let us out and said, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you're trying to sneak out and fly with Toothless again. Well, either I could come with you and ride on Toothless's back, or you could wait for me to find you in the air while I'm a dragon. Either way, I need to talk to you."

I didn't have time to wait. I could only picture Gobber waking up as we spoke. "Fine, get on Toothless and hurry please."

He backed up and gave me and Toothless some space so we could get out of the house. I hastily mounted Toothless' saddle and told Ronde to get on. He climbed on behind and gripped my shoulders. We quickly flew off, away from Berk, but not before I saw Gobber emerging from his own hut. Of course he saw us.


I spurred my dragon even faster away from Berk.

Just as soon as Berk left our sights, Toothless slowed his pace I turned to Ronde and asked, "Ok, what is it you wanted to talk about?"

He let go of my shoulders and held on to the saddle. "Remember yesterday when you were talking to those kids about how you believe that each person should have a dragon of their own?"

"Yes, I remember. Why?"

"Well, what you said, it really resonated with me, and I couldn't stop thinking about it last night. Hiccup, I think I should have a dragon of my own, as a partner."

You know, I hadn't really considered that since I know he can become one. But I couldn't understand why, so I asked him.

"When I decide to leave the village, I want to help if I do get into a situation and I want someone to be around if I get... lonely. As I've said before, that Typhoomerang, the one I named Combustion, helped me stop the Dragon Hunters, but there were times that we were too big to help so I had to try to become human to help free and knock out a few guards. If that were to happen again, I need a dragon to back me up, right?."

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