Between chapters-23.5

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It's been two days since we've left Berk and it's getting closer to dark. But we make it towards the same island we rested on before the day of peace meeting. Only this time we've brought everyone including my mother and mentor. And after this, we have to go on a different path towards my home, but with each mile, I become more anxious. How much has changed? What are the dragons doing? How much have the dragons integrated into our homes? What has my family been doing without me?

These thoughts just continue to bother me as I was laying down on the soft grass.

The others were around the campsite that they made telling stories and eating fruit that they found. They already had their tents set up. They looked like they were having fun but I just had too much going through my mind right now I just needed some space away from them.

After a while they all went towards their tents with their dragons he fell asleep but my mentor and my mother were coming towards me.

My mother called out to me, "Hey Ronde what wrong? You didn't even try to talk to any of us during the campfire. Those folks have some very interesting stories."

I looked away from her, "Yeah I've heard a few myself."

My mentor then said, "Yeah something wrong with you. What's the matter? Are you mad at us or something? Did we do something to bother you?"

I looked towards them, "No, it's nothing like that it just...I have so many things going through my head right now. I'm still scared to return home and I don't know why. You guys are here but..."

My mother looks sad, "But what son?"

I didn't know what to say to her.

My mentor then spoke up, "Ronde I believe it just guilt from being away for so long. But trust me once we get there you'll be happy."

Perhaps, but still its my sister's and father I'm worried about seeing, and my grandmother I bet she thinks I hate her for doing this to me. If anything I should be thanking her for trying to save my life.

My mentor and mother sat down next to me much to my surprise. My mother was the closest and began rubbing my cheek, "My son everything is going to be ok. I understand that you're nervous I would be too but remember we're going as a family you won't be alone."

I somewhat turned my head away from her. I am not sure if it was nervousness it is more of an uneasy feeling I was having. I am excited to return, yes, am I happy that my mother has accepted me like this, yes. But something is wrong, it's like something is missing almost.

Maybe I am just nervous and just overthinking this. I should be happy that I'm here with them.

I looked over towards them, "I'm fine I just need time to think about stuff before we return home. I appreciate you two checking on me but I just need time. But what were you and the others talking about?"

They both looked at each other and smiled, "Well there were telling us about their adventures when they were teenagers and how they integrated dragons into their homes although it seems they had more difficulty then what we have to go through which is funny to me because their village is smaller."

"Well I guess that something we agree on, their village is only close to a tenth of our village not including the other 3," I said to them.

My mentor then spoke up, "Hey so Ronde is there anyone in this village that you have any interest in?"

I only stared at him, "Mother already asked me that and the answer is no not right now. I don't have any interest in anyone in this group also but you would probably be interested in one of them, she is a strong warrior that's self-taught, you can show her how to properly fight but I don't have any interest in her, she is just a friend with a boyfriend might I add. But I already have someone in mind but they're not from this village."

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