In Their Mind-Update

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Another update to the story, this part of the story happens at the end portion of chapter 19. This way you could see what was going through the head of Ronde and another special character. Enjoy.


The day of peace was finally over and I finally saw my parents after all these years. I was happy to see them but then that happiness turned into sadness, they looked so happy without me being in their lives. But I know that people need to move on with their lives, they can't stay sad forever. But the way my mother looked, she was happy to listen to the others within this place, she was also so invested in Hiccup while he was speaking. Until my father interrupt him when he was almost finished speaking. Then he came towards us, every fiber in my body wanted to scream, pounce and hurt him for everything he's done to me while I was a child but I stood my ground and clawed the ground to try to calm myself down. But when he threatened to destroy Berk I lost myself for just a moment but I knew that that was just a threat to get a reaction from Hiccup. But still, that is something he would do, I needed to vent, I needed to get this anger out before I do something I will regret. I yelled into the fireplace and in the process, a stream of flames came out. But that doesn't matter, this meeting is over and now we're going back to Berk.

"Well, it looks like we made no progress in the way of connections with other tribes," Hiccup said out loud.

"What did you expect?" I asked, "People cheering for you and praising me and Stormfly?"

"Look, I tried, ok? People are just very stubborn. But that doesn't matter, what about you? Are you satisfied with coming here?"

"Yes, I have seen what I needed to see. Now, let's hurry back to Berk so I can decide what to do next."

"Oh, did you have something in mind?" asked Astrid.

"I need to blow off some steam, I'm still angry at my...king for what he did."

"So that man was your king after all?" Astrid asked.

"Yes, and I didn't think it was possible, but he's worse then I remember."

I didn't want to talk about this any further, my parents had moved on without me so I need to do the same. As much as I do miss them this feeling of loneliness is better than getting rejected from them or anyone. But I'm still sad about not being able to see them again after this.

Astrid must have noticed my sadness and asked, "Does your king mean something to you, like a role model or something?"

"Let's just drop it and go..." a familiar scent had entered my nose, but this smell is the fruit oil of a certain fruit that doesn't even grow on this side of the world. It had an exotic smell yet next to that scent was something else...something I only had a chance to smell once...when I first became a dragon...' NO!'

I turned around to see her walking towards us, but why here!? Why now? Did she know that I'm this dragon in front of her!?

Excuse me, may I speak with you," My mother asked.

Both Astrid and Hiccup turned around to see my mother in her dark blue robe she wears when she presenting around others. She continued to speak to them, "So, are you the Dragon Riders that I have been hearing rumors about?"

'She not here for me...' I was both happy and sadden again. Why am I? Why do I keep getting mix emotions when I see them? Do I feel guilty or something?

"Yes, but who are you?" Hiccup asked.

My mother looked shocked, "Oh, I'm sorry. I heard that first impressions matter so how could I forget to introduce myself. I'm sorry; my name is Neurie. I am the queen of Afri, and wife of the man who...made a scene during your moment."

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